Author Archives: Mary Laskowski

CPDWL – Career and Professional Development Coaching at WLIC 2018

If you are attending IFLA WLIC in Kuala Lumpur later this month and would like to have guidance for your individual professional development, don’t miss this!

The section Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning is hosting a session with career and professional development coaching for the individual. This session takes place Sunday 26/08/2018 at 11.45‐13.30 in Conference Hall 1/2. The set up will be a drop-in session where the participants can choose between different coaching areas. The coaching will focus on one individual or a small group of individuals. Each coaching interaction will last approximately 15-30 minutes. The focus of these coaching sessions will be to help develop the individual’s career and professional development and/or develop the individual’s understanding of how involvement in the work of IFLA can help with the individual’s career and professional development.

During former CPDWL satellite conferences, career and professional development coaching has been part of the program. This has been very well received by the satellite delegates, and the CPDWL section now expands the coaching efforts into the WLIC.

The CPDWL standing committee invites all WLIC delegates to join this session, and would appreciate your help in promoting this coaching session widely.

See you in Kuala Lumpur!
/Catharina Isberg, Almuth Gastinger, Ulrike Lang, Ewa Stenberg for CPDWL standing committee

Information about the coaching session
● Sun 26/08/2018 11.45‐13.30 Conference Hall 1/2
● More information on CPDWL:
● Contact: Catharina Isberg, secretary CPDWL, [email protected]

Look out for the CPDWL posters at the IFLA WLIC in Wroclaw!

The CPDWL team have developed a series of posters to communicate the importance of CPD – and that everyone in our profession needs to play a part.

The poster focuses on the IFLA Guidelines for Continuing Professional Development: Principles and Best Practices.

We all know that the future of the LIS sector depends on ensuring that our high quality professionals have the knowledge and expertise to design and deliver information services which meet the current and future needs of their communities. Our poster articulates the importance of CPD for all stakeholders: individual learners, employers, professional associations, LIS educators and training providers. It argues that to be a five-star profession, all players must commit to the principles of best practice in CPD and work together to create and support opportunities for ongoing learning and development.

The poster not only aims to increase awareness of the value of CPD in general and of the IFLA Guidelines for CPD resources in particular, but also to promote the work of the IFLA Section for CPDWL. It is designed to be displayed in libraries, information centres and training environments across the world. We have translations prepared in all the IFLA official languages – plus quite a few others! The CPDWL community has worked together to create the posters in English, French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Swedish, Norwegian, Italian – and of course Polish!

If you are at IFLA, please visit the poster displays 179/180 to see the posters in all the different languages. The posters are on the IFLA CPDWL website []

The Creative Commons licence allows for translation into other languages as well. If you are interested in translating your poster into your own language, please contact Gill Hallam [email protected] to get a copy of the master file.

Update from the IFLA Global Vision workshop in Athens, Greece

In early April the kick off workshop for the IFLA Global Vision took place in Athens, Greece.

The Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning (CPDWL) section was represented by Catharina Isberg (in her role as cochair) and Vivian Lewis (in her role as secretary). Other representation from CPDWL included Loida Garcia-Febo (in her role as Governing Board member) and Jane Dysart (in her role as one of the regional workshop facilitators).

The global vision will be discussed during this year in many different arenas. This kick off workshop was the starting point and during the coming months the discussion will continue in regional workshops (with the different library associations participating) and also within the IFLA units.
During the workshop the new vision web site was launched. At the web site you can follow the process and get additional information. During the meeting the hashtag #iflaGlobalVision was used. Please have a look in social media to follow this. It gives a good view of the days.

Within the CPDWL, the standing committee will now continue this work. In May we will have a virtual meeting were input from the members will be collected. All the input will be summarized into a report which will be sent to IFLA HQ during the summer.

This year will provide many opportunities to reflect and discuss the vision. The work has just started and the result of the 2017 work will be published in a report in January 2018. The vision for the global library field will be important for us all in our various work and roles. We expect that this work will strengthen us both locally and globally.

Further discussion regarding changes in IFLA are also ongoing. The Governing Board is looking into different possibilities and activities, and there will be an inclusive process with members. The process will include a membership survey launched at the WLIC in Poland 2017.
The work of the vision and the development of IFLA will make us move together into the future.

(Based on a summary by Catharina Isberg and Vivian Lewis)

Please join us for the upcoming webinar “Utilizing Partnerships to Expand Professional Development Opportunities Worldwide”

Dear colleagues:

We are proud to present the last session of the 2016 webinar series “New Librarians Global Connection: best practices, models and recommendations.”

