The 10-Minute International Librarian #17: Think about how you can measure success

The test of a great idea is in its delivery.

In order to understand whether a service or programme is working, it’s important to be able to see whether it is meeting its goals.

But also, proof of what you have achieved is also powerful when advocating.

Politicians will meet lots of enthusiastic people with great ideas. But what should work best in changing their minds is evidence.

Libraries can better protect and improve their situation when they can make it clear how they are contributing to their communities.

So for our 17th 10-Minute International Librarian exercise, think about how you can measure success.

There are different ways of doing which could fit to your own situation, from stories from individuals to statistics, from the way people feel (did they appreciate what you did?) to life-changes.

Looking through stories on IFLA’s Library Map of the World will give you some great ideas from libraries elsewhere. You can also learn more in our Storytelling Manual.

Thinking about measurement early also pays off, as it means you can collect feedback as you deliver any service or programme.

Share your stories on measuring success in the comments below!

Good luck!


This idea relates to the IFLA Strategy! 3.3 Develop standards, guidelines, and other materials that foster best professional practice.

As we publish more ideas, you will be able to view these using the #10MinuteInternationalLibrarian tag on this blog, and of course on IFLA’s Ideas Store! Do also share your ideas in the comments box.