Author Archives: public-libraries

Sharing. talking and reading (S*T*A*R*) – Early Years Literacy Program in Australia





Literacy matters – Early Years Programs

Following the various sessions around the IFLA Congress – yes – literary matters very much and we saw some great program examples.

I’m taking the opportunity to share and early years literacy program from my City.
City of Gold Coast Libraries in Australia present a range of early years literacy programs with a primary focus on language development, modelling positive reading practices and providing a fun nurturing environment for children to engage with language, books and rhymes.

In 2015 City Libraries committed to incorporating Language Priority and Conversational Reading, key elements of the Abecedarian Approach, into our Early Years Program. The Abecedarian Approach, developed in 1972, has been shown through longitudinal studies to have positive cognitive, social and health effects for children, during their school years and into adulthood.

Along with the very popular, Baby Rhyme Time, Toddler Time and Story time sessions programmed within library spaces, City Libraries have also been taking high-quality opportunities for sharing. talking and reading (STAR) out into the community, and especially to areas identified as having a higher percentage of children at risk of low-literacy. With funding from the Queensland State Government’s First 5 Forever grant (administered by State Library of Queensland), City of Gold Coast Libraries, through cross-sector engagement, is working to identify gaps in the community. Our skilled team set up ‘pop-up libraries’ in parks and community halls. The STAR sessions focuson building relationship with parents over time, whilst providing them with the support, encouragement, skills, awareness and confidence to be able to give their children the best opportunity for success.



PLS Satellite – Philadelphia







Hello everyone, I have arrived in Philadelphia ahead of the 2016 Public Libraries’ pre Congress satellite. Today I have been learning amongst other things, all about Benjamin Franklin who with a group of friends opened America’s first lending library in 1731. This library paved the foundation for the first free public library services in America. It is fitting that the PLS section satellite is hosted by  Free Public Library of Philadelphia. I know our delegates will be inspired.image

Public Libraries Sessions – IFLA Congress 2016







On this side of the world the Australian IFLA contingent is getting ready to head on over to the Congress and the various satellite events.  What an array of sessions to choose from!

Please join our first session on Monday 15 August 2016 from 1-4.30 pm at the Columbus Main Library (a short walk from the Convention Centre) A Sanctuary in Times of Need- the public library response.  You will hear some inspirational stories about how public libraries have been working with refugee communities

Who will win the prestigious Systematic Public Library of the Year Award?

Find out following this session from 4.30-6.30 pm

Shortlisted libraries are:

  • Chicago Public Library, Chinatown Branch, USA
  • Dokk1, Aarhus, Denmark
  • Geelong Library & Heritage Centre, Australia
  • Success Public Library, Australia

Hear about these fabulous libraries and join us afterwards for a celebratory drink.

Everyone is welcome to attend the Public Libraries Standing Committee Meetings as observers

Session 037 Saturday 13 August 3.15pm – 5.45 pm Room C212
Session 209 Thursday 18 August 9.45am – 11.15 am Room C226



Singapore Poster Sessions

The “Best IFLA Poster 2013” will be selected from the posters presented in Singapore by a jury on behalf of the IFLA Professional Committee. The Chair of the Professional Committee will announce the winner during the Closing Session on Thursday, 22 August 2013.

Don’t miss the Poster Sessions during IFLA’s 79th IFLA General Conference and Assembly in Singapore!!

The list with this year’s presenters and titles can now be found online:


Czech and Catalan Translations of IFLA Public Library Services Guidelines now available, Ja estan disponibles les traduccions al txec i al català de les Directrius de l’IFLA per al servei de les biblioteques públiques, Ya están disponibles las traducciones al xeco y catalán de las Directrices IFLA para el servicio de bibliotecas públicas

On behalf of IFLA, the Public Libraries Section chair Suzanne Payette warmly congratulates and thanks Vít Richter ([email protected]) of the National Library of the Czech Republic who coordinated the Czech translation and Àngels Migueles Sarri who co-ordinated the Catalan work.

The Czech translation has already been added to the IFLA website

The Catalan translation, published by the Col·legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris- Documentalistes de Catalunya (COBDC), has been completed with the support of Catalan library institutions: Consorci de Biblioteques de Barcelona, Diputació de Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya and the same COBDC.   It will soon be available on the IFLA publications pages.

Suzanne advised these translations are very challenging pieces of work and they contribute significantly to a number of IFLA’s strategies.

I am very appreciated and proud of the time and commitment of our professional colleagues and for the contribution they have make to our profession.


Ja estan disponibles les traduccions al txec i al català de les Directrius de l’IFLA per al servei de les biblioteques públiques

En nom d’IFLA, la presidenta de la Secció de Biblioteques Públiques, Suzanne Payette, felicita i agraeix a Vit Richter, de la Biblioteca Nacional de la República Txeca que ha coordinat la traducció al txec i els membres de diferents institucions bibliotecàries catalanes que han coordinat la traducció al català.La traducció al txec es pot consultar a la web de l’IFLA

La traducció de la versió catalana, ha estat publicada pel Col.legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris-Documentalistes de Catalunya (COBDC), amb el suport de diverses institucions bibliotecàries catalanes: Consorci de Biblioteques de Barcelona, Diputació de Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya i el mateix COBDC. Estan disponibles a la pàgina web de l’IFLA.

Suzanne reconeix que aquestes traduccions són treballs de molt valor i contribueixen de manera molt significativa a una sèrie d’estratègies de l’IFLA.

També se sent molt orgullosa del compromís dels nostres col.legues  per l’aportació que fan a la professió.


Ya están disponibles las traducciones al xeco y catalán de las Directrices IFLA para el servicio de bibliotecas públicas

En nombre de IFLA, la presidenta de la Sección de Bibliotecas Públicas, Suzanne Payette, felicita y agradece a Vit Richter, de la Biblioteca Nacional de la República Checa que ha coordinado la traducción al checo y a los miembros de diferentes instituciones catalanas que han coordinado la traducción al catalán.

La traducción al checo se puede consultar en la web de IFLA

La traducción de la versión catalana ha estado publicada por el Col.legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris-Documentalistes de Catalunya (COBDC), con la ayuda de diferentes instituciones bibliotecarias catalanas: Consorci de Biblioteques de Barcelona, Diputació de Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya y el mismo COBDC. Están disponibles en la página web de IFLA

Suzanne reconoce que estas traducciones son trabajos de mucho valor y contribuyen de modo muy significativo a una serie de estrategias de la IFLA.

También se siente muy orgullosa del compromiso de nuestros colegas por la contribución que hacen a nuestra profesión.


IFLA 2013 Singapore – Public Libraries Section Program

An amazing program from Public Libraries and Metropolitan Libraries Section awaits you in Singapore  Exploring an e-book future (e-book lending models, copyright and other issues) and a World café.


We will present an exciting program of   3-4 short speakers followed by a world café discussing different themes concerning the e-book future.  This session is not to be missed.


CLM and MLAS Sections will also present of panel discussions examining existing e-book licensing models and issues with the uptake of e-book licensing models in different countries.