Upcoming Webinars

The series “New Librarians Global Connection: Best Practices, Models and Recommendations” is organised jointly by IFLA New Professionals Special Interest group and IFLA SC Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning with the support of the American Library Association. This series of free webinars addresses issues of interest to new librarians, library associations and library schools, library-decision makers, and all library workers.

Please join us for the upcoming webinar
“Utilizing Partnerships to Expand Professional Development Opportunities Worldwide”

While partnerships have been an instrumental part of the library’s success in serving the needs of their communities, they now offer librarians profound opportunities for developing new competencies and skillsets that strengthen their careers. This webinar will highlight various examples of international initiatives that not only expand professional development opportunities for librarians, but also connect them to dynamic and globally-based professional networks.
Success stories, challenges, and the impacts of these partnerships will be discussed.

Join us to hear some truly inspiring stories! Join our free IFLA/ALA Webinar on 10 October at 18 UTC.
Below, the date and time of the next webinar. Save the date!

October 10, 2016
2:00 p.m. EDT
8:00 p.m. CEST
World Clock
Event time announcer

Link to access the virtual meeting room – coming soon. Webinar length is one hour.

Keynote “Professional Development Outcomes of a Globally Based Virtual Conference Partnership: A Library 2.0 Case Study”

Sandra Hirsh, Director and Professor, San Jose State University School of Information, USA

Currently Director and Professor of the School of Information at San José State University, a 100% online program with participants from all over the world. Sandra Hirsh previously worked for a decade in the Silicon Valley at: Hewlett Packard Labs, Microsoft, and LinkedIn and was assistant professor at the University of Arizona. President of the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) in 2015, she is the co-founder and co-chair of the global virtual Library 2.0 conference series since 2011 (, and serves in leadership roles in ALA and on the IFLA. She edited Information Services Today: An Introduction, published by Rowman & Littlefield in 2015. She holds both a bachelor’s degree and Ph.D. from UCLA and a MLIS degree from University of Michigan.
“20 years of Russian – U.S. partnerships: Lessons learned”

Susan Schnuer, Associate Director, Mortenson Center for International Library Program, USA
Svetlana Gorokhova, Head of Center for International Cooperation, All Russia State Library for Foreign Literature, Russia

Susan Schnuer has worked at the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs for the past twenty-five years and is currently the Associate Director. The Mortenson Center is a unique program located at the University of Illinois in the United States offering intensive professional development programs to librarians around the world.
Involved in the development and implementation of professional development programs for the over 1200 librarians from more than 90 countries, Schnuer has extensive experience in leadership programs and has worked on country specific professional development projects in all continents.
Schnuer is a Notable Member of the ALA’s International Relations Round Table. In 2013, she was awarded John Ames Humphry/OCLC/Forest Press Award for International Librarianship. She was also presented with the Honorary Lifetime Member award from the Library and Information Association of South Africa. In 2015 she received IFLA Scroll of Appreciation.

Svetlana Gorokhova graduated from Moscow Linguistic University in 1989 with Red Diploma in English Language. During her last year in the University she joined the All Russia State Library for Foreign Literature (6 million items in 146 languages) as a Reference Librarian and has worked there since then. At the moment, she acts as Head of Center for International Cooperation, coordinating projects featuring the library as a community center. For two terms Svetlana served as Standing Committee member for the Library Services to Multicultural Population IFLA section.
Since 1996 Svetlana is facilitating joint research activities of the All Russia State Library for Foreign Literature (Moscow, Russia) and Charles F. Kettering Foundation (Dayton, Ohio). In 1998 the Library for Foreign Literature initiated the inter-regional project “Library as a Community Center”, uniting 7 regions of Russia (Saratov, Bryansk, Moscow, St Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Vologda and Tomsk).

“Rethinking mentoring: online, international peer mentoring with the International Librarians Network”
Alyson Dalby, International Librarians Network Director of Business Operations

Originally from Australia, Alyson has a background in academic and special libraries, having worked for the University of New South Wales Library, the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, and the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. She has also worked for vendors and associations, and sat on the Board of Directors of the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) from 2013 to 2015.
In 2015 Alyson moved from Australia to Denmark, and now works as Team Manager, Data Readiness for LEO Pharma in Copenhagen, while volunteering for the International Librarians Network. She tweets as @alysondalby and can be found on LinkedIn.

