Author Archives: dariabeliakova

10th Forum of Young Librarians of Russia

The 10th Forum of Young Librarians of Russia was held in Moscow on the 11-
13th of October, 2022, and was designed to promote professional development
of young librarians, to increase their motivation to improve competencies and
boost their creativity, to create favourable conditions for professional
networking and launching team projects.
Themed “Show Yourself to the World”, the Forum was the largest in the history
of the young librarians movement in the country. Supported by the Ministry of
Culture of Russia and Russian Library Association, the Forum brought together
over 350 new professionals from more than 60 regions of the Russian
The Russian State Library for Young Adults, M. Rudomino All-Russia State
Library for Foreign Literature and the Russian State Library developed the
concept and organized this significant event, supported by the Russian Library
Association, federal libraries and the Moscow library system.
Among the Forum’s speakers and coaches were prominent library experts, as
well as IT and creative industry professionals, specialists in social
entrepreneurship and the arts, career development and advancement.
It was important for young librarians to meet prominent people in their
profession and to feel the attention and interest on the part of the high-ranking
officials who determine the development trajectory of the country. President of
the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Minister of Culture of the Russian
Federation Olga Lyubimova, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Youth
Affairs Artem Metelev made welcoming addresses to the participants. The
experienced library experts shared memories, gave advice, laid out their vision.
The three-day program included about 80 events at more than 20 venues. The
discussions centered upon realities and prospects of the library field in Russia.
On the first day the panel discussion, “Knowledge economy: what a young
person needs to know and be able to do to become part of it”, was aimed at
engaging new professionals in an intensive process of learning new ideas and
providing them with the skills and abilities, which they could utilize back in
their regions.
On the second day the participants were offered a variety of interactive events at
eight federal libraries, which hosted lectures, discussions, pitch sessions,
training sessions and master classes, introducing the participants to their
practices and inviting them to join the on-going projects as well as to produce

their own. In the afternoon, 32 papers were delivered in the pitch sessions under
the themes “How can library become a driver of creativity and intellect?» and
«Dialogue of Cultures in the Library». The communication at the Forum
enriched the participants with new knowledge and emotions and resulted in
growing friendship between people, libraries and cities.
The third day of the Forum was marked by a highlight event – the ten (out of
90) shortlisted teams from the regions of Russia presented their projects within
the All-Russia competition for the best library project held among new
professionals. The competition showcased projects related to creative industries,
inclusion, volunteering, local studies, information literacy, organization of
library space, promotion of books and reading, etc. The three winning projects,
which came up with the most creative and enriching practices, were announced
based on the results of the on-site electronic voting of the Forum participants
and the professional jury. The winners were awarded diplomas, cash certificates
and gifts.
The first prize was awarded to the project “Library Volunteers, Sparkles of
Good” from the town of Beriozovsky (Sverdlovsk Oblast). The local librarians
view their library as an open and inclusive space offering equal opportunities to
everyone. In 2013, they launched an inclusive television studio «Compass TV»
as part of the library volunteers club “Sparkles of Good”. It has brought together
disabled young adults from the local municipality. The TV studio helps them
record podcasts, make and edit videos and movies about books, libraries,
museums. The volunteers assist their library in organising events, eg meetings
with interesting people, training workshops.
The second prize was won by the Ilyinka Digital project from the city of Nizhni
Novgorod. One of the city library branches set up a creative space for youth
where IT-technologies help reconstruct the historical appearance of Ilyinka
Street and its surroundings. The modern digital methods of 3D modelling and
holography restore images of the historical buildings. The users can conduct
research in local studies on their own and discover the city’s historical and
cultural heritage.
The third prize was given to the project “Emotional Map of Kolomna”
presented by the team from the town of Kolomna (Moscow Region). In 2021,
the public libraries of Kolomna launched an interactive map displaying town
sights which are ideal to dream or appoint romantic dates or spend time alone,
etc. The sights include photographs, brief historical overviews and legends
associated with the places, as well as an audio guide of stories told by town
residents, thus incorporating their impressions of the native town. Anyone can

use the Emotional Map of Kolomna to line up a route and delve into the local
history. This project reveals the local people’s emotional ties to their hometown,
upholds them and generates a genuine interest in the local cultural heritage.
These winning projects constituted the first contribution to the Bank of Creative
Ideas and Innovative Practices, a project realized by the Russian State Library
for Young Adults with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian
The host of the next Forum of Young Librarians of Russia in 2023 will be the
city of Chelyabinsk and the Chelyabinsk Regional Universal Scientific Library.

