Tag Archives: WLIC

The 10-Minute International Librarian #97: Set yourself goals for participation in a conference

It’s not nothing to spend time in meetings and conferences!

Whether you’re attending in your own time, or work time, it’s worth making sure you’re getting all you want to out of it.

With conferences in particular, there can be a huge variety of sessions, exhibits and activities.

And of course with the adrenalin, the time can fly by!

It’s all too easy to miss opportunities, and then leave with regrets about what you could have done.

So for our 97th 10-Minute International Librarian exercise, set yourself goals for participation in a conference or meeting.

Before you make your final plans, write down a few things – say three – that you want to achieve.

What knowledge do you want to refresh in order to help you in your work?

What new thing do you want to know about in order to develop personally and professionally?

Who do you want to meet up with?

This can help steer you in your choices about what you attend, and where you engage most actively!

Share your own tips for making the most of conferences in the comments below.

Good luck!


This idea relates to the IFLA Strategy! Key Initiative 3.1: Provide excellent opportunities for face-to-face networking and learning

You can view our other posts in this series using the #10MinuteInternationalLibrarian tag on this blog, and of course on IFLA’s Ideas Store! Do also share your ideas in the comments box below!

The 10-Minute Library Advocate #32: Compare Notes and Share Ideas!

10-Minute Library Advocate #32 - Compare notes and share ideasYou don’t need to advocate alone!

One of the key strengths of the library field is that there are institutions and professionals in cities, towns and villages around the world.

And in them, there are people doing advocacy, each with their own strengths and questions.

This means lots of potential to discuss what you’re doing and learn.

So for our 32nd 10-Minute Library Advocate exercise, compare notes and share ideas!

Find someone else who is advocating for libraries, and see what has worked for them, and what lessons they have learned.

The World Library and Information Congress, starting this weekend, is a great time to do this.

Not just in the formal sessions, where you can hear more about IFLA tools and services.

But also in the informal chats where you can really go deeper, and ask the questions you want to ask!

Good luck!


See the introduction and previous posts in our 10-Minute Library Advocate series and join the discussion in social media using the #EveryLibrarianAnAdvocate hashtag!