Tag Archives: Metlib

IFLA Metropolitan Libraries Short Film Award 2018

The IFLA Section on Metropolitan Libraries has the pleasure to announce the 3rd IFLA Metropolitan Libraries Short Film Award for 2018, sponsored by the Free Library of Philadelphia and Pikes Peak Library District.

The award is part of A Corto di libri, a contest for short films about libraries and librarians, organized by Associazione Italiana Biblioteche (AIB). The contest has three Sections (Fiction, Documentary and Advertising).

The IFLA Metropolitan Libraries Short Film Award is given to the best short film about public libraries in large cities and metropolitan areas, among all the submitted films.

Everyone, as an individual or an institution, is eligible to apply.

The short films competing for the 2018 IFLA Metropolitan Libraries Short Film Award will be projected and voted by the participants of the IFLA MetLib Conference in Belgrade, Serbia (May 13-18). In addition, the Chair (or a delegate) of three IFLA Sections (Audiovisual and multimedia, Metropolitan Libraries and Public Libraries) have the right to vote on-line.

The winner of the IFLA Metropolitan Libraries Short Film Award will receive:
– if a library, € 1,000 as a contribution to travel expenses to the IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Kuala Lumpur (August 24-30, 2018);
– if an individual film-maker, € 1,000 in film-making equipment.

The winner will be announced and awarded at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Kuala Lumpur. An event is planned to be organized at a local public library branch during the Congress.

Read the complete Submission Rules for “A Corto di Libri”.

Applications must be submitted before 28 April 2018 to the following email: [email protected]

All the infos are here. Contact me or send an e-mail to: [email protected]

A Corto di libri

The IFLA Section on Metropolitan Libraries (MetLib)has the pleasure to announce the 2nd IFLA Metropolitan Libraries Short Film Award for 2017, sponsored by the Free Library of Philadelphia.

The award is part of “A Corto di libri”, a contest for short films about libraries and librarians, organized by Associazione Italiana Biblioteche (AIB). The contest has three Sections (Fiction, Documentary and Advertising).

The IFLA Metropolitan Libraries Short Film Award is given to the best short film about public libraries in large cities and metropolitan areas, among all the submitted films.

Everyone, as an individual or an institution, is eligible to apply.

The short films competing for the 2017 IFLA Metropolitan Libraries Short Film Award will be projected and voted by the participants of the IFLA MetLib Conference in Montréal, Canada (April 30 – May 5). In addition, the Chair of the Section on Metropolitan Libraries’ Standing Committee and a member of the Standing Committee of the Section on Public Libraries have the right to vote.

The winner of the IFLA Metropolitan Libraries Short Film Award will receive:

  • if a library, € 500 as a contribution to travel expenses to the IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Wroclaw (August 19-25, 2017);
  •  if an individual film-maker, € 500 in film-making equipment.

The winner will be announced and awarded at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Wrocław (August 19-25). An event is planned to be organized at a local public library branch during the Congress.

Read the complete Submission Rules for “A Corto di Libri”.

Applications must be submitted before 23 April 2017 to the following email: [email protected]


For all the infos contact me or send an e-mail to: [email protected]

Public libraries as place makers in today’s cities: urban development, resiliency and social equity

IFLA’s Metropolitan Libraries Section (MetLib) is seeking submissions for its main program at the 83rd IFLA World Library and Information Congress to be held in Wrocław, Poland, 19-25 August 2017 with the theme Public libraries as place makers in today’s cities: urban development, resiliency and social equity.

The Section intends to explore how public libraries of large urban areas all over the world are contributing to ‘placemaking’, to place identity and to the design of public spaces which promote the wellbeing and happiness of a community.We are seeking papers addressing how public libraries:

  • contribute to urban planning and design, as one the main assets of a lively neighborhood;
  • attract people as interesting places
  • innovate in environmental sustainability issues
  • contribute to local economic regeneration
  • provide services for the homeless, the poor and other disadvantaged users
  • manage crisis during disasters (flooding, earthquakes, etc.) and changing conditions
  • engage communities in planning services
  • contribute to the city’s diversity and intergenerational equity
  • contribute to the local community’s learning capacity

MetLib  provides an international platform for professional communication and understanding of topics related to libraries of cities and urban areas of more than 400.000 inhabitants.

The deadline for submitting a detailed abstract is 28 February 2017. Further details can be found on the IFLA WLIC 2017 website.


Partnerships: Creating a new vision for libraries

Photo: Bernard Fougères

Registration for the 2017 IFLA MetLib Conference in Montreal is now open!


The event will be held from April 30, 5 pm, to May 5, noon, in Montréal, at the Grande Bibliothèque (475 De Maisonneuve Blvd East, Montréal, Québec, Canada). Montréal will be celebrating the 375th anniversary of its founding, which is a great opportunity to discover its rich culture and diversity.


Our friends at MetLib tell us that the registration deadline is March 31, 2017. Don’t miss this great event!


You are also invited to contribute to the program and submit a summary of your proposal no later than January, 20, 2017. 


METLIB 2016 – Pearls in the desert: unleashing potential







The annual meeting of the Metropolitan Libraries of IFLA took place from April 23rd to 28th 2016 in Doha, Qatar. The participants from many different countries were warmly welcomed by Dr. Claudia Lux and the Qatar National Library team.

Metlib 1

Seventeen talks on the following subthemes were presented:

  • Innovation in Library Services;
  • Community Learning;
  • Developing the Future through Children and Teen Services;
  • Partnerships;
  • Staff Development.

 All the presentations can be viewed here


As customary, the organizing committee had also prepared a cultural program of great quality. Participants unanimously declared that the organization of this METLIB 2016 surpassed all expectations. A photographer was hired to snap the best moments, which can now be viewed on Flickr:


Circle April 30th to May 5th 2017 on your calendar for METLIB 2017 which will take place in Montreal.


The IFLA Section on Metropolitan Libraries and AIB (Associazione Italiana Biblioteche) have the pleasure to announce A Corto di Libri, AIB/IFLA International Short Film Competition about Libraries for 2016.

A Corto di Libri honors short films which focus on libraries and the profession of librarian. Four winners will be chosen in the Fiction, Documentary and Advertising sections, and in the new IFLA prize “Metropolitan Libraries” whose main subject must be public libraries of large urban areas.

In addition to the awards for the sections winners, €1000 of video-making equipment will be awarded to the winner of the IFLA  “Metropolitan Libraries” category.
Deadline: April 30, 2016

Find all the information about the award guidelines, application form etc here


Metlib in Zurich


Our friends at Metlib have reminded us that registrations are open for their 47th Conference in Zürich!  With the theme Reaching Limits – Crossing Borders, the conference will be hosted by Pestalozzi-Library in Zürich, Switzerland, May 3-8. The unmissable programme includes four sessions with 10 speakers from Europe, North America and Asia, 8 visits to libraries, social evenings, face-to-face networking with librarians engaged in metropolitan areas all over the world.