The recording in Russian can be viewed here:

Multicultural Library: Reality and Prospects

The Russian Federation declared 2022 the Year of Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of Russia. This decision is in tune with the International Decade of the World’s Indigenous Languages (IDIL 2022-2032) proclaimed by the UN General Assembly (A/RES/74/135 Resolution).

In pursuance of it, the Russian institutions of culture, including libraries, have run cultural, educational, and professional events showcasing cultural diversity and promoting the local tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

Over many years Library for Foreign Literature (LFL) has lent methodological support to the activities of Russian libraries. LFL’s major annual professional forum, April Library Moscow Agenda (ALMA), this year is designed to help Russian libraries to develop services for multicultural populations.

On 6 April, 2022, Library for Foreign Literature held the 5th international ALMA forum dedicated to LFL’s 100th birthday. The event gathered representatives of regional libraries of Russia and LFL’s partners from the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) countries to discuss the global future of the library field and chart the way forward.

Mikhail Afanasiev, RLA president, and director of the State Public Historical Library pointed out that ALMA forums helped define views on the world and indicate what libraries can give the world at present.

“Today, in an age of divides, the library must maintain a sense of a united world. This is the mission that librarians in Russia and in the world need. We are a united community.”

Mikhail Afanasiev

The discussion of modern problems of the multicultural world was the main focus of the meeting. The UN’s initiative, the International Decade of the World’s Indigenous Languages, met with the support of the librarians, who spoke out in favor of making a contribution to tackling these problems.

The keynote address was made by Evgeny Kuzmin, a member of the National Organizing Committee for the 2022–2032 International Decade of Indigenous Languages in Russia, head of the Russian Committee of UNESCO Information for All Program (IFAP), Vice-Chairman of the Intergovernmental Council of UNESCO/IFAP, head of the UNESCO/IFAP Working Group on Preservation of Languages and Development of Linguistic Diversity in Cyberspace. His report, Modern problems of preservation and development of minority languages in the conditions of multilingualism in Russia and in the world: solutions and prospects, elicited a great response and lively discussion among the participants.

Evgeny Kuzmin stressed that issues related to the preservation of indigenous languages should be viewed from different perspectives — complex, multi-layered, civilizational, linguistic, and social. The extinction of indigenous languages and dialects is a consequence of globalization. According to experts, by the mid-XXI century, there will be only 60–70 dominant languages left in the world. All spoken languages will gradually degenerate, including African and eastern languages, which are noted for their ancient roots and richness. It is a great threat to the world’s cultural diversity.

The key role of education and its availability in indigenous languages remained central to the discussion. The librarians addressed the problems of the remoteness of indigenous peoples’ places of residence, the inadequate infrastructure, and the high potential that distance learning has in such territories. The participants in the ALMA forum described solidarity and cohesion of the language communities as one of the key factors in reviving and preserving their languages.

“People should be sufficiently well motivated to preserve their indigenous languages. It includes studying them, keeping up and using in public space, writing books in them, publishing newspapers, dictionaries, putting on plays, raising public awareness of any shifts in the linguistic realm. In cyberspace it implies developing machine translation and speech synthesis. All this is time-consuming and takes a lot of effort. It requires exchange of experience and conducting research.”

Evgeny Kuzmin

Evgeny I. Kuzmin’s presentation (in Russian) can be viewed here.

Further to the topic raised by the keynote speaker was a panel discussion entitled “Big Country and I: Big Opportunities and Big Risks”. It involved leading Russian experts of international and regional organizations for indigenous peoples and preservation of cultural heritage, specialists from major Russian research centers, universities, and publishing houses, as well as linguists, translators, developers of the site, and social media interfaces in indigenous languages.

The experts’ position was clearly stated: everyone has the right to study, read, and speak in their mother tongue, the language of their ancestors, and any multiethnic country has the obligation to allow its nationals to do so. The key role of education and its availability in indigenous languages was an overarching theme of the discussions. As regards the preservation of languages and intangible heritage, it is clear that the development of an effective way forward depends upon the concerted actions of a variety of institutions and sectors: legislation, education, publishing, IT technologies, and, of course, libraries.

The experts shared their unique cases, solutions, and best practices.

The forum‘s recording (in Russian) is available on the portal Culture of the Russian Federation portal.

