Tag Archives: CC0

German National Library Offers Over 11 million MARC21 Records Under CC0 Open License

11.5 million free bibliographic data items now available from the German National Library in MARC 21 format

All the bibliographic data of the German National Library offered under “Creative Commons Zero” conditions are available free of charge as a complete package in MARC 21 format for free use. Included are more than 11.5 million bibliographic data items.

The bibliographic data up to the 2011 bibliography year are currently offered under a “Creative Commons Zero” licence (CC0). Free registration is required in order to use the data. Charges are applied to bibliographic data of the current and the previous year. The data of the next bibliography year is added to the package of free data in the first quarter of each new year.

The intention is to provide all data in all formats free of charge and under CC0 conditions for free use from mid-2015. This represents the German National Library’s response to the growing demand for freely available metadata.

Further information:

Data Service
Business model

A report on the licensing model: Licensing Library and Authority Data Under CC0: The DNB Experience by Lars Svensson is now available.

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