Tag Archives: CPDWL

Congratulations to our newly elected CPDWL officers 2023 – 2025

All the best to our newly elected CPDWL officers.

Chair: Man Yi Helen Chan (China)
Secretary: Carmen Lei (China)
Information Coordinator: Joan Weeks (United States of America).

We are looking forward to your fresh ideas for new projects and continuation of existing working groups and projects. For sure you will get all needed support from the SC members and Advisory group members. The community worldwide is waiting for the future work of CPDWL section.


Information for Coachees

Check out the new content on the Coaching project webpage https://www.ifla.org/node/93744

Vera Keown from the Management & Marketing Section, the project partner of CPDWL since 2018, created useful information for coachees to prepare their first coaching session with us or in a different environment. To showcase the international community the original English information is already translated in all official IFLA languages and into Swedish. More translations to come.

These Coachee information and preparation will help LIS professionals for the second round of online coaching during this year’s WLIC 2021 in the second half of August.

Timing and booking will be announce later this Spring.

And still the Coaching Initiative is looking for Coaches.

If you are interested in being a coach, send your expression of interest to:

Carmen Lei [email protected] or
Barbara Schleihagen [email protected]

And if you haven’t visit the webpage so far check out the webinars and coaching resources https://www.ifla.org/cpdwl/projects


Attend Bilingual Virtual Conference focused on Civic Engagement March 25-26, 2021

I am very excited to announce a free bilingual Spanish/English conference – Seguimos Creando Enlaces 2021: Civic Engagement in Action – which will be taking place online over two days from March 25th-March 26th 2021 from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm US-Pacific Time each day.

This mini-conference is part of the Library 2.0 Worldwide Virtual Conference series, which was started in 2011 and was founded based on many of the principles of civic engagement. Civic engagement is all about making a difference in the civic life of our communities and about promoting the quality of life in a community. Civic engagement activities range from voting to volunteering as well as other activities that benefit society. Libraries are an essential part of helping communities thrive and libraries have a key role to play in engaging with individuals and groups to help them participate actively in civic activities.

This mini-conference differs from the typical Library 2.0 Worldwide Virtual Conference in several ways.

  • It is the first completely bilingual Library 2.0 conference ever offered since the conference series was founded. All sessions will be offered in both Spanish and English.
  • The sessions are spread over two days instead of just one day; this is to accommodate the additional time it takes to translate content.
  • This conference was a true collaboration of multiple organizations all working closely together to ensure that great content would be included and available in both English and Spanish. Library 2.0 Worldwide Conference Series is partnering with the Seguimos Creando Enlaces (Creating Connections) bilingual conference to bring it online; the conference is presented by the San José State University School of Information, Library 2.0 Worldwide Virtual Conference Series, Southern California Library Cooperative in partnership with the SERRA Library Cooperative, and the California State Library.

Registration is free, and attendees will have the option to view live presentations in English and Spanish. Sessions will be recorded and made available after the event.

Seguimos Creando Enlaces 2021: Civic Engagement in Action

  • Who Should Attend: Librarians, library staff members and library school students from around the globe
  • When: March 25 and 26, 2021
  • Time: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Pacific Time each day (UTC-7)
  • Where: Online via Zoom
  • Cost: FREE!
  • Presentations and Speakers: Conference Schedule
  • REGISTER NOW! (English form)
  • REGISTER NOW! (Spanish form)

I hope you will be able to join the conference to learn about different perspectives related to civic engagement, meet colleagues from the US, Mexico and across the globe, and engage in interactive discussions through the virtual conference.

ISSN for scientific blogs

In Germany we have right now a discussion to assigned ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) for scientific blogs.

Typically ISSN are used for continuous publications that appear numbered or dated. But also scientific blogs or databases of general interest can be registered. In the allocation, only the formal criteria are examined. A substantive examination or evaluation of the quality of the contributions published therein does not take place.

The international ISSN Centre in Paris coordinates the work of the national centres. The international ISSN database https://portal.issn.org/  now more then two million ISSN with their titles and short bibliographical descriptions is constantly growing.

What are the arguments to register for a ISSN if you are publishing a blog?

  1. Better visibility. For ex. with an ISSN in Germany you will be listed in the Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZBD) https://zdb-katalog.de/index.xhtml
  2. Long-term citation through long-term archiving. National libraries will archive blogs if they have a ISSN in the automated webharvesting.

As the awarding of the ISSN is free of charge I would recommend to register the CPDWL blog.


Michael Knoche: Warum ISSN für Blogs?, in: Aus der Forschungsbibliothek https://biblio.hypotheses.org/2080

Mareike König ISSN für für Blogs bei de.hypotheses – praktische Hinweise 

Webarchivierung der DNB 



Coaching goes online!

The work group for the IFLA Coaching Initiative run by CPDWL and M&M has met and decided to take the coaching to the digital sphere. Since the WLIC in Dublin is cancelled, the work group aims at offering online coaching of some kind, instead of the session planned for WLIC. Information about the format will come, read more on the CPDWL website and in the CPDWL Newsletter!

The coaching work group
Ewa Stenberg, CPDWL

Webinar Developing a Successful Poster Session

If you missed the online webinar about developing a successful poster session you now have the chance to follow the recording, thanks to ALA https://ala-events.zoom.us/rec/play/upcoIritpmo3GtyU5QSDCvQsW47rfa-shiEc-vUNxRq8AXBSMVSvY7BAZOWUnrcrKNgpSlwQfQllyjJ3?startTime=1582724735000

CPDWL would be very grateful if you could complete after our short survey to improve the upcoming webinars https://survey.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8BrJHSMMyvYKV4p

Thanks to the moderator and presenters and we are happy to continue this fruitful work of creating webinars with NPSIG and ALA.

We also look forward to receive your recommendations for topics of webinars for next year.






Work hacks – upset those work routines

Nothing is more seductive than (work) routines and the notion of ” that`s the way we’ve always done it”. When we work reliably then we get reliable results – but rarely something that surprises, that is new or leads unexpectedly to completely new findings. Sometimes just small changes help teams to come to new conclusions.

Can only software specialists hack? No, in the meantime, the term “hack” has become generally accepted as an unusual and creative way of solving a problem. In this sense, much can be “hacked” – even the work.

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