Author Archives: eileen

About eileen

Standing committee member, first term 2013

Registration open for Lyon satellite

The KM Section in co-operation with CPDWL have a one-day event Knowledge Management as a Vital Tool for Change Management.  See for the program.  Registration is free on a first-come, first-served basis.

The keynote speaker is Olivier Serrat, Principal Knowledge Management Specialist – Regional and Sustainable Development Department, Asian Development Bank – Philippines. He will speak about:

Toward a Library Renaissance:
Key Trends Affecting Libraries
Recommendations for Future Libraries
A Skills Framework for Librarians
Forestalling Change Fatigue: Future Search and the Resilient Organization

Therw will be six other  speakers from around the world.

MOOCs: Opportunities and Challenges for Libraries

Save the date: Monday August 18th 11.45 – 13.45

MOOCs and new open education initiatives are revolutionizing the ways that professional development and other learning opportunities are being delivered around the world. What role should libraries play in supporting MOOCs? What opportunities are available to information professionals to advance their own learning through MOOCs?  What are the challenges, trends and opportunities for MOOCs in libraries? Panel speakers will discuss topics such as MOOC trends, best practices, library school/higher education/public library developments, as well as how MOOCs provide access to information and enhance learning.  Speakers will provide examples through videos, social media, and visuals.



Summary from Singapore worshop

Taking Charge of Your Career/ Jump Starting Your Career

Topic Moderator: Loida Garcia-Febo

President, Information New Wave. At IFLA: Member, CPDWL and Expert Resource Person, FAIFE. Incoming member of the IFLA Governing Board.

Jump starting career. Learn how to maximize your investment in your personal development. 10 essential education and career resources to help you strategize powerful moves. Join our discussion of a practical shortlist of resources to help you start making connections to continue moving forward. Host: Loida Garcia Febo

How to Invest in Your Career

Invest in understanding yourself better and developing your goals, plans, professional skills, knowledge, career management skills, networks, and your personal brand and profile. Do it yourself, or pay experts to do it for you.


Try thinking, planning, self-assessment tools, goal development, reading, consulting experts, getting coached, taking courses, upgrading or acquiring skills, and proactively marketing yourself. Recognize that investing in yourself often requires that you don’t play it safe. 


10 essential education and career resources to help you strategize powerful moves


1. Direction: Plan well, and plan early

2. SWOT analysis: SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, opportunities and Threats

3. Networking: do’s and don’t

4. Financial knowledge

5. Build your digital footprint

6. Managing various career stages

7. Be a mentor

8. Balance work and life

9. Overcome challenges

10. Be creative, keep moving forward


10 Tips to Strategize Your Career Move

The 5 Best Things You Can Do for Your Career