Highlights include an introduction to new CPDWL Standing Committee members, additional details about the CPDWL satellite meeting in Cape Town on ‘Taking Charge of Your LIS Career’, a report on the CPDWL and NPISG (New Professionals) webinars, and a thoughtful article on the challenges for librarians in participatory digital libraries. June 2015 CPDWL Newsletter
Monthly Archives: June 2015
BOBCATSSS 2016 Call for Papers now open
The 2016 BOBCATSSS Conference will take place in Lyon, France, January 27 – 29, 2016 and will explore several key topics: The Role of Libraries in Democratic Cultures, Intellectual Freedom and Censorship, Libraries, Open Access and Open Data, and Protecting Privacy.
The Call for Papers is now open.
For further details please check the website