  • Svetlana A. Gorokhova,
    Academic Secretary, V. Mayakovsky Central City Public Library, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
    Advisor to Director General, M.I. Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature, Moscow, Russia
    Board Member, Russian Library Association (RLA)
    Chair, RLA Section for International Cooperation
    Advisory Group Member, IFLA CPDWL Section
  • ​Daria A. Beliakova,
    Head, Center for Library Science and Professional Interaction, M.I. Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature, Moscow, Russia
    SC Member, IFLA CPDWL Section
  • Translated by Maria Bereslavskaya, Leading Specialist, Center for Library Science and Professional Interaction, M.I. Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature, Moscow, Russia

Library Dialogue of the CIS Countries and Border Territories

Today’s national borders, certainly, pose no obstacle to the development of a single cultural and information space where universal human values are preserved and passed on from generation to generation.

Libraries in border territories have been known for their great contribution to strengthening inter-State socio-cultural ties, preserving the local cultural heritage and fostering the exchange of contemporary cultural achievements. These libraries instill greater respect for the national history in the younger generation. They encourage local people to take part in international cultural projects, which promote tolerance towards other cultures and ways of life and prevent conflict.

Library for Foreign Literature (LFL) in Moscow has been acting as an international activities methodology centre for the libraries in Russia’s regions. LFL has paid great attention to cultural projects involving the CIS countries.

On 18 February, 2022, LFL hosted a meeting entitled “Library Dialogue of the CIS Countries and Border Territories” to exchange professional experience, discuss best practices and work out methods to bolster cooperation between libraries in the border territories.

Over 70 managers and experts from federal and regional libraries in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan participated in the meeting remotely. By inviting Russian libraries which have counterparts in the Nordic and Baltic countries, East Europe and Asia, the hosts have deliberately gone beyond the geographical scope of the Commonwealth of Independent States so that the cross-border cooperation, its practices and opportunities, could be viewed in a broader light.

The main purpose of the meeting was to create a methodology for the development of the international cross-border cooperation for different libraries – from municipal to national ones. That’s why the meeting’s programme was split into two blocks – theoretical and practical. The first block discussed trends in the cross-border cooperation over the past 20 years. The participants listened to presentations by experts from Russia’s leading methodology centres: LFL, Russian State Library, Library Assembly of Eurasia and Intergovernmental Foundation for Educational, Scientific and Cultural Cooperation. The second block highlighted best practices of the cross-border cooperation in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.

The programme was structured as a dialogue between librarians from the CIS countries: they discussed joint projects and analysed their impact on various aspects of the social life in the cross-border communities.

Prior to the meeting, LFL prepared and sent out to the participants a special presentation template to structure the presented factual information:

  1. The title of the project realized by the library in the framework of the cross-border cooperation.
  2. The project’s goals.
  3. The project’s description.
  4. Partners
  5. The results reached in 2020 – 2021.

The presentation’s time limit was 5 min.

This timing mode helped to build a dynamic and well-structured pattern to summarize the practices and identify trends in the cross-border cooperation, taking into account:

  • the region’s history and geography;
  • the project’s political, economic and social background;
  • social and ethnic compositions of the local population, their cultural and educational needs that can be met by the project.

The Library Dialogue meeting allowed its participants to see how the cross-border and, in a broader sense, international cooperation can help strengthen socio-cultural ties. It showed how libraries in the border territories could share their information potential and achieve significant progress in providing library and information services to their ethnic minorities. It also demonstrated opportunities for revitalizing international professional exchange and introducing innovations in the library field.

To summarize the results of the Library Dialogue meeting a methodology document is being prepared to be used as guidelines for developing and implementing international library projects in the cross-border territories.

​Daria Beliakova,

Head, Center for Library Science and Professional Interaction, M. I. Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature, Moscow, Russia,

SC Member of the CPDWL IFLA


Maria Bereslavskaya, Leading Specialist,

Center for Library Science and Professional Interaction, M. I. Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature, Moscow, Russia

Fruitful coaching experience

In August of this year, I took part in coaching sessions as a coach for the first time. Traditionally, these sessions were held on the fields of the IFLA World Library and Information Congress, but in virtual format this time. Therefore, everyone, not just WLIC members, had the opportunity to join the coaching sessions. This year I was the only Russian speaking coach specifically to reach this segment of the library community.

This was my first coaching experience. During 2020 and 2021, I took an online coaching course from Vera Keown and I am very grateful to her for the clear instructions and training materials. These materials really helped me a lot to communicate with my coachee.

As I already mentioned in my review to the CPDWL coaching working group, the distance communication format was the biggest problem. People behave in a different way either face-to-face or online. It is much more difficult to establish a confidential conversation, especially if the person is unfamiliar to you. It is more difficult to identify the signs of non-verbal communication: closed posture, voice intonations. I was lucky that several people who signed up for my coaching sessions live in the same city, and we could talk face to face. These meetings were noticeably more productive.

Also, from my yet limited experience, I realized that the result of communication is more effective and truthful when the coach and the coachee are unfamiliar. While communicating with a familiar person, the coach involuntarily begins to think out and interpret his or her statements, based on his or her opinion about this person, from the previous experience of communicating with this person. But when the coach and the coachee are unfamiliar, then the coach’s mind may be more objective.

I also realized that people who come to a coaching session in most of the cases expect that they will receive specific advice or an action plan for what they should do to achieve their goal. Some of them regard the coach as a mentor, others as a psychologist.

Yes, it is very good if the coach has the skills of a psychologist and mentor, if the coach has developed empathy. But, as I understood, the most important thing is to be able to listen. And, as Vera Keown advises, do not be afraid of pauses in a conversation, do not rush to fill them. Do not give any assessments or advice at all. It was very interesting for me to observe how people talked for a long time and in the course of the conversation they themselves gave answers to their questions. Just because they finally took the time to speak out their doubts, all the pros and cons. Together with me, they looked at their life trajectory from the side and saw it from a new angle. And the solutions were found.

We agreed from the very beginning that we are not looking for solutions to all problems. We set an achievable goal, and my coachee got the understanding at the end of the session: in which direction to go, what to change, what to focus on in order to reach this goal. I regret that several people were disappointed, as they were initially determined to receive recommendations and guidelines, and at the end of the meeting it seemed to them that they had found the answers to their questions by themselves, without any help from my side. But isn’t that a part of the coach’s role?

In conclusion, I would like to say that it was very interesting for me to conduct coaching sessions. It turned out to be useful for the development of my personality as well. Next year, I’d like to continue. Thanks again to the CPDWL coaching working group and Vera Keown!

Daria Beliakova,
Head of the Centre Center for Library Science and Professional Development,
Library for Foreign Literature, Moscow, Russia,
SC Member of the CPDWL IFLA,
[email protected]

Roundtable participation of Russian librarians at the IFLA Congress 2021 by Svetlana A. Gorokhova and Daria Beliakova

Круглый стол по участию российских библиотек в работе Всемирного библиотечного и информационного конгресса ИФЛА 2021 г.



В преддверии Всемирного библиотечного и информационного конгресса ИФЛА (17-19 августа 2021 г.,  онлайн-формат) в Библиотеке иностранной литературы прошел методический круглый стол по участию российских библиотек в работе Конгресса. Организаторами встречи традиционно выступили Центр библиотековедения и профессионального взаимодействия БИЛ,  Русскоязычный центр ИФЛА в РГБ и Секция РБА по международному сотрудничеству.

Это профессиональное событие состоялось  10 августа 2021 г. в гибридном формате: в Библиотеке иностранной литературы и на платформе Zoom. Его участниками стали более 90 человек, в том числе члены профессиональных  структурных подразделений ИФЛА, российские библиотечные специалисты из Москвы, Санкт-Петербурга, Новосибирска, Владивостока, Перми, Калуги, Калининграда, Рязани, Саратова, Сахалина, Петрозаводска, Норильска, Сыктывкара, Боголюбово, Томска, Тюмени, Краснодара, Астрахани, Сургута, Пскова, Самары, Омска, Нижнего Новгорода, Орла, Екатеринбурга, Ростова, представители профильных вузов и СМИ.

Вела встречу Светлана Анатольевна Горохова, советник генерального директора Библиотеки иностранной литературы, ученый секретарь по международной деятельности Центральной городской публичной библиотеки имени В. В. Маяковского, член Правления РБА, председатель Секции РБА по международной деятельности.

Участников приветствовали генеральный директор Библиотеки иностранной литературы Павел Леонидович Кузьмин; президент Российской библиотечной ассоциации, директор Государственной публичной исторической библиотеки Михаил Дмитриевич Афанасьев; генеральный директор Российской государственной библиотеки, вице-президент РБА Вадим Валерьевич Дуда.

П.Л. Кузьмин упомянул, что Библиотека иностранной литературы отмечает в этом году своё 100-летие и отметил вклад, который она вносит   в продвижение работы Федерации в России и представлении достижений российских библиотек за рубежом. Основательница Библиотеки Маргарита Ивановна  Рудомино была делегатом первой  встречи членов ИФЛА в Эдинбурге в 1927 году, впоследствии – вице-президентом ИФЛА, привезла Всемирный библиотечный и информационный конгресс ИФЛА в советскую Россию в далеком 1972 году. Библиотека иностранной литературы отмечает 120-летие Маргариты Ивановны и это профессиональная встреча – дань ее работе. Не менее успешно продолжалась взаимодействие Иностранки с ИФЛА и во время директорства Е.Ю. Гениевой, также являвшейся первым вице-президентом ИФЛА, положившей начало массовому участию региональных библиотек России во Всемирных библиотечных Конгрессах Федерации. Генеральный директор  ВГБИЛ заверил участников круглого стола, что Библиотека иностранной литературы будет продолжать серьезную работу с ИФЛА и другими международными профессиональными организациями. Именно с этой целью в структуре библиотеки создан Центр библиотековедения и профессионального взаимодействия, в задачи которого входит аналитическая переработка информации по зарубежному библиотековедению, консультирование и создание кастомизированных программ профессионального развития для библиотек регионов России.

