Tag Archives: poster

Translators wanted!












Our new poster promoting the IFLA Guidelines for CPD in the digital environment was proudly launched at the WLIC in Dublin (see the earlier blog post, 27 August 2022). We are now calling for LIS colleagues across the world to translate the poster into their own language(s).

The goal is to ensure that the important messages about the imperative for CPD for everyone working in library and information services is shared, with emphasis on the roles and responsibilities of all the stakeholders when professional learning moves online.

We hope that all national and regional library associations will support the translation of the poster for their members. If you would like to get involved in the translation work (it’s only a couple of hundred words!), please contact Gill Hallam (gillian.hallam1[at]bigpond.com) to request a copy of the poster template file.

We are looking forward to hearing from you very soon!

Webinar Developing a Successful Poster Session

If you missed the online webinar about developing a successful poster session you now have the chance to follow the recording, thanks to ALA https://ala-events.zoom.us/rec/play/upcoIritpmo3GtyU5QSDCvQsW47rfa-shiEc-vUNxRq8AXBSMVSvY7BAZOWUnrcrKNgpSlwQfQllyjJ3?startTime=1582724735000

CPDWL would be very grateful if you could complete after our short survey to improve the upcoming webinars https://survey.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8BrJHSMMyvYKV4p

Thanks to the moderator and presenters and we are happy to continue this fruitful work of creating webinars with NPSIG and ALA.

We also look forward to receive your recommendations for topics of webinars for next year.






Reminder: Webinar Developing a Successful Poster Session – examples from the international floor

On February 26,2020 CPDWL together with New Professionals Special Interest Group (NPSIG) and the support of ALA will present a webinar “Developing a Successful Poster Session – examples from the international floor.

Speakers are:

Edward Junhao Lim, New York University in Shanghai, China: “Designing Butter Posters at library conferences.”

Bruce Herbert, Texas A & M  University, USA: “How I learned to love giving posters – developing a successful poster session”

Juliana Es M. Munawir, Mohamed Fadzli M. Fauzi, Selangor Public Library Corporation, Malaysia: “From textual description to graphical info”

Date: February 26

Time: 06:00 PT / 08:00 CT (Chicago) / 09:00 EDT (New York) / 15:00 CET (Amsterdam) / 16:00 EET (Helsinki) /22:00 Kuala Lumpur /  00:00 AEST (Brisbane)
Check the scheduled time in your location.
