Category Archives: New Developments & Announcements

4th International Bibliographic Congress, Yakutsk, Sakha republic (Takutia), Russia

The Russian Library Association, Russian National Library (St. Petersburg), Russian State Library (Moscow), State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk), Arctic State Institute of Culture and Arts (Yakutsk), and National Library of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) (Yakutsk) announce the convocation of the 4th International Bibliographic Congress on September 16-19, 2025 in Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (Russia).

Bibliographers from all over the world are invited (no registration fee). It’s possible to participate remotely (online).

Theme of the Congress: “Bibliography and the preservation of the cultural heritage and linguistic diversity of the peoples of the world.”

The following issues will be discussed:

  • Strategic issues of bibliography development in the context of the digital economy. Artificial intelligence in the library. Advanced experience in the field of IT.
  • National bibliography. National bibliographic services. Practices of creating a national bibliography.
  • International bibliographic cooperation.
  • Bibliography as a means of promoting culture, preserving the cultural heritage of countries and peoples, providing access to heritage.
  • Indigenous knowledge and ethical information management, data and databases. Indigenous languages in the context of repositories, databases or publications.
  • Book heritage. Scientific description of individual book monuments and collections.
  • Access to information. Internet management. The role of libraries.
  • Bibliographic resources: types, genres, topics, directions of development.
  • Development and implementation of standards for bibliographic description of documents. Functional requirements for bibliographic records.
  • Library catalogues: IT paradigm of cataloging.
  • Innovative approaches to cataloging, linked data capabilities, collaborative metadata creation.
  • Presentation formats and authoritative control of bibliographic data.
  • Bibliographic support for science, technology, education and culture.
  • Bibliographic tools for book promotion and reading. Reading and literacy development in libraries, integration of reading research.
  • Bibliography for children and youth.
  • Professional education of bibliographers, cataloguers: trends and approaches.
  • Information and digital literacy. Information culture of the individual. Bibliographic culture as the basis of intellectual activity.
  • Current state of bibliographic science. Bibliographic topics in research activities. Scientific schools in bibliography.
  • Historical and bibliographic research in the context of world domestic cultural heritage. Biography in historical and bibliographical research.
  • Modern scientometric systems. Scientometric and bibliometric research.

The organisers are open to new ideas and suggestions. Please send all suggestions on topics and issues for the Congress to the Organizing Committee at e-mail: [email protected].

Working languages: Russian, English

An information letter and a registration form for the Congress will be posted on the websites of the Russian Library Association, Russian State Library, National Library, SPSTL SB RASRAS and the National Library of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Contact: e-mail: [email protected]


VI Colloquium on RDA in Latin America and the Caribbean and the III Meeting on RDA in Brazil

By Isabel Ayres

The VI Colloquium on RDA in Latin America and the Caribbean and the III Meeting on RDA in Brazil was organized by the Brazilian Federation of Associations of Librarians, Information Scientists and Institutions (FEBAB) and the National Library of Mexico and took  place on October 18- 20, 2023.

Click here to get the full article – IFLA Metadata Newsletter – Dec. 2023

Conference report: Universal Bibliographic Control at the crossroads, a report on the satellite meeting

By Maud Henry, Mathilde Koskas, and Pat Riva

Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC) is a fundamental principle for national libraries, formulated over 50 years ago by IFLA and UNESCO. IFLA’s last official document on the subject, the IFLA Professional Statement on Universal Bibliographic Control, dates back to 2012, and the federation had not devoted a general meeting to the subject since the Lyon Congress in 2014. In the meantime, the international normative landscape for the production, sharing and dissemination of metadata has continued to evolve rapidly. The question arose: is the principle of Universal Bibliographic Control still valid?

Click here to get the full article – IFLA Metadata Newsletter – Dec. 2023

WLIC 2023 Satellite