Monthly Archives: October 2022

10th Forum of Young Librarians of Russia

The 10th Forum of Young Librarians of Russia was held in Moscow on the 11-
13th of October, 2022, and was designed to promote professional development
of young librarians, to increase their motivation to improve competencies and
boost their creativity, to create favourable conditions for professional
networking and launching team projects.
Themed “Show Yourself to the World”, the Forum was the largest in the history
of the young librarians movement in the country. Supported by the Ministry of
Culture of Russia and Russian Library Association, the Forum brought together
over 350 new professionals from more than 60 regions of the Russian
The Russian State Library for Young Adults, M. Rudomino All-Russia State
Library for Foreign Literature and the Russian State Library developed the
concept and organized this significant event, supported by the Russian Library
Association, federal libraries and the Moscow library system.
Among the Forum’s speakers and coaches were prominent library experts, as
well as IT and creative industry professionals, specialists in social
entrepreneurship and the arts, career development and advancement.
It was important for young librarians to meet prominent people in their
profession and to feel the attention and interest on the part of the high-ranking
officials who determine the development trajectory of the country. President of
the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Minister of Culture of the Russian
Federation Olga Lyubimova, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Youth
Affairs Artem Metelev made welcoming addresses to the participants. The
experienced library experts shared memories, gave advice, laid out their vision.
The three-day program included about 80 events at more than 20 venues. The
discussions centered upon realities and prospects of the library field in Russia.
On the first day the panel discussion, “Knowledge economy: what a young
person needs to know and be able to do to become part of it”, was aimed at
engaging new professionals in an intensive process of learning new ideas and
providing them with the skills and abilities, which they could utilize back in
their regions.
On the second day the participants were offered a variety of interactive events at
eight federal libraries, which hosted lectures, discussions, pitch sessions,
training sessions and master classes, introducing the participants to their
practices and inviting them to join the on-going projects as well as to produce

their own. In the afternoon, 32 papers were delivered in the pitch sessions under
the themes “How can library become a driver of creativity and intellect?» and
«Dialogue of Cultures in the Library». The communication at the Forum
enriched the participants with new knowledge and emotions and resulted in
growing friendship between people, libraries and cities.
The third day of the Forum was marked by a highlight event – the ten (out of
90) shortlisted teams from the regions of Russia presented their projects within
the All-Russia competition for the best library project held among new
professionals. The competition showcased projects related to creative industries,
inclusion, volunteering, local studies, information literacy, organization of
library space, promotion of books and reading, etc. The three winning projects,
which came up with the most creative and enriching practices, were announced
based on the results of the on-site electronic voting of the Forum participants
and the professional jury. The winners were awarded diplomas, cash certificates
and gifts.
The first prize was awarded to the project “Library Volunteers, Sparkles of
Good” from the town of Beriozovsky (Sverdlovsk Oblast). The local librarians
view their library as an open and inclusive space offering equal opportunities to
everyone. In 2013, they launched an inclusive television studio «Compass TV»
as part of the library volunteers club “Sparkles of Good”. It has brought together
disabled young adults from the local municipality. The TV studio helps them
record podcasts, make and edit videos and movies about books, libraries,
museums. The volunteers assist their library in organising events, eg meetings
with interesting people, training workshops.
The second prize was won by the Ilyinka Digital project from the city of Nizhni
Novgorod. One of the city library branches set up a creative space for youth
where IT-technologies help reconstruct the historical appearance of Ilyinka
Street and its surroundings. The modern digital methods of 3D modelling and
holography restore images of the historical buildings. The users can conduct
research in local studies on their own and discover the city’s historical and
cultural heritage.
The third prize was given to the project “Emotional Map of Kolomna”
presented by the team from the town of Kolomna (Moscow Region). In 2021,
the public libraries of Kolomna launched an interactive map displaying town
sights which are ideal to dream or appoint romantic dates or spend time alone,
etc. The sights include photographs, brief historical overviews and legends
associated with the places, as well as an audio guide of stories told by town
residents, thus incorporating their impressions of the native town. Anyone can

use the Emotional Map of Kolomna to line up a route and delve into the local
history. This project reveals the local people’s emotional ties to their hometown,
upholds them and generates a genuine interest in the local cultural heritage.
These winning projects constituted the first contribution to the Bank of Creative
Ideas and Innovative Practices, a project realized by the Russian State Library
for Young Adults with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian
The host of the next Forum of Young Librarians of Russia in 2023 will be the
city of Chelyabinsk and the Chelyabinsk Regional Universal Scientific Library.

The recording in Russian can be viewed here:

CPDWL Standing Committee Member Highlight: Almuth Gastinger

“This is How We Do It: One Professional Development Activity in the Lives of Librarians from Around the World” is a new series from the IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section to highlight our standing committee members, who they are and what they do!

In this post, we highlight Almuth Gastinger, CPDWL secretary and standing committee member!

