Tag Archives: Taking Charge of Your Career

CPDWL and M&M Online Coaching during WLIC 2021

Need assistance in achieving your goals or expand your professional development or career? Would you like to tackle challenging situations? Have you ever tried the business method of coaching?

The IFLA Coaching Initiative, founded by IFLA’s Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning (CPDWL) and Management & Marketing (M&M) Sections, invites colleagues registered for WLIC 2021 without any additional costs to take part in an online coaching session.

Coaching is currently available in the following languages: Bosnian, Cantonese/Mandarin, Croatian, Dutch, English, German, Hindi, Italian, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Serbian, Spanish and Swedish.

To prepare for the session as a coachee please visit the Coachee Information and Preparation page: https://lnkd.in/dup8pMn

Book with an individual coach in your time zone at https://lnkd.in/d5YnCyi .

Available Dates: August 9 – 13 & 23 – 27, 2021

For further information please contact [email protected]


Webinar: The Portfolio Process: Capturing and Documenting Your Workplace Learning

Pattern Research Inc. offers a free webinar on Wednesday, March 11, 2020 12:00 PM MDT: The Portfolio Process: Capturing and documenting your workplace learning.

This programme can apply to a broad audience inside and outside of the library community, from people starting their careers to people looking to advance in their workplaces to people wanting to document their accomplishments and abilities for current and future employers, as well as people wanting to track informal learning in CE classes and experiential opportunities.It`s interesting for adult educators and trainers, human resource personnel, career coaches, college counselors and instructors, and anyone who helps other people, formally and informally, with their careers.

Career portfolios document evidence that you’ve learned and mastered skills in your workplace, in continuing education, and in formal classrooms. How evidence is documented might be dictated by institutional guidelines. You can create portfolios to earn college credit, record workplace success for evaluations, and present your independent learning and accomplishments to a future employer.

Career portfolios aren’t just about experience; they capture what you have learned, mastered, and applied and how to document and translate that knowledge to satisfy the requirements of employers and higher education.


– Introduction: The Portfolio Process
– The Key Idea: Learning Versus Experience
– What Comprises A Successful Portfolio?
– Student Projects
– College And Professional Certification Programmes
– Workplace Evaluations
– Job-Hunting And Career Development


– Write a workplace autobiography.
– Create and maintain a current career portfolio.
– Document past successes.

Free registration https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1136530389893044748

Thanks to Ray Pun for the information.

Call for proposals: CPDWL Satellite Conference 2015 in South Africa

The CPDWL satellite conference 2015 will be held at Milnerton Public Library north of The Cape Town City 12-14 August. The satellite theme is Taking charge of your LIS career: Personal strategies, institutional programs, strong libraries.

We now invite proposals for papers, research reports, workshops, personal stories, and poster sessions. Some proposals will be considered for publication in the online proceedings in the IFLA institutional repository. First-time presenters and new professionals are encouraged to apply. Students in the final year of studies are also invited to participate.

You find the call on http://conference.ifla.org/ifla81/node/969 where the proposal submission form also is linked.

Looking forward to receiving your proposals on 1 December 2014 at the latest!

Ewa Stenberg, Satellite coordinator


Update Taking charge of your career Workshop

The Summary of the topic:

 How to connect: using social media

Moderator Anne Lehto, Head of Services Tampere University Library, Finland,

e-mail: [email protected]


In the workshop, there were 6 groups attending this round table one group at a time. We discussed the possibilities and challenges of using social media as a tool for professional development. Social media was defined widely in this session meaning different types of communication using web 2.0 technologies which enhance collaboration and include the aspect of interactivity.


1) How to use social media at your library?


There was an interesting IFLA offsite Social Media Workshop by Academic and Research Libraries that took place at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore on 16 August. The theme was Social media strategy in academic libraries – Implementation experience at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Libraries. Some participants in the round table had attended the workshop as well. At NTU it was learned that NTU library had impressively hired 200 students to create social media content. The programme and presentations can be retrieved from http://blogs.ntu.edu.sg/ifla2013/programme/


Furthermore, examples of the use of social media in University library context are numerous, see e.g. Mervi Ahola’s (a social media savvy colleague) prezi-presentation: Social Media in the Work Practices in Tampere University Library:


2) In the workshop, the most common social media tools/technologies (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, blogs, wikis, Linkedin…) were discussed from the point of view of their usefulness to enhance professional development.


It turned out that Facebook was used more for personal purposes than for professional ones; however, there were also participants who shared their experiences of using Facebook to get information about current issues and for informing their professional network.


On the other hand, blogs were commonly used for professional development purposes. Also, Akademia.edu and Researchgate, http://www.researchgate.net/ were mentioned as major professional development networking tools. 


