Tag Archives: satellite meetings

Call for proposals: CPDWL Satellite Conference 2015 in South Africa

The CPDWL satellite conference 2015 will be held at Milnerton Public Library north of The Cape Town City 12-14 August. The satellite theme is Taking charge of your LIS career: Personal strategies, institutional programs, strong libraries.

We now invite proposals for papers, research reports, workshops, personal stories, and poster sessions. Some proposals will be considered for publication in the online proceedings in the IFLA institutional repository. First-time presenters and new professionals are encouraged to apply. Students in the final year of studies are also invited to participate.

You find the call on http://conference.ifla.org/ifla81/node/969 where the proposal submission form also is linked.

Looking forward to receiving your proposals on 1 December 2014 at the latest!

Ewa Stenberg, Satellite coordinator


A report from the “Satellite Meeting in Tampere”, 2012

Cut from the CPDWL Newsletter (in the newsletter you’ll also find some pictures)

Juanita Jara de Súmar. Newsletter Editor

The Road to Information Literacy: Librarians as Facilitators of Learning is the title of the Satellite meeting convened jointly by the Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning and Information Literacy Sections and hosted by Tampere University Library, in Tampere, Finland, 8 – 10 August 2012 . The organizing committee was chaired by Susan Schnuer and Leena Toivonen.

Conveners, host and editorial team did a fantastic job,. The venue was excellent and the programme was rich, varied and very interesting. For the first time a CPDWL satellite meeting had it own website http://iflasatellitetampere2012.wordpress.com, where you can find the slide shows that accompanied the presentations.

A mentoring programme for first time participants was offered for this event, The help of seven volunteers coordinated by Arne Gundersen and Zuza Wiorogorska was much appreciated by those who benefitted from it.

Also, as is customary in all CPDWL satellite meetings, the editors of the proceedings: Roisin Gwyer, Ruth Stubbings & Graham Walton delivered the volume containing the Elizabeth Stone Memorial Lecture and 22 selected papers. The proceeding have been published as IFLA Publications Series 157.

A total of 126 registrations were received. Participants came from all five continents, but mainly from Europe. And something they appreciated very much was the friendly atmosphere and the opportunities for networking.

The local committee organized a city and surroundings tour, various library tours, a reception at the Old City Hall, offered by the City of Tampere, and an excellent Conference dinner.

The Conference itself started with a Welcome address from Katja Kannonlahti, the University of Tampere Head of Communications. This was followed by the Elizabeth Stone Memorial Lecture, delivered by Kirsti Lonka from the University of Helsinki, on Engaging Learning Environments for the Future.

The second day started with the Keynote Lecture Facilitating Learning Through Guided Inquiry, delivered by Carol Kuhlthau, Professor Emerita Rutgers University

The rest of the program of the two days was divided in seven sessions, with a total of 37 papers and 6 workshops. There were also 6 poster sessions on display.

The organizers expressed their gratitude to the Tampere University staff who helped in multiple ways and the librarians who conducted visits and library tours, and to Standing Committee members who volunteered to be moderators of the sessions.

And, of course, the coffee breaks and lunches were wonderful!

Additional photos can be seen at http://www.flickr.com/photos/taykirjasto/sets/72157630982989118/show/


IFLA Guidelines for Satellite Meetings

Satellite meetings allows IFLA professional units to devote more time to a specific topic than is available during the IFLA World Library and Information Congress.
The Professional Committee now published guidelines to make sure that any agreements that IFLA enters into are formalized and will have no financial consequences for IFLA.

We are interested in discussing the guidelines with you and will bring your input to the PC.
You can find the guidelines here: