Monthly Archives: January 2020

Working Meeting to discuss how to best adapt and implement the IFLA Guidelines for Continuing Professional Development in the Russian libraries by Daria Beliakova,

On November 19, 2019 the Library for Foreign Literature, Moscow held a Working Meeting to highlight the IFLA Guidelines for Continuing Professional Development and to discuss how to best adapt and implement these Guidelines in the Russian libraries. See also our post from 18.12.2019. The event organizers have analyzed the outcomes of discussion in groups and presentations and prepared the final document laying out recommendations. We call your attention to the full version of the final document, being widely disseminated via professional press and social media. Based on this document, the Russian libraries will continue to build a system of continuing professional development and workplace learning.

The document is attached from 19.11.2019. CPDWL Guidelines in the Russian libraries_Final document

Mentoring for library managers in Norway by Almuth Gastinger

The Norwegian Union of Librarians (BF), one of the library associations in Norway, launched a mentoring programme for library managers in September 2019.

All library managers in Norway can participate, whether they are member of BF or not. The programme intends to strengthen relations across library types, contribute to the exchange of experiences, provide possibilities for continuous professional development, and have a positive impact on the development of librarianship.

BF will arrange meetings/talks between managers who are at different stages of their professional career. That means, if you are a rather new manager you will meet an experienced manager and vice versa. The mentee himself/herself (person who wishes to be mentored) can suggest up to three mentors.

There are the following expectations of participants:

  • You want to develop yourself.
  • You are open and receptive for input.
  • You are capable of reflecting on your own challenges.
  • You will prioritise the programme entirely.
  • You commit yourself to 6-8 meetings/talks per year.

BF’s secretariat will support mentors and mentees if needed. It is recommended to use the guiding templates by Difi (Norwegian Agency for Public Management and e-Government) for the talks between mentor and mentee. These talks should last at least one hour, and the participants can either meet in person or online.

BF has also come up with the following possible topics to discuss:

  • Planning and executing a task.
  • Your role as a manager/leader.
  • A difficult conversation.
  • Your career.
  • Leadership requirements and management styles.
  • How to get through / be met with approval.
  • Your role within the management team.
  • Your role as a colleague/co-worker.
  • Interaction and co-operation with various colleagues.
  • How to maintain commitment/motivation.
  • Your strengths and weaknesses as a manager.
  • How to promote change.

If you have questions about this programme, you can contact programme co-ordinator and BF board member Linda Rasten at [email protected] or BF’s secretariat at [email protected]

Ready for more intensive professional Development: WebJunction is the key and it’s all free

One of the most interesting resource that will sure catch your attention is WebJunction.

WebJunction is a program of OCLC Research, it was launched since 2003 and has helped more than 140,000 learners build the knowledge, skills and confidence to deliver transformational services to their communities.

WebJunction is free and open to all libraries to use, regardless of size, type or location. It is so rich in content as it includes a variety of self-paced, web-based training resources (about 372) available for free for all library workers and volunteers.

What you need as a new learners is to create an account when you log on, after that you will be able to explore the self-paced course and webinars. It is worth mentioning that certificates of completion will be available after completing the course or webinar.

WebJunction course catalog includes the following topics:

Library Service:

  • Access & Equity (15 webinars)
  • Children (20 webinars & 4 self-paced courses)
  • Collections Management (24 webinars & 5 self-paced courses)
  • Customer Service (7 webinars & 2 self-paced courses)
  • Health (19 webinars)
  • Marketing (14 webinars)
  • Older Adults & Seniors (5 webinars)
  • Outreach (9 webinars & 1 self-paced course)
  • Programming (21 webinars & 1 self-paced course)
  • Readers’ Advisory (4 webinars & 1 self-paced course)
  • Reference (11 webinars & 2 self-paced course)
  • Teaching Patrons (15 webinars)
  • Young Adults & Teens (12 webinars & 1 self-paced course)


  • Advocacy (7 webinars)
  • Assessment, Evaluation & Planning (25 webinar)
  • Budgets & Funding (10 webinars & 1 self-paced course)
  • Friends, Trustees & Volunteers (6 webinars)
  • Organizational Management (23 webinars & 1 self-paced course)
  • Space Planning (5 webinars)
  • Making Space for Active Learning (3 self-paced course)
  1. Active Learning and Community Discovery introduces the concepts of active learning and placemaking, and the tools and process for community discovery.
  2. From Discovery to Design builds on the results of the community discovery process, adapting design thinking approaches to arrive at an actionable idea and a space ready for transformation.
  3. Action Planning and Implementation takes the planning through the steps of making the space and service transformation happen.

Staff Training & Development:

  • Create & Deliver Training (8 webinars)
  • Manage Staff Development (9 webinars & 1 self-paced course)
  • Personal Growth & Development (13 webinars & self-paced course)
  • Alternative Basic Library Education (ABLE) Program (13 self-paced curses)
  1. Collection Development Sequence (5 self-paced courses)
  2. Technical Services Sequence (4 self-paced courses)
  3. Public Services Sequence (4 self-paced courses)
  •  (D4L) Online Teaching and Learning Skills for Library Workers (7 self-paced course)


  • Technology (19 webinars)
  • eBooks & Devices (10 webinars & 1 self-paced course)
  • Social Media (12 webinars & 1 self-paced course)
  • Media Smart Libraries: Building Partnerships to Support Children in a Digital Age (3 self-paced courses)
  1. Module 1: Media Literacy for Children & Teens
  2. Module 2: Film Education & Production for Youth and School Librarians
  3. Module 3: Computational Thinking and Coding.


January 2020 Issue OUT!

Check out CPDWL Section’s Latest Newsletter (January 2020 Issue)!

The issue features:
CPDWL’s activities during IFLA WLIC 2019
IFLA Division IV, Division Chair Letter by Catharina Isberg
Communication initiatives
Staying relevant by Susan Schnuer
Opening up new vistas for Inostranka by Maria Bereslavskaia
…and more!

Check it out here!