Tag Archives: ALA

Managing conflict for Supervisor Success

One of the American Library Association (ALA) LearnRT workgroups has produced a new manager training module about Managing Conflict.

The key learning objectives are:

  1. Supervisors will manage healthy relationships between themselves and their peers by fostering a positive and mutually supportive workplace environment.
  2. Supervisors will foster healthy relationships among staff by effectively navigating conflict and resolving differences, skillfully engaging in difficult conversations and finding mutually successful outcomes.

You can follow on  https://www.webjunction.org/news/webjunction/managing-conflict-for-supervisor-success.html

Thanks for the information to Jana Varlejs


German library conference 2019

The German library conference took place this year in Leipzig. It is the biggest annual librarian`s conference in Europe. More than 260 lectures, workshops and hand-on-labs were presented together with a huge exhibition of hard-, software and services. Under the title “Libraries for change”  4000 librarians from Germany, neighbouring countries and abroad met to discuss a huge variety of topics. Societies are changing and libraries have to follow these dynamics with innovative concepts and lifelong learning staff members.

The last three years ALA was partner of the German library associations. This year the official partnership switched to the Netherlands where the libraries are very active to promote “the library as a third place”.

One of the recurring themes were fake news and the best way to deal with. “Put the focus on the victims and the outcome instead of only looking at the offenders and give them another platform to be famous” a journalist proposed.

More and more frequently, false information is scattered across all communication channels in order to influence public opinion or to discredit other-minded people. Portrait photos with quotes take out of context, which are often distributed via social networks, are just the tip of the iceberg. In their role as information brokers, libraries must counter this and empower more and more people to distinguish fake news from actual news. There were plenty of suggestions for such formats for work on the ground – especially for the youth. And of course the education and strengthening of our own staff is very important not only in this context.

More than 400 presentations are already uploaded online for those who want to recap or had not the chance to participate in Leipzig. Most of the follow-ups are in German but some are in English, too.  And more will be uploaded in the next weeks. At the  BIB Opus publication server you can also find the presentations of the past German and Austrian library conferences, the articles of some German library journals in fulltext and more.

Recording available– Free IFLA/ALA webinar “New Librarians Global Connection: best practices, models and recommendations

Dear colleagues:

We continue to work to provide opportunities for membership participation via new worldwide online programming. Here, below, is the link to the recording of the IFLA/ALA free webinar with Speakers:
IFLA President Elect, Sinikka Sipila from Finland:: Susanne Riedel, former President of German Library Association:: Kate Byrne, Program Coordinator of International Librarians Network, Australia.

Best regards,

Free IFLA/ALA webinar, April 16: “New Librarians Global Connection: best practices, models and recommendations”

Dear colleagues:

 We are proud to present  the 2013 webinar series

“New Librarians Global Connection: best practices, models and recommendations.”

For the second consecutive year, IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning and IFLA New Professionals Special Interest Group are partnering with the American Library Association to present a series of free quarterly webinars on issues of interest to new librarians, library associations and library schools, library-decision makers, and all library workers. This is a great opportunity for membership participation via new worldwide online programming.

Following our tradition of excellence, this year our keynote speakers for each of our quarterly sessions come from different regions of the world. They include IFLA Incoming President, Sinikka Sipilä, and the President of the Library Association of Singapore, Gene Tan.

Below, the date and time of the next webinar. Save the date!

April 16, 2013

9:00 a.m. CDT

10:00 a.m. EDT

4:00 p.m. CET

10:00 p.m. Singapore

World Clock http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/

Link to access the virtual meeting room https://ala.adobeconnect.com/_a1087453682/r2mbuhtqssm/

 Webinar length is one hour.


Keynote by  Sinikka Sipilä, IFLA President Elect and Secretary General of the Finnish Library Association.Keynote topics: Strong libraries for equal and innovative societies, advocacy, how IFLA works and how to join.

Susanne Riedel, former President of the German Library Association for Library Professionals, Head of Support Team Publication Services at the Electronic Services Department, St. Bielefeld University. Topics include professional development, intergenerational librarianship, mentoring, librarians and change.

