Tag Archives: RDA

Testing Resource Description and Access (RDA) – Announcement

The Library of Congress, the National Agricultural Library, and the National Library of Medicine have issued a statement from the Executives of the three libraries regarding the Report and Recommendations of the U.S. RDA Test Coordinating Committee on the implementation of RDA—Resource Description & Access. 

The full Report and Recommendations will be available prior the ALA Annual Conference on the Testing Resource Description and Access Home Page: http://www.loc.gov/bibliographic-future/rda/

An executive summary of the report is currently available at: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/tsd/cataloging/RDA_report_executive_summary.pdf


The RDA Toolkit launches

The Co-Publishers of the RDA Toolkit (American Library Association, Canadian Library Association, and CILIP—through its publishing imprint, Facet Publishing) have announced that the RDA Toolkit is now live.

The system includes:

  • RDA instructions that are searchable and browsable
  • AACR2 Rule Number Search of RDA instructions
  • Workflows, mappings: tools to customize the RDA instruction set to support organizational training and processes
  • Two views of RDA content—by table of contents and by element set
  • Full text of AACR2

Institutions or individuals can sign up for free open access until August 31, 2010, at: www.rdatoolkit.org/openaccess. Full information can be found at:  www.rdatoolkit.org where webinar archives, an RDA training calendar, presenter/trainer materials and pricing in the major currencies is now available.