Why are you a standing committee member of CPDWL and what are you working on for CPDWL Section at the moment? 
Almuth: I have been interested in international collaboration for a long time. Consequently, I began to be interested and involved in IFLA in 2003. After eight years with the Information Literacy Section I wanted to continue being an active member of a standing committee. Because of my interest for and the huge importance of continuing professional development (CPD) I chose the CPDWL Section and was elected to the CPDWL standing committee in 2015. At the moment, I am secretary of the section, I am a member of the Coaching working group and I contribute to the CPDWL blog and newsletter.
What is one advice you have for new librarians interested in getting involved in IFLA or in their library associations for professional development? 
Almuth: Become a member of your national library association. Then find out whether it has a group for new professionals. If there is one get in touch and offer to contribute to their work/projects and check with them for possibilities for CPD. You will expand your network very soon and can develop from there. Likewise if you want to get involved in IFLA. Get in touch with its new professionals group and ask for advice regarding professional development.

Libraries for a better world: a decade of action – The 29th Brazilian Congress

From September 26 to 30, 2022 took place  the 29th CBBD (Brazilian Congress of Librarianship and Documentation), promoted by FEBAB (Brazilian Federation of Associations of Librarians, Information Scientists and Institutions) The online event brought the theme Libraries for a better world: a decade of action.

It had an audience of approximately 1,200 participants, more than 90 guest speakers and almost 100 hours of content.


The official language of the Congress was Brazilian Portuguese and it was translated into Brazilian Sign-Visual Language (LIBRAS) and also into English and Spanish.


Although the CBBD was online, it was very similar to going to a face-to-face conference, the participant could visit different auditoriums, go to the deliberation rooms or participate in the research presentation hall.

The Congress program included: lectures, conferences, round tables, mentorships, workshops.

Parallel events were also held: Public Libraries Forum; Art Libraries Forum; University Libraries Forum; Prison Libraries Forum; A Seminar on Ethnic-Racial Relations; Cataloging Forum; National Seminar on Legal Documentation and Information; Discussion Forum on Competence in Information; Roundtable and debate of Contemporary Perspectives on Copyright.


I, Claudiane, coordinated the talk with current IFLA Governing Board Member, Jonathan Hernández, and we talked about “IFLA and the Promotion of Young Leadership”. I was also able to expose some of the activities and initiatives of the CPDWL Section, such as the coaching sessions, the knowledge cafe, etc. And showed some good experiences about what it is and how to participate in a section of IFLA and also in Brazilian Associations.

In addition to the aforementioned, the highlights of the Congress were: a) Presentation of the Preliminary Results of the Census of Brazilian Librarianship; b) Presentation of the Accessible Libraries Network; c) Libraries BR Platform: mapping of Brazilian libraries. These three will be the subject of a new post where I will give details of each of these projects underway in Brazil.

CPDWL Standing Committee Member Highlight: Mantra Roy

“This is How We Do It: One Professional Development Activity in the Lives of Librarians from Around the World” is a new series from the IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section to highlight our standing committee members, who they are and what they do!

In this post, we highlight Mantra Roy, CPDWL standing committee member!

Why are you a standing committee member of CPDWL and what are you working on for CPDWL Section at the moment? 
Mantra: I believe that helping a librarian grow with access to new skills, new educational resources, new ways of doing traditional duties – professional development – is essential. CPDWL helps me learn and share, globally, what librarians are doing and can do to continue learning and growing. I am working in the CPDWL award criteria development and also in the global scholarly communications project.
What is one advice you have for new librarians interested in getting involved in IFLA or in their library associations for professional development? 
Mantra: Learn about the organization and its specific project/group you want to join. You need to be sure that your ongoing and forthcoming professional plans align a bit with the organization you want to join for prof development.

“I’m not an optimist, I’m a prisoner of hope” – searching for library activism and new confidence at the IFLA conference in Dublin

Climate crisis, IFLA’s internal issues, the corona pandemic, and Russia’s attack on Ukraine overshadowed the international library meeting organized in Dublin. However, after participating in the event, the overriding feeling was a pure happiness and hopeful movement. Continue reading

Translators wanted!












Our new poster promoting the IFLA Guidelines for CPD in the digital environment was proudly launched at the WLIC in Dublin (see the earlier blog post, 27 August 2022). We are now calling for LIS colleagues across the world to translate the poster into their own language(s).

The goal is to ensure that the important messages about the imperative for CPD for everyone working in library and information services is shared, with emphasis on the roles and responsibilities of all the stakeholders when professional learning moves online.

We hope that all national and regional library associations will support the translation of the poster for their members. If you would like to get involved in the translation work (it’s only a couple of hundred words!), please contact Gill Hallam (gillian.hallam1[at] to request a copy of the poster template file.

We are looking forward to hearing from you very soon!

“As an active member of IFLA for many years, it is a natural part of my commitment”

Translated from an interview with Catherina Isberg with the Swedish Library Association, in Swedish, published on October 6, 2022:

The Swedish Library Association has several interesting and important professional networks. One of them is the network of IFLA, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, which is the world organization for libraries. Catharina Isberg, library manager in Lund, is the contact person for the network.

Continue reading