Author Archives: ulrike

Former Co-Chair of CPDWL, Sylvia Piggott, died on June 7, 2021

With great sadness we have learn that Sylvia Piggott, former member of CPDWL died on June 7, at the age of 82.

Our sincere condolences goes to her husband, daughters and family.

Sylvia was a long-standing member of the Special Libraries Association (SLA) and served as its president (1996-1997).

She became very active in several IFLA sections after her retirement from the position of Deputy Division Chief of Information Services, Joint World Bank / IMF Library in Washington, in 2002. Beside her engagement in professional organizations she was also very involved in a variety of community associations.

Sylvia joined the CPDWL section as a personal member, and remained a member after she concluded her two terms in 2013. She served first as Information Coordinator, from 2005 to 2011. During that time, she was responsible for introducing the benefits of social media to the Standing Committee.

And then I had the opportunity to serve with her as Co-Chairs, from 2011 to 2013. She was always very constructive, helpful and forward thinking. She also had a close look at the finances, as she was also Treasurer. After her eight years as a Standing Committee member in our section, she joined the Social Science Libraries Section SC, where she also worked as Treasurer and Secretary from 2013 to 2017. When she joined the Knowledge Management Section in 2017, the connection with the CPDWL Section became strong again, via the Knowledge Café that we organized every year with members of both sections, on various topics.

Sylvia was all the time interested in new technological approaches, full of good ideas to serve the international library community and always open to support the newcomers in our profession.

She will always be remembered for her active spirit and sense of humor. Picture by

Information for Coachees

Check out the new content on the Coaching project webpage

Vera Keown from the Management & Marketing Section, the project partner of CPDWL since 2018, created useful information for coachees to prepare their first coaching session with us or in a different environment. To showcase the international community the original English information is already translated in all official IFLA languages and into Swedish. More translations to come.

These Coachee information and preparation will help LIS professionals for the second round of online coaching during this year’s WLIC 2021 in the second half of August.

Timing and booking will be announce later this Spring.

And still the Coaching Initiative is looking for Coaches.

If you are interested in being a coach, send your expression of interest to:

Carmen Lei [email protected] or
Barbara Schleihagen [email protected]

And if you haven’t visit the webpage so far check out the webinars and coaching resources


ISSN for scientific blogs

In Germany we have right now a discussion to assigned ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) for scientific blogs.

Typically ISSN are used for continuous publications that appear numbered or dated. But also scientific blogs or databases of general interest can be registered. In the allocation, only the formal criteria are examined. A substantive examination or evaluation of the quality of the contributions published therein does not take place.

The international ISSN Centre in Paris coordinates the work of the national centres. The international ISSN database  now more then two million ISSN with their titles and short bibliographical descriptions is constantly growing.

What are the arguments to register for a ISSN if you are publishing a blog?

  1. Better visibility. For ex. with an ISSN in Germany you will be listed in the Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZBD)
  2. Long-term citation through long-term archiving. National libraries will archive blogs if they have a ISSN in the automated webharvesting.

As the awarding of the ISSN is free of charge I would recommend to register the CPDWL blog.


Michael Knoche: Warum ISSN für Blogs?, in: Aus der Forschungsbibliothek

Mareike König ISSN für für Blogs bei de.hypotheses – praktische Hinweise 

Webarchivierung der DNB 



Libraries and sustainability: Online seminar September 24, 2020

Libraries and Sustainability: the 17 development goals of the UN agenda 2030 in the focus of libraries worldwide.

The German Library Association dbv  will present activities from Australia, France, United States and Germany.

Speakers are:

  • Raphaelle Bats, International Relations Officer  of the National School of Libraries and Information Sciences (Enssib), France
  • Loida Garcia Febo, Chair UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Task Force in ALA, USA
  • Vicki McDonald, State Librarian and Chief Executive Officer, State Library of Queensland, Australia
  • Jacqueline Breidlid, Political Communications, Deutscher Bibliotheksverband e.V., Germany

Moderator: Hella Klauser, Deutscher Bibliotheksverband e.V., Germany

Seminar language is English.

Date and time: Thursday, September 24, 15.00 – 16.00 CEST

Registration for free

Recording will be available after.

Coaching goes online!

The work group for the IFLA Coaching Initiative run by CPDWL and M&M has met and decided to take the coaching to the digital sphere. Since the WLIC in Dublin is cancelled, the work group aims at offering online coaching of some kind, instead of the session planned for WLIC. Information about the format will come, read more on the CPDWL website and in the CPDWL Newsletter!

The coaching work group
Ewa Stenberg, CPDWL

Webinar Developing a Successful Poster Session

If you missed the online webinar about developing a successful poster session you now have the chance to follow the recording, thanks to ALA

CPDWL would be very grateful if you could complete after our short survey to improve the upcoming webinars

Thanks to the moderator and presenters and we are happy to continue this fruitful work of creating webinars with NPSIG and ALA.

We also look forward to receive your recommendations for topics of webinars for next year.






Menschen im Aufbruch = People on the path to the future – Commemorative publication for Maria Seissl, Head of the University Library Vienna, Austria

What a good idea. Instead of articles of prominent representatives of our profession about librarianship or tasks for librarians in the future this publication gave a voice to the employees of the University Library in Vienna, Austria. And these librarians described their working field and their future tasks.

Of course interesting for the community of CPDWL is the area of the continuing professional development.

Since 2015 they offer certificate courses with three modules each as a further education format. Depending on the area of ​​activity, the participants decide for one of the three courses “Lead Libraries”, “Inventory Management in Libraries and Information Facilities” or “Data Librarian”. The special characteristic of these courses is the exciting exchange of participants that results from dividing the three individual modules into the partner university libraries of Vienna, Graz and Innsbruck.

Beside this they also offer continuing development courses for Austrian librarians. The courses take place also in Vienna, Graz and Innsbruck. The programme encompasses topics such as electronic resources, legal and data protection, repositories, indexing and specially tailored courses that are of great relevance to all library staff and guarantee practice-oriented and specialized training

The open access version of the publication (sorry, only in German):