Kate Byrne, University of New South Wales and Program Coordinator of International Librarians Network, Australia. Second generation librarian speaking about building new professionals communities. http://ilnetwork.wordpress.com/about/whos-who/

The topics for the webinars were compiled from surveys, Proceedings from CPDWL Satellite Conference for WLIC 2012, topics presented by speakers during the NPSIG and MLAs program at the WLIC 2012 in Helsinki, NPSIG working group, and new librarians’ forums, listservs and online spaces.

The quarterly webinars will be presented in January, April, July and October 2013. Stay tuned for more news!

The webinars are archived, therefore you can join them, ask questions and participate in conversations with international colleagues live, or you can listen to them later, anywhere at any time. To listen to the January webinar with Keynote by Gene Tan, President of the Library Association of Singapore and Director of the National Library of Singapore, visit the following link  https://ala.adobeconnect.com/_a1087453682/p8vrs3hmzwk/?launcher=false&fcsContent=true&pbMode=normal

For more information about the 2012 ‘New Librarians Global Connection: best practices, models and recommendations’ series, visit http://npsig.wordpress.com/webinars/


Questions and requests for information:

Loida Garcia-Febo

Series Coordinator

[email protected]


Save the Date! Free IFLA/ALA webinar “New Librarians Global Connection…”

Dear colleagues:

Please save the date for our next free quarterly webinar scheduled for April 16! IFLA President Elect will deliver the Keynote for the event. More information coming up soon!

The event is also listed on the online IFLA calendar here.

Archive available for New Librarians Global Connection: best practices, models and recommendations

Dear colleagues:

Thanks for registering for “New Librarians Global Connection: best practices, models and recommendations“ on October 10, 2012. You can visit this link to watch the recording of the webinar.

“New Librarians Global Connection: best practices, models and recommendations“ is a series of free quarterly webinars on issues of interest to new librarians, models of library associations and library schools working with new professionals, and groups by and for librarians. The free webinars are presented by IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning and IFLA New Professionals Special Interest Group in partnership with ALA.


  • Dr. R. David Lankes, Professor and Dean’s Scholar for the New Librarianship at Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies and Director of the Information Institute of Syracuse. His book, The Atlas of New Librarianship won the 2012 ABC-CLIO/Greenwood Award for the Best Book in Library Literature. Lankes is a passionate advocate for librarians and their essential role in today’s society. http://quartz.syr.edu/blog/?page_id=27
  • Tamara Capper, Library Projects Coordinator for Murdoch University Library. Regional Convener, Western Australia, Australian Library and Information Association’s New Graduates Group, and Melanie Chivers, outgoing ALIA New Graduates Group National Convener and member of the Marketing Committee for the 6th New Librarians’ Symposium.  Featuring a model of library associations working with new librarians.    http://www.alia.org.au/groups/newgrad/
  • Annie Pho, Reference and Instruction librarian at Ivy Tech Community College. Managing Editor at Hack Library School. Featuring a group by and for librarians. http://hacklibschool.wordpress.com/

The series explores useful topics to help new professionals at various stages of their career, including:

  • LIS school curriculum, gained skills and degrees vs. “the reality” at work. Bridging the gap between theory and practice. How to deal with generational differences at work?
  • Mentoring and best practices including pros and cons of different approaches like peer-to-peer, and classical mentor-mentee relationships.
  • How to develop leadership skills as a new professional: programs, mentoring, and learning by doing. Working abroad, leaving your home country.
  • Continuing Professional Development for new professionals, how to stay up to date from the very start even if conditions at work (funding/permission to attend conferences, support with writing articles, etc.) are not the best.

For more information about prior webinars, visit IFLA NPSIG’s blog http://npsig.wordpress.com/webinars/

Questions and requests for information:
Loida Garcia-Febo
Series Coordinator
[email protected]

Visit IFLA CPDWL’s blog http://www.ifla.org/cpdwl  & Follow on Twitter @IFLACPDWL
Follow IFLA NPSIG on Twitter @npsig & Like on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/npsig