Celebrating success is an important way to maintain motivation and energy.
But not every initiative works, especially when it is new or innovative!
Everyone will experience failures, or things that didn’t quite turn out as hoped. But beyond the disappointment, these can also be great opportunities to develop.
Indeed, there is often less to learn from a success than from a failure!
If the library field is to continue to learn and develop, taking these opportunities is important.
So for our 23rd 10-Minute International Librarian, think of something you’ve done that hasn’t worked, and learn from it.
Try to find which parts of any initiative could be changed or improved. Sometimes of course, it may be bad luck, but even some elements of chance can be managed.
You can these use what you have learned in your work in future.
You might even write a blog or present a paper about something that hasn’t worked, in order to help others share in your understanding, and avoid making mistakes.
Let us know if you have learned from mistakes, or have seen great examples of how this can be done in the comments below.
Good luck!
This idea relates to the IFLA Strategy! 3.4 Provide targeted learning and professional development.
You can view all of our ideas using the #10MinuteInternationalLibrarian tag on this blog, and of course on IFLA’s Ideas Store! Do also share your ideas in the comments box.