If you are a new professional or a life-long learner, don’t forget IFLA New Professional Special Interest Group’s (NPSIG) blog,http://npsig.wordpress.com. In the blog you will find interesting webinars which have been recorded and are available on the site e.g., “New Librarians Global Connection: best practices, models and recommendations“ is a new series of free quarterly webinars on issues of interest to new librarians, models of library associations and library schools working with new professionals, and groups by and for librarians. The free webinars are presented by IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning  and IFLA New Professionals Special Interest Group in partnership with the American Library Association.


LinkedIn was regarded as an increasingly more important platform for professional development. Other important role of LinkedIn is that it is used for the companies’ recruitment purposes. Thus, keeping your profile up-to-date is necessary if you want to become recognized by the potential head hunters. Technically, you can make your profile more complete by adding your photo, your CV, skills and your areas of interest. We discussed that the more contacts you have in Linkedin – the better it seems, and the more international contacts you have – even better. Do you disagree?


Your contacts in LinkedIn may endorse you for your skills. However, even people who have never met you in real life are able to endorse your skills, as LinkedIn actively invites you to endorse your contacts. The value of such endorsements is therefore controversial.


3) To sum up, there are multiple social media technologies and tools applicable to networking to enhance professional development. As both working time and spare time is limited, you don’t need to adopt them all. Still, it is worthwhile being curious and trying some social media technologies especially as they are mostly freely available. If you don’t get what you expected, just try some other technology that might fulfill your expectations better.


PS. Meanwhile you read this summary, some social media technologies that before were freely available may have turned fee-based or completely disappeared. It is certain that there are still some unexplored technologies that you can use for purposes you might not even know yet.


CPDWL Workshop Taking charge of your career in Singapore

Dear participants of the yesterday`s workshop,

we hope you enjoyed the workshop of CPDWL about Taking charge of your career as much as we did. But we kindly need your support in answering some questions to continue successfully:

1. Do you think the workshop was useful for you?

2. Did you like the format?

3.Did you miss anything?

4.What can we do better?

5. How should we continue?

6. Do you have any recommendations for future needed topics at workshops within the cpdwl field?

Thank you for your support and we will upload achievements and content to our website, blog and facebook page soon.

Please stay in touch and have a safe trip home!
Best regards
Catharina Isberg and Ulrike Lang, Co-Chairs of CPDWL Section

CPDWL Workshop in Singapore: Taking Charge of your Career

Taking Charge of Your Career

IFLA WLIC, Singapore 2013
Wednesday Aug 21, 11.45-13.45

See new brochure designed by Catharina Isberg, below. Also, kindly distribute to your lists and social media!


I am also linking to a blog entry from Ulrike Lang describing the workshop:

CPDWL is happy to welcome you to the roundtable session Taking charge of your career in Singapore during the IFLA Conference.

We`ll start with the lecture Competence wheel: strategic, personal, communicative and professional technical skills, presented by Catharina Isberg, Communication coordinator of CPDWL.

The tables will give attention to:

1. Intercultural competencies for the international floor.  How to behave and react with international counterparts?  Intercultural competence doesn`t mean to resolve differentess but to use it.  We will discuss different behaviours, gestures etc. Host: Ulrike Lang

2. What to do to be published, whom to contact.   Publishing can take many forms – for example blogging, writing book reviews or conference reports, and presenting conference papers. This table will showcase some IFLA options which increase the reach of your work – writing for IFLA and Emerald journals and books. Host: Eileen Breen

3. How to prepare your papers to be published. Publishing papers can advance your career: Learn strategies for getting your interesting results and important best practices published.  This table will cover how you identify the right publication, write for your audience, and present your content for publication. Host: Sandy Hirsh

4. Gap analysis (Self managed career).   As the self-managed career is replacing the traditional career, librarians need to take contol of their own destinies.  Learn tips and techniques for planning the career that you want. Host: Margaret Law

5. Personal skills and competencies. Personal skills are the foundation in leadership as well as in employeeship, where you lead yourself in your daily work. In order to understand other people, you need to understand yourself and your actions. Host: Catharina Isberg

6. How to connect: using social media. Social media – looking at strategies to use social media to continue your professional development or how to manage your own social media profile to enhance your career. Using different social media to network with others in our profession or with our clients. Host: Anne Lehto

7. Internationalizing your career.  Getting the international into your career: hear about strategies for developing cross-cultural competencies and multicultural awareness. Host: Susan Schnuer

8. Alternative career.  Librarians possess many transferrable skills that can be used outside of a traditional library. How do you identify them? What types of jobs are possible? How does one find and obtain these jobs?  Host: Monica Ertel

9. Jump starting career. Learn how to maximize your investment in your personal development. 10 essential education and career resources to help you strategize powerful moves. Join our discussion of a practical shortlist of resources to help you start making connections to continue moving forward. Host: Loida Garcia Febo

10. Professional ethics.  At the library workplace we are challenged by ethical dilemmas quite often. Main issues are free access to information/censorship, privacy, equitable services for everyone… How do you become aware that you are facing a dilemma? How do you treat ethical conflicts? How can professional ethics help you to solve an ethical conflict?  Host: Hermann Roesch