Tag Archives: Satellite

Satellite Presentations now Available

The team that made it possible.

The team that made it possible.

How quickly does time go? It’s only just over a month since the wonderful IFLA Public Libraries satellite in Cape Town hosted by our friends and colleagues from the City of Cape Town Library Service and the Western Cape Provincial Library Service.

It was a truly inspirational 2 days – thought provoking presentations; workshops where everyone participated; generosity of spirit in the sharing of ideas; networking, networking, networking; and some vibrant libraries to visit. I know that everyone who was there benefited greatly from the experience.

For those of you who weren’t able to join us we’ve now made  most of the presentations available  on the Satellite website. The formal papers will also be available on IFLA Library in due course.

Thank you again to everyone who made this event possible. If you can add a satellite experience to your next IFLA Congress do so. It’s worth the effort.

Registration for Public Libraries satellite in Cape Town now open!


Hi everyone and thanks for your patience. Registrations for the IFLA Public Libraries Satellite in Cape Town, Public Libraries at the Crossroads are now open.  Early bird registration closes on 12 June and places are limited so if you’re thinking of coming act quickly.

The registration site is a secure one however you may get a security message depending on your browser. Rest assured it is safe – we’re trying to sort this out.

Are you coming to the Public Libraries satellite in Cape Town?


Public library services around the world have reached the cross-roads. Collection formats and community needs continue to evolve at a rapid pace. Technology plays a major role providing people with access to information; bringing library staff out from behind the desk to engage with users and delivering programs and activities, to suit the local community.

  • How do Public Libraries cope with these changes?
  • How do we plan and adapt our spaces to incorporate these changes?
  • How do we reorganise our service models?

These are the questions we will explore through our exciting and very practical program at the Public Library Satellite 13-14 August as part of the IFLA Congress in Cape Town.

We will be adopting  a multi-pronged approach with a combination of keynote speakers, targeted papers and workshop sessions.

Our dynamic speakers bring perspectives and experiences from around the world including Australia, Denmark, Japan, South Africa, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland and the USA.

The conference will be hosted by the City of Cape Town Library Service and the Western Cape Provincial Library Service in partnership with IFLA’s Public Libraries Section.

Delegates will have the opportunity to workshop solutions for service delivery options with their professional colleagues and to share and learn from others’ experiences.  Public library colleagues from around the world have already indicated their intention of attending and will bring with them a wealth of experience that will lead to stimulating discussions.

If you’re thinking of attending you’ll need to be quick, places are limited and registrations close on 30 June.

We look forward to meeting you in South Africa.

Announcing the Public Library Satellite, Cape Town


We’re excited!

After months of discussions the Public Libraries Section is delighted to announce that we will be hosting a Professional Development in Cape Town this August in partnership with the City of Cape Town Library Service and the Western Cape Provincial Library Services.

The two day workshop Public Libraries at the Crossroads will be held at the Goodwood Community Hall on Thursday 13- Friday 14 August. The Program will have a multi-pronged approach and will feature keynote speakers and workshop sessions allowing delegates to workshop solutions for service delivery options with their professional colleagues. Of most benefit to our delegates will be the opportunity to share and learn from others’ experiences. Further details will be released in the next few weeks.

We are delighted by the opportunity to work with our South African colleagues in developing a program that will stimulate, and at the same time provide practical solutions.

We’ll keep you posted!

Public Library Satellite Program Released!


In a rapidly changing environment please join us explore and examine the opportunities surrounding public libraries.

Hosted by the new and highly anticipated Library of Birmingham, the IFLA Public Libraries Satellite  will provide the opportunity to meet with colleagues from around the world, and explore the synergy between physical and virtual spaces.  You are invited to hear about how colleagues have successfully broken these barriers and positioned new library spaces as drivers for regeneration and community capacity building.

Speakers have been handpicked from leading practitioners around the globe, and the Public Libraries Section of IFLA look forward to meeting you in Birmingham this August (12-13).

Early bird registration now open! Places for this conference are limited therefore we advise you to book early to guarantee your place BOOK NOW.