The Volume 13 Issue no. 1 (2022) of JLIS.it has been published on January 15: see https://jlis.fupress.net/index.php/jlis/issue/view/34. This issue contains the papers presented at the Bibliographic Control in the Digital Ecosystem International Conference, promoted by the University of Florence, AIB, IFLA Bibliography Section, and the main Italian bibliographic institutes, held remotely from 8 to 12 February 2021 (www.bc2021.unifi.it). The proceedings will be distributed also in a printed version, co-published by AIB, EUM-Edizioni Università di Macerata, FUP-Firenze University Press (in the Biblioteche & bibliotecari series), with the addition of the institutional greetings of the promoters and the conclusions of some members of the Scientific Committee.

Issue no. 1, 2022 of the journal also presents some important innovations: the launch of the unprecedented co-edition between two university presses, EUM and FUP, and the transition to the OJS3 platform, starting points for a new phase of JLIS.it, always careful to experiment with innovative and sustainable cultural and technological models, and to adapt to a constantly evolving bibliographic universe and publishing landscape. JLIS.it, through FUP and EUM, wishes to strengthen and improve the presence of the journal in the circuits of international scientific communication.

Best wishes,
mauro guerrini

JLIS.it editor

One thought on “JLIS.it

  1. Pat Riva

    Great to see these proceedings published. The whole congress was very interesting. Many thanks to JLIS.it

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