“Challenges and benefits of international cooperation for libraries”
Magdalena Krasowska-Igras, Project Coordinator in Information Society Development Foundation

Magdalena is currently in charge of fundraising and international projects implementation at the Information Society Development Foundation. She has a M.A. in music from the Chopin University of Music in Warsaw, completed cultural management postgraduate studies at the Polish Academy of Science and studied international relations in Collegium Civitas. She is a Senior Expert of Proposal Writing and Budgeting in the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme and runs numerous trainings mostly in the field of international projects planning. She has been involved – as a writer and manager – in many European Union and European Economy Area funded projects addressing the cultural institutions and their capacity.

Moderator: Matilde Fontanin – IFLA CPDWL and AIB (Italian Librarians’ association) – please contact [email protected] for registration information.

The topics for the webinars were compiled from global surveys. The webinars are presented in April, July and October. Stay tuned for more news!
The webinars are archived. For more information about the 2012-2016 series and to listen to a number of webinars, visit the following link

Questions and requests for information about the series:
Loida Garcia-Febo
Series Coordinator
[email protected]

Workshop Content Now Available!

Information from the IFLA CPDWL workshop Continuing Professional Development: Building Quality is now posted on the CPDWL website. Content includes a four page summary of the IFLA Guidelines for Continuing Professional Development: Principles and Best Practices, as well as the original workshop invitation, agenda, and summary of workshop comments and ideas.

We are hoping to have the guidelines translated into as many languages as possible. If you are interested in helping with that effort please contact Jana Varlejs ([email protected]). Many thanks to those who have already provided support for translation.

IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning (CPDWL) and IFLA New Professionals SIG (NPSIG) has partnered with the American Library Association to present a one-hour webinar “Information Literacy in my career.”

IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning (CPDWL) and IFLA New Professionals SIG (NPSIG) has partnered with the American Library Association to present a one-hour webinar “Information Literacy in my career.” Professionals at different stages of their career will talk about what information literacy means to them, how they engage with it in their job, and how they see information literacy featuring in their future.

Keynote and moderator: Sheila Webber (@sheilayoshikawa)
Sheila is Senior Lecturer and Director of the Centre for Information Literacy Research in the Information School, University of Sheffield. She is a committee member of IFLA Information Literacy Section (, and interim co-chair of UNESCO’s GAPMIL (Global Alliance of partnerships for Media and information Literacy) European Chapter ( She blogs at The Information Literacy Weblog

Pamela McKinney (@ischoolpam). Pamela is a Lecturer in the Information School, University of Sheffield. Before joining the iSchool, she was a learning developer in the Centre for Inquiry-based Learning in the Arts and Social Sciences, and prior to that an academic librarian at Sheffield Hallam University

Liam Bullingham (@liamealbee). Liam is a Liaison Librarian at the University of Sheffield. Previous jobs included Information Adviser at Sheffield Hallam University, Knowledge Management Resources Assistant at DLA Piper and Graduate Trainee Library Assistant, Manchester Metropolitan University.

Emily Wheeler (@heliotropia). Emily is Learning Advisor at the University of Leeds. Previous posts include Library Graduate Trainee at Manchester Metropolitan University. She runs the CILIP Yorkshire and Humberside Member Network blog and co-organises the LISDIS (Library and Information Science Dissertations) conference

Date: July 26, 2016
Time: 10am Central Standard Time (Chicago, USA) / 11am Eastern Standard Time (NYC, USA) / 4pm British Summer Time (London, UK) / 5pm (Stockholm, Sweden)
Times elsewhere

To join the webcast on July 26: Go to to access the live event. The webinar will be recorded and the recording will be made available online after the event.

Questions should be directed to [email protected].

Satellite Meeting in Cleveland Canceled

We are very sorry to inform you that the CPDWL satellite meeting in Cleveland, Transforming Libraries: What does this mean for continuing professional development and workplace learning? is canceled. Based on registration numbers, the planned attendance was not sufficient to allow the satellite to succeed.

We deeply regret this decision, and want to thank the satellite committee for all the hard work and commitment they have put into the planning. We also apologize for the trouble this will cause several of you, having to change travel arrangements and other things.

All papers that are finalized will be prepared for publication if desired, even though the satellite is called off.

The good work in the CPDWL section continues. We hope to learn from this experience and look forward to future collaborations with all colleagues interested in continuing professional development.