М.Д. Афанасьев отметил, что у Советского Союза и России были разные по активности и успешности периоды участия в работе ИФЛА и её ежегодных конгрессах. И в настоящее время Россия опять переживает подъем благодаря в том числе интенсивной работе Секции РБА по международному сотрудничеству и её председателя С.А. Гороховой. Однако дистанционный формат предстоящего конгресса ИФЛА – это серьёзный старт для всех нас, принципиально новая ситуация. В отличие от прошлых конгрессов, которые проходили в очном формате, и в ходе которых участники могли встречаться и общаться друг с другом, как в рабочей, так и в неформальной среде, в этот раз каждый участник будет находиться за своим персональным устройством и сможет оценивать присутствие представителей других стран по их активному участию в дискуссиях и записям в чате, по тому, насколько они демонстрируют заинтересованность в сотрудничестве. Президент РБА высоко оценил результаты выборов 2021 года в структурные подразделения Федерации. Российские специалисты поддержали традиции присутствия в постоянных комитетах секций и вступили в новые, выдвинулись на руководящие посты. М.Д. Афанасьев выразил уверенность, что аудитория данного мероприятия понимает, что участие в работе ИФЛА – важный элемент нашего профессионального развития и необходимое условие движения в будущее.

В.В. Дуда рассказал о планах работы по продвижению интересов российского библиотечного сообщества в рамках своей будущей деятельности во  впервые созданной в составе ИФЛА структуре – Европейском отделе Регионального совета ИФЛА. Он отметил, что наличие региональных отделов в структуре ИФЛА крайне важно для обмена профессиональным опытом развития международного сотрудничества и адвокации библиотек. Генеральный директор Российской государственной библиотеки убеждён, что российское библиотечное сообщество достаточно сильно и опытно, чтобы определять собственную повестку ежегодного конгресса ИФЛА и задавать тон. Он напомнил о ярких инициативах предыдущих конгрессов, например, о выставочном стенде РБА, о знаковых докладах и презентациях, которые вызывали большой интерес участников конгрессов. Нужно обязательно находить возможности и ресурсы, чтобы продолжать такие инициативы и выступать на достойном уровне. В.В. Дуда подчеркнул, что России есть о чем говорить на площадках ИФЛА, в том числе о Стратегии развития библиотечного дела и её ключевых направлениях, которые актуальны для работы абсолютно всех национальных библиотечных сообществ. В заключение В.В. Дуда поздравил заместителя декана библиотечно-информационного факультета Санкт-Петербургского государственного института культуры А.С. Крымскую с избранием на пост председателя Постоянного комитета Секции ИФЛА по образованию и подготовке кадров.

Об особенностях и новых возможностях, который впервые проводится в онлайн-формате, рассказала в своём видеообращении заместитель генерального секретаря ИФЛА Хелен Мандл. Она особенно подчеркнула, что в этом году участие в конгрессе стало доступно большому количеству профессионалов со всего мира. Если раньше стоимость участия в конгрессе состояла из оплаты регистрационного взноса (500 евро и более, в зависимости от вида членства), а также оплаты расходов на трансфер, проживание и питание в стране его проведения, то в 2021 году участники-члены ИФЛА должны будут заплатить только регистрационный взнос в размере 85 евро. При этом они получат доступ ко всем мероприятиям конгресса не только в дни его проведения (17 – 19 августа), но и в течение всего следующего года. Программа конгресса построена таким образом, что мероприятия будут проходить в течение трех дней, некоторые из них будут повторяться в записи для участников, которые находятся в разных часовых поясах.

Комментируя видеообращение, Ирина Владимировна Гайшун, начальник международного отдела Российской государственной библиотеки, координатор Русскоязычного центра ИФЛА при РГБ, рассказала об отличительных особенностях конгресса в этом году. В частности, о том, что ряд профессиональных мероприятий записан заранее и будет транслироваться   в записи, а в некоторых можно будет принять участие онлайн. Кроме того, участники смогут задавать вопросы в ходе специально организованных сессий на платформе Zoom. Все мероприятия будут сопровождаться субтитрами на 7 официальных языках ИФЛА, в том числе на русском языке.

Главной задачей круглого стола было ознакомление российских библиотечных специалистов с содержанием программы Конгресса ИФЛА, с этой целью были приглашены российские специалисты – члены секций ИФЛА, которые рассказали о том, какие мероприятия приготовили их секции к предстоящему конгрессу. В течение многих лет Россия проявляет высокую активность, принимая участие в работе структурных подразделений ИФЛА. Так на сегодняшний день наши специалисты успешно представляют достижения российских библиотек в 32 Постоянных комитетах секций ИФЛА. Пятеро из них были приняты в Постоянные комитеты в 2021 году на первый 4-х летний срок, ещё трое в 2021 году были переизбраны на следующий срок.

В ходе круглого стола выступили с сообщениями 13 представителей Постоянных комитетов. Была представлена профессиональная программа и связанная с ней деятельность следующих секций:

  • Секция по управлению библиотечными ассоциациями

Афанасьев Михаил Дмитриевич, президент Российской библиотечной ассоциации, директор Государственной публичной исторической библиотеки России, член Постоянного комитета Секции по  управлению библиотечными ассоциациями, 2019 – 2023 (1)

  • Секция по непрерывному образованию и обучению на рабочем месте Горохова Светлана Анатольевна, советник генерального директора Библиотеки иностранной литературы, ученый секретарь по международной деятельности Центральной городской публичной библиотеки имени В. В. Маяковского, член Правления РБА, член Постоянного комитета Секции по непрерывному профессиональному развитию и обучению на рабочем месте, 2017 – 2021 (1)

Белякова Дарья Александровна,  руководитель Центра библиотековедения и профессионального взаимодействия  Всероссийской государственной библиотеки иностранной литературы им. М.И. Рудомино, член Постоянного комитета Секции по непрерывному профессиональному развитию и обучению на рабочем месте, 2019 – 2023 (1)

  • Секция детских и юношеских библиотек

Алексеева Мария Викторовна, заведующая центром международных программ Российской государственной библиотеки для молодежи, член Постоянного комитета Секции детских и юношеских библиотек ИФЛА, 2019 – 2023 (1)

  • Секция грамотности и чтения

Пономаренко Мария Борисовна, главный библиограф Центра детской книги и детских программ Всероссийской государственной библиотеки иностранной литературы им. М.И. Рудомино, член Постоянного комитета Секции грамотности и чтения ИФЛА, 2021 –2025 (1)

  • Секция справочных и информационных служб

Косенко Дмитрий Витальевич, главный библиограф первой категории Отдела формирования и обработки информационных ресурсов Президентской библиотеки им. Б.Н. Ельцина, член Постоянного комитета Секции справочных и информационных служб, 2021 – 2025 (1)

  • Секция по библиографии

Нещерет Марина Юрьевна, ведущий научный сотрудник центра по исследованию проблем развития библиотек в информационном обществе Российской государственной библиотеки, член Постоянного комитета Секции по библиографии 2019 – 2023 (1)

  • Секция редких книг и специальных коллекций

Рамазанова Джамиля Нуровна, заведующая научно-исследовательским отделом редких книг Российской государственной библиотеки, член Постоянного комитета Секции редких книг и специальных коллекций, 2017 – 2021 (1), 2021 – 2025 (2)

  • Секция библиотек, обслуживающих людей с проблемами чтения плоскопечатных текстов

Елфимова Галина Сергеевна, заместитель директора по научной работе, Российская государственная библиотека для слепых, член Постоянного комитета Секции библиотек, обслуживающих людей с проблемами чтения плоскопечатных текстов, 2019-2023 (1)

  • Секция библиотек по общественным наукам

Шибаева Екатерина Александровна, заместитель главного редактора – ответственный секретарь отдела периодических изданий Департамента – Издательство «Пашков Дом» Российской государственной библиотеки, член Постоянного комитета Секции библиотек по общественным наукам, 2021 – 2025(1)

  • Секция по каталогизации

Эсман Карина Анриевна, главный библиотекарь-каталогизатор Отдела обработки и каталогов Российской национальной библиотеки, член Постоянного комитета Секции по каталогизации, 2019 – 2023 (1)

  • Секция по сохранности и консервации

Колпакова Мария Игоревна, заведующая сектором изучения зарубежного опыта и методических разработок Центра консервации и реставрации документов Всероссийской государственной библиотеки иностранной литературы им. М.И. Рудомино, член Постоянного комитета Секции по сохранности и консервации, 2021 – 2025 (1)

  • Секция по образованию и подготовке кадров

Крымская Альбина Самиуловна, заместитель декана библиотечно-информационного факультета Санкт-Петербургского государственного института культуры, член Постоянного комитета Секции по образованию и подготовке кадров, 2017 – 2021 (1), председатель Постоянного комитета Секции по образованию и подготовке кадров, 2021 – 2025 (2)

Подводя итоги круглого стола, ведущая Светлана Анатольевна Горохова призвала руководителей российских библиотек регистрировать себя и своих сотрудников, занимающихся вопросами методического сопровождения деятельности библиотек, для дистанционного участия во Всемирном библиотечном и информационном конгрессе ИФЛА, использовать возможности онлайн-участия для того, чтобы поделиться уникальным опытом российских библиотек с мировым библиотечным сообществом, расширить профессиональные международные контакты, получить представление о достижениях и тенденциях развития зарубежных библиотек. Она подчеркнула, что участие российских специалистов в этом году в конгрессе ИФЛА станет для всего мирового библиотечного сообщества показателем нашей профессиональной активности и заинтересованности.

Руководитель Центра библиотековедения и профессионального взаимодействия Библиотеки иностранной литературы Дарья Александровна Белякова предложила участникам встречи обращаться за консультациями по участию в конгрессе, за помощью в освоении содержания информационных материалов конгресса и в налаживании рабочих контактов с участниками Конгресса ИФЛА из других стран.

Организаторы круглого стола предлагают ознакомиться с дополнительной информацией о предстоящих мероприятиях Конгресса ИФЛА и деятельности профессиональных подразделений Федерации, которая содержится в Приложении 1.

Вы можете ознакомиться с видеозаписью Круглого стола с презентациями спикеров  в любое удобное для вас время.


ALMA 2021: Moscow Meeting of Library Leaders at Inostranka by Svetlana A. Gorokhova and Daria Beliakova

On April 20, 2021, prominent representatives of the world library community took part in a four-hour discussion, which highlighted the role of libraries in modern society. At the anniversary session the 100-year history of the Library for Foreign Literature (LFL) was presented as an author project of its founder Margarita Ivanovna Rudomino and other leaders.

Each April LFL hosts an annual ALMA (April Library Moscow Agenda) international forum „Shaping the Future of Libraries”, which involves IFLA leaders and representatives of other professional associations. This year the forum took place in a hybrid format. Among its 147 participants were heads of Russian and foreign library associations, directors and specialists of federal and regional libraries of Russia, LIS specialists and representatives of professional media. About 1500 people viewed the stream at the Russian Federation Culture portal and you can see the recording of the meeting here.

Traditionally, the forum was organized by LFL specialists who are responsible for the LFL international activities and cooperation with professional associations. Svetlana A. Gorokhova, RLA Board Member,  IFLA CPDWL SС member, led the event team and moderated the meeting.

Opening the meeting, Pavel L. Kuzmin, LFL Director General, passed the greetings by Deputy Minister of Culture Olga S. Yarilova.

Quotation: “The difficult year 2020 motivated the Ministry of Culture of Russia to look with more attention to the activities of public libraries, to reflect on the contributions of library institutions to preserve Russian culture, to strengthen the national unity and to improve  the quality of life for everyone.”

Deputy Minister of Culture Olga S. Yarilova

The IFLA President Christine Mackenzie and the Russian Library Association (RLA) President Mikhail D. Afanasyev welcomed the participants on behalf of the professional community.

The LFL Director General Pavel L. Kuzmin and the LFL Deputy Director for Interregional and International Activities Miguel J. Palacio spoke on the leadership role of the Library in the development of international activities of regional libraries and showed how its complex cultural, scientific and educational projects are being implemented today. Among the presented projects were programs for teaching foreign languages and professional development, on preservation of the world cultural heritage, promotion of the Russian language, literary translations of classical and modern literature, international library dialogues, Diplomatic Subscription project, the electronic international resource Libraries as Witnesses of Great Victory and many others.

Speaking of the anniversary session, the participants took stock of Inostranka’s long-term cooperation with regional partners, its flagship role in the development of the library sector. Among those who shared their vision were Mikhail D. Afanasyev, RLA President and Director of the State Public Historical Library, Lyudmila A. Kanushina, Director of the Saratov Oblast Universal Scientific Library, Svetlana A. Tarasova, Director of the Novosibirsk State Oblast Scientific Library, Zoya V. Chalova, Director of the V.V. Mayakovsky Central City Public Library in Saint-Petersburg, and Natalia N. Grishina, Director of the Ryazan Oblast Scientific Library.

