For the 4th consecutive year, IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning and IFLA New Professionals Special Interest Group are partnering with the American Library Association (ALA) to present a series of free quarterly webinars on issues of interest to new librarians, library associations and library schools, library-decision makers, and all library workers. This is a great opportunity for membership participation via new worldwide online programming.
This session is titled “Making the Leap to Library Leadership” and is designed both for people who have been called upon to serve a leadership role and those who wish to take on more leadership responsibility. The session will outline essential skills for twenty-first century library leaders and help participants to gain a deeper understanding of their own role, as well as that of their department and library, within the larger picture of their umbrella organization. Topics such as emotional intelligence, professional comportment, understanding organizational culture, change management and intellectual agility will be covered in a practical, non-theoretical way. This webinar is designed to be a small taste of what is offered at such institutes so that participants can begin to chart a course for personal leadership development.
Please contact Loida Garcia-Febo ([email protected]), Series Coordinator for questions and requests for information.