Tag Archives: professional development

The 10-Minute International Librarian #37: Think of a learning resource you can create

We all have knowledge and experience that we can share, just as we all have things to learn from others.

If you completed our 31st 10-Minute International Librarian exercise, you will already have thought about what it is that you can offer.

Of course, effective sharing of knowledge can be as much about the way you do it – your technique – as the knowledge itself.

So it’s worth thinking about the way in which you present what you want to share, so that you are as effective as possible.

And in particular in times that digital tools are the main – even the only – way of teaching and learning, developing materials that can work well online is more and more important.

So for our 37th 10-Minute International Librarian exercise, think of a learning resource you can create.

It doesn’t need to be complicated or long. Indeed, the simpler you can make it, the better!

Think about how you can lead the learner through the process, step-by-step. Bear in mind that they may not have much time, or brain-space to be able to deal with large amounts of information.

Think about your own learning style, and those of people you know. What will work best for them.

Of course, actually creating a resource will take more than 10 minutes. But if you are able to do this, you can then share it on a website or Open Educational Resources learning platform!

Share your best experiences of learning resources – or links to resources you have created yourself! – in the comments section below.

Good luck!


This idea relates to the IFLA Strategy! Key Initiative 3.4: Provide targeted learning and professional development.

You can view all of our ideas using the #10MinuteInternationalLibrarian tag on this blog, and of course on IFLA’s Ideas Store! Do also share your ideas in the comments box.

The 10-Minute International Librarian #33: Make a Library Resolution

It’s a cliché, but the start of a new year is a good time to make plans and commitments.

Before things get too busy, you can identify things you can do differently – and hopefully better – and so grow in your job.

You may not know what the outcome will be, but you can only learn by trying new things!

So for our 33rd 10-Minute International Librarian exercise, make a library resolution.

Pick something you have maybe identified as a person goal in the past year, such as delivering a project, or learning a new skill or developing your knowledge or connections.

You can look back at some of our previous 10-Minute International Librarian ideas so far for inspiration.

A great idea can be to find a way to make your own work and practice more international!

Let us know your resolutions in the comments box below.


This idea relates to the IFLA Strategy! Key Initiative 2.3: Develop standards, guidelines, and other materials that foster best professional practice.

You can view all of our ideas using the #10MinuteInternationalLibrarian tag on this blog, and of course on IFLA’s Ideas Store! Do also share your ideas in the comments box.