Quotation: “We have always felt the deep interest on the part of the Library for Foreign Literature in the development of regional libraries…as well as its need to improve life around it. Your visits to us, participation in the professional events make our community united.”

Natalia N. Grishina, Director of the Ryazan Oblast Scientific Library

This year the forum’s topic is defined as : ” Is Library a Leader or a Non-Player Character?” In this context, the «non-player character» is interpreted as a «character outside the game, with which interaction is impossible». This is the way the issue was formulated and discussed at the international, national and regional levels.

At the international level, IFLA President-elect Barbara Lison described how the Federation had reorganized itself in line with the global trends in the profession and how this reorganization would affect the future development of the entire library field. Following her presentation, Barbara Lison answered the questions about the demands on libraries in the future and about the work of libraries in the post-pandemic era.

Quotation: “The ALMA annual international conference at the Library for Foreign Literature gave me the opportunity to talk about IFLA and the leadership in the international library community that should inspire”

Barbara Lison, IFLA President-elect

The next discussion panel addressed leading national projects of Russia and the USA.  Director General of the Russian State Library Vadim V. Duda described the background and results of the national project „Culture” aimed at supporting Russian regional libraries and setting up model libraries throughout Russia. Loida Garcia Febo, an international library expert, ALA president (2018 – 2019) and IFLA Governing Board Member (2013-2017), spoke about the nation-wide leadership projects of the American Library Association.

The moderator of the third discussion panel devoted to the regional libraries’ leadership was Lyubov A. Kazachenkova, Director General of the company «ID Modern Library», Editor-in-Chief of the Modern Library magazine, SC member of the RLA Section for International Cooperation.

Heads of regional libraries joined the online forum and shared their ideas and practical experiences on the development of legal education, IT literacy, scientific and technical creativity, the tourism cluster, art spaces and other activities defined by their communities.

Quotation: “The well-thought-out and well-conducted event format. One looks, listens and sees for real: a new generation of talented and bright people has arrived. Young, beautiful faces, concise speech and, most importantly, clear understanding of WHY and FOR WHOM today’s library operates and implements new practices. Thank you. Very inspiring!”

Slava G. Matlina, library scholar

The Director of the V.V. Mayakovsky Central City Library in Saint-Petersburg Zoya V. Chalova spoke about the leadership role of her library in the development of the library sector of her region, about the system modernization of the Saint Petersburg  libraries and about their focus on socially significant activities.

The Director of the I.I. Molchanov-Sibirsky Irkutsk Oblast State Universal Scientific Library Larissa A. Suleimanova looked into the library’ role as a digital curator.

Larissa M. Magazevskaya, Director of the B. Shakhovskoy Astrakhan Oblast Library for Young Adults,  devoted her contribution to youth projects.

Tatiana P. Zhuravleva, Deputy Head of the Centralized Library System in the city of Norilsk, spoke about the development of scientific and technological creativity among the city population and the creation of FabLab, a well-equipped technical laboratory. Her presentation included a video about the opening and first outcomes of the laboratory’s operation.

How to create an art space in the library and attract creative people to the library was the main highlight of the two contributions: the first one by Anna R. Galeyeva, Deputy Director for Project Activities and Development at the Novosibirsk State Oblast Scientific Library, Head of the Da Vinci Casa Art Library Cluster ( and the second one by Olga S. Vovk, Deputy Director for Informatization and Development at the Murmansk State Oblast Universal Scientific Library.

It was decided to collect the best practices mentioned during the session (and many other projects as well) and create Map of Library Leadership which will be located at RLA and LFL resources.

Quotation: “Many thanks to the Organizers – our well-loved Library for Foreign Literature…! We had a great discussion that brought up a vital topic of leadership. What clever and nice leaders we have! Bravo!”

Svetlana A. Tarasova, Director of the Novosibirsk State Oblast Scientific Library

In conclusion, the LFL Director General Pavel L. Kuzmin announced that the Library for Foreign Literature, with the support of the RLA Section for International Cooperation, established the Rudomino Award in honor of the LFL founder Margarita  Rudomino and the LFL centenary. The award will be given to Russian libraries for significant achievements and creative approach to  international activities in the region. The first winners will be announced in a year’s time at the next ALMA meeting.

The tour of the Library for Foreign Literature allowed the forum’s participants to see several outstanding LFL projects, including the multimedia center on book history Gutenberg Universe, the educational cluster of the Rudomino Academy and national cultural centers: Francotheque, American Cultural Center, Ibero-American Center, Center for Slavic Cultures, Center for Children’s Books and Programs. All participants received forum certificates.

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