Tag Archives: mobile libraries

Two new Australian reports

Two new Australian public library reports were released by the State Library of New South Wales (NSW) late last year. NSW is Australia’s most populous state whose capital is Sydney.

Web 1

Building on the bookends scenarios explores how the future of NSW public libraries might unfold over the next twenty year, specifically examining how longer term developments in the external environment may impact on the provision and perceived value of public library services. This builds on an earlier project undertaken in 2009 and highlights the rapid change during this time.

Web 2


The State Library also commissioned a project to explore the mobile and outreach services that are currently offered by NSW public libraries. The report identifies the range and scope of NSW public library mobile and outreach service models; explores the strengths, weaknesses, benefits and opportunities of different outreach models and provides good practice guidelines for outreach service models in NSW public libraries.



Lighting the Way: Libraries and Wellbeing

Winners of PMLG's Annual Awards

Winners of PMLG’s Annual Awards

Papers from CILIP’s Public and Mobile Libraries Group Conference Lighting the Way: Libraries and Wellbeing are now available on their website. Held in Staffordshire on 9-10 October there were a range of presentations and workshops exploring the health, social and economic aspects of our contribution to a better and stronger society.

The Conference was also an opportunity to recognise Library professionals. Congratulations to:

  • The Public Librarian of the Year, Russell Allen from West Sussex
  • The Public Library Champion of the Year, Annie Brierley from Devon
  • The Mobile Library Champion of the Year, John MacNab from Essex
North Yorkshire's Mobile Library

North Yorkshire’s Mobile Library

Mobile Libraries were also celebrated. Congratulations  to Essex Libraries (State of the Art Award) , Renfrewshire Libraries (Delegate’s Choice Award) , Sandwell Libraries  ( President’s Shield for Best Small Van ) and North Yorkshire ( Best Vehicle Livery Award )






A huge thank you to everyone who made our Satellite in Birmingham such a success. How could it be anything else with such a wonderful range of speakers in a fabulous setting.

Our theme of public libraries in the digital world led to some interesting papers and a lot of discussion. Each of the 150 plus delegates came away with a very real awareness that we need to act now if public libraries are to remain relevant.

Our hosts the Library of Birmingham made us all so welcome in their outstanding new building. We’d also like to acknowledge our partners, CILIP and the Society of Chief Librarians for their assistance.


Thanks too for our colleagues from the CILIP Public and Mobile Libraries group who, among other things, arranged for us to be able to see some mobile libraries.

The papers from the conference will be available on the PLS website next week (when we all get back from IFLA in Lyon.



A Mobile with Pizazz, En bokbil med attityd, Ein Mobil mit Schwung



From CILIP’s Public Libraries and Mobile Group’s June Newsletter comes this wonderful photograph and story:

Retired teacher Antonio La Cava promotes reading in the rural Basilicata region of Italy by driving his bookmobile around the local villages. La Cava announces his arrival with the sound of an organ and is often greeted by crowds of eager children.

For more read here


En bokbil med attityd

Från CILIP’S Public Libraries and Mobile Group’s nyhetsbrev i juni kommer denna härliga historia:
Antonio La Cava, en pensionerad lärare och läsfrämjare,  åker runt med sin bokbil i byarna på landsbygden i Basilicataregionen i Italien. La Cava annonserar sin ankomst med ljudet av orgelmusik och välkomnas av mängder med ivriga barn.
Läs mer här:


Ein Mobil mit Schwung

Aus dem Juni-Newsletter der CILIP-Gruppe “Public Libraries and Mobile” stammen dieses wunderbare Bild mit der folgenden Geschichte: Der pensionierte Lehrer Antonio La Cava engagiert sich für die Leseförderung in der Basilicata-Region Italiens, indem er mit seinem Buchmobil durch die Dörfer der Region fährt. La Cava tut seine Ankunft mit dem Ton einer Orgel kund und wird häufig von einer Traube aufgeregter Kinder begrüßt.

Norwegian Tales in Outback Australia

Ruth Ornholt, Head of Hordaland County Library in Bergen Norway, travelled to Wagga Wagga in country Australia last weekend to speak at the Australasian Mobile Library  Conference. A former member of the Public Library Standing Committee Ruth wowed the audience with tales of her library ‘boat’. It goes to show how ‘mobile’ libraries come in all shapes and sizes!
