Tag Archives: Auckland

Kia ora, greetings from Auckland, New Zealand!


Our friends and colleagues in the IFLA Metropolitan Libraries Section have posted details of their 2014 Conference to be held in Auckland, New Zealand!

The conference will run from 11-16 May 2014 and be hosted by Auckland Libraries. There will also be satellite visits to Wellington and Christchurch. To register, go to http://metlib2014auckland.wordpress.com/registration-information/
The Committee has developed an exciting program of speakers, visits and networking which will build on the  theme of Intrepid Journeys – libraries at the edge of discovery.

You can find more information including updated programme details at http://metlib2014auckland.wordpress.com/
If you have any questions, please email [email protected].


LIANZA Conference 2014 Announced



LIANZA has announced the details of the LIANZA Conference 2014. To be held at the SkyCity Convention Centre in Auckland, New Zealand from the 12-15 October. The Conference theme is Pou Whakairo –  Connect and Thrive.

A pou whakairo is a high quality wood, shaped into a post and elaborately decorated by a master carver to portray the stories of the past and present for people to connect with the future. As a nation, New Zealand connects with our past to help shape and develop a thriving future. As library and information specialists we bring different perspectives and skills to connect with each other, our communities, our environment and changing technologies in order to understand and evolve into the future.

Each year the LIANZA Conference showcases the considerable talent and diversity within our profession and we invite our international colleagues to join us in Auckland. Professionals and practitioners with an interest in how information in all its forms is captured, stored, accessed and used are encouraged to submit an abstract for consideration. For details on the abstract submission process, see the Conference website . You can also  contact the Conference team or  go to the LIANZA Conference 2014 Facebook Page

Pou Whakairo –  Connect and Thrive, Me hoki whakamuri, kia haere whakamua, Look into the past to view the future