4th International Bibliographic Congress, Yakutsk, Sakha republic (Takutia), Russia

The Russian Library Association, Russian National Library (St. Petersburg), Russian State Library (Moscow), State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk), Arctic State Institute of Culture and Arts (Yakutsk), and National Library of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) (Yakutsk) announce the convocation of the 4th International Bibliographic […]

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national bibliographic control in the digital era

National Bibliographic Control in the Digital Era

By Eduardo da Silva Alentejo E-mail: [email protected] In a growing universe of information alternatives, emerging technologies on the Web have been adapted and applied to the ways in which human beings control what they produce. That is, what is organized, preserved and disseminated to society through successive generations of bibliographic systems. Considering that in libraries […]

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Association of Ibero-American States for the Development of National Libraries of Ibero-America (ABINIA) and national bibliographies

By Sandra Martín Abstract The aim of this paper is to determine the coverage, format and degree of visibility of the national bibliographies in progress and on the web of the Latin American countries members of the Association of Ibero-American States for the Development of National Libraries of Ibero-America (ABINIA), -excluding Spain and Portugal-. The […]

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Bibliographic Control and Identifiers: how do the national libraries and bibliographic agencies in Latin American countries deal with it?

By Sandra Martín Abstract The objective of this work is to know the degree of insertion of bibliographic, institutional and person identifiers in the bibliographic control process in national libraries and/or national bibliographic agencies of the Latin American countries that are members of the Association of Ibero-American States for Development. of the National Libraries of […]

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Are you curious about legal deposit in Latin America? Let’s dive into it from a legislative point of view

By Sandra Martín Abstract The purpose of this paper is to understand and interpret through a hermeneutic study the legislation on legal deposit in the Latin American countries members of the Association of Ibero-American States for the Development of National Libraries of Ibero-America (ABINIA) —excluding Spain and Portugal—, in order to establish a critical state […]

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A conceptual model for UBC

By Sandra Martín The article Conceptual model for universal bibliographic control is available online. Abstract It presents a proposal for a conceptual model of universal bibliographic control based on general systems theory (GST) and considered as a global system with a decentralized, distributed, collaborative, interconnected and linked model structure.   The CBU is reflected on […]

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