Monthly Archives: April 2013

Czech and Catalan Translations of IFLA Public Library Services Guidelines now available, Ja estan disponibles les traduccions al txec i al català de les Directrius de l’IFLA per al servei de les biblioteques públiques, Ya están disponibles las traducciones al xeco y catalán de las Directrices IFLA para el servicio de bibliotecas públicas

On behalf of IFLA, the Public Libraries Section chair Suzanne Payette warmly congratulates and thanks Vít Richter ([email protected]) of the National Library of the Czech Republic who coordinated the Czech translation and Àngels Migueles Sarri who co-ordinated the Catalan work.

The Czech translation has already been added to the IFLA website

The Catalan translation, published by the Col·legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris- Documentalistes de Catalunya (COBDC), has been completed with the support of Catalan library institutions: Consorci de Biblioteques de Barcelona, Diputació de Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya and the same COBDC.   It will soon be available on the IFLA publications pages.

Suzanne advised these translations are very challenging pieces of work and they contribute significantly to a number of IFLA’s strategies.

I am very appreciated and proud of the time and commitment of our professional colleagues and for the contribution they have make to our profession.


Ja estan disponibles les traduccions al txec i al català de les Directrius de l’IFLA per al servei de les biblioteques públiques

En nom d’IFLA, la presidenta de la Secció de Biblioteques Públiques, Suzanne Payette, felicita i agraeix a Vit Richter, de la Biblioteca Nacional de la República Txeca que ha coordinat la traducció al txec i els membres de diferents institucions bibliotecàries catalanes que han coordinat la traducció al català.La traducció al txec es pot consultar a la web de l’IFLA

La traducció de la versió catalana, ha estat publicada pel Col.legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris-Documentalistes de Catalunya (COBDC), amb el suport de diverses institucions bibliotecàries catalanes: Consorci de Biblioteques de Barcelona, Diputació de Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya i el mateix COBDC. Estan disponibles a la pàgina web de l’IFLA.

Suzanne reconeix que aquestes traduccions són treballs de molt valor i contribueixen de manera molt significativa a una sèrie d’estratègies de l’IFLA.

També se sent molt orgullosa del compromís dels nostres col.legues  per l’aportació que fan a la professió.


Ya están disponibles las traducciones al xeco y catalán de las Directrices IFLA para el servicio de bibliotecas públicas

En nombre de IFLA, la presidenta de la Sección de Bibliotecas Públicas, Suzanne Payette, felicita y agradece a Vit Richter, de la Biblioteca Nacional de la República Checa que ha coordinado la traducción al checo y a los miembros de diferentes instituciones catalanas que han coordinado la traducción al catalán.

La traducción al checo se puede consultar en la web de IFLA

La traducción de la versión catalana ha estado publicada por el Col.legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris-Documentalistes de Catalunya (COBDC), con la ayuda de diferentes instituciones bibliotecarias catalanas: Consorci de Biblioteques de Barcelona, Diputació de Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya y el mismo COBDC. Están disponibles en la página web de IFLA

Suzanne reconoce que estas traducciones son trabajos de mucho valor y contribuyen de modo muy significativo a una serie de estrategias de la IFLA.

También se siente muy orgullosa del compromiso de nuestros colegas por la contribución que hacen a nuestra profesión.


Extending the hand of friendship



From CILIP’s International Library and Information Group comes information about the Library Hosts Directory.

The Hosts Directory is exactly that – a list of international librarians who are willing to host, for a day or two, a fellow library and information worker who is visiting their city or region. Hosts are located across the world – please see the Map of hosts at . All information is anonymous and you will not be put in contact with a guest without agreeing beforehand – the idea is that you will be able to stay with a professional colleague when attending a conference, event or just travelling abroad rather than in a hotel.

All you need is a spare bed or room and the desire to meet colleagues from other countries, to share experiences and to contribute, in a small way, to building bridges to international understanding and co-operation within the library and information profession. Guidance for potential Hosts is also available online at

Please help us expand the directory by registering online at

For the visitor – the guest – it is a chance to get to know, at first hand, something of the life of a fellow professional in a foreign country as well as the opportunity to stay with a colleague for free or at limited cost.

If you would like to use the Hosts Directory as a guest, please first check the Map of hosts at to see there are Hosts in the area you are visiting and email the Hosts Directory Administrator at [email protected] with details of who you are, where you want to and how long they want to stay.

Nau Mai, Haere Mai, Whakatau Mai


LIANZA (The Library and Information Association of New Zealand Aotearoa) invites you to join us at LIANZA 2013 Conference: Wai-Ora, Wai-Māori, Waikato from 20-23 October in Hamilton, New Zealand.

The Conference Programme Committee welcomes abstract submissions for papers, lightning sessions and workshops.

The conference theme reflects the association that the Waikato area of New Zealand has with its most significant landmark, the river. The ancestral river has always provided physical and spiritual support for its people by providing food and an avenue for transport. In a similar manner, libraries have supported their communities by providing access and pathways to knowledge and information.

Libraries are also powerful forces, and like rivers, they must be respected, understood and well-managed in order to continue to nourish and support their communities. So please join us in October to consider the role and future of our libraries and the kaitiakitanga (guardianship and management) needed to ensure that libraries, and the benefits they bring, are strong and enduring.

The conference offers a range of possibilities for presentations including:

• Managing Library Services
• Knowledge & Ideas, Data & Information
• Future Libraries

Authors should submit abstracts online as early as possible, and no later than Friday May 3rd 2013.

Further details and the link for online submissions can be found on our Abstracts conference page

Come to Australia for a Mobile Experience!

Riverina Regional

Coming to WLIC in Singapore? Why not extend your trip and come ‘down under’ for the 2013 Australasian Mobile Library Network Conference to be held in Wagga Wagga on 23-25 August.

The program will be finalised by the beginning of May but already the committee can confirm that Ruth Ornholt  from  Hordaland County Library  in Norway will be a keynote speaker bringing an international perspective. Ruth will be joined by presenters and authors from Australia and New Zealand. To whet your appetite learn about a day in the life of this Australian
mobile library driver.

The largest regional city in the state of New South Wales, Wagga Wagga is also the hub of the Riverina on the banks of the magnificent Murrumbidgee River. In Wagga Wagga you’ll find stunning landscapes and unusual architecture, sassy shops and a vibrant arts scene. There are lots of accommodation options and the region is renowned for its food and wine.

Wagga Wagga is located midway between Sydney and Melbourne and just two and half hours drive from Canberra, Australia’s capital city. Wagga Wagga is also serviced by two airlines – Regional Express and QantasLink – with more than 150 flights to and from Sydney and Melbourne every week. It is also accessible by coach or train.

The name ‘Wagga’ is derived from the local Wiradjuri Aboriginal language on whose land the City of Wagga Wagga now grows.  It is widely accepted that ‘Wagga’ means ‘crow’ and to create the plural, the Wiradjuri people repeat the word. Thus Wagga Wagga translates as ‘the place of many crows’.

If you’re interested please mark the date in your calendar now. We’ll provide details of the website next month but in the interim if you’d like further information contact Robert Knight [email protected]

If you need further enticement your Australian colleagues in Sydney,  Melbourne  and other cities would be delighted to showcase their libraries while you’re here.

We look forward to welcoming you in August 2013.