Nau Mai, Haere Mai, Whakatau Mai


LIANZA (The Library and Information Association of New Zealand Aotearoa) invites you to join us at LIANZA 2013 Conference: Wai-Ora, Wai-Māori, Waikato from 20-23 October in Hamilton, New Zealand.

The Conference Programme Committee welcomes abstract submissions for papers, lightning sessions and workshops.

The conference theme reflects the association that the Waikato area of New Zealand has with its most significant landmark, the river. The ancestral river has always provided physical and spiritual support for its people by providing food and an avenue for transport. In a similar manner, libraries have supported their communities by providing access and pathways to knowledge and information.

Libraries are also powerful forces, and like rivers, they must be respected, understood and well-managed in order to continue to nourish and support their communities. So please join us in October to consider the role and future of our libraries and the kaitiakitanga (guardianship and management) needed to ensure that libraries, and the benefits they bring, are strong and enduring.

The conference offers a range of possibilities for presentations including:

• Managing Library Services
• Knowledge & Ideas, Data & Information
• Future Libraries

Authors should submit abstracts online as early as possible, and no later than Friday May 3rd 2013.

Further details and the link for online submissions can be found on our Abstracts conference page