In 2011, I was one of the librarians who enrolled in e-training course entitled: Turning the page 2.0. It was originally developed in 2007 by the Public Library Association (PLA) in the USA in collaboration with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Turning the page is one of the great courses in advocacy, which I highly recommend if you intend to conduct a training on advocacy at your library.
Turning the Page: Supporting Libraries, Strengthening Communities! Is an advocacy training for librarians and public libraries. The training curriculum -as mentioned in the website- was designed for the public library community – librarians, library directors, library staff, and partners – to help effectively advocate for funding, policies, and other support that will allow libraries to continue to meet the needs of their communities.
The curriculum contains 15 training sessions’; the website identified five sessions as “core” sessions based on your needs, – rather, than the full 15- that are essential to any training.
- Introduction
- Value of the Public Library (Core)
- Defining Advocacy (Core)
- Developing Your Advocacy Goal (Core)
- Identifying Target Audiences (Core)
- Using Library Perception Information and Impact Data
- Creating Library Advocacy Messages (Core)
- Creating a Library Story
- Telling Your Library Story
- Effective Presentations
- Media Planning and Outreach
- Social Media and Advocacy
- Making a Library Funding or Policy Request
- Building and Sustaining Library Partnerships
- Putting Advocacy Plans into Practice
Although the curriculum and the other resources on this website are, free to use and to share, but you are requested to review the licensing agreement and to attribute the curriculum before using. To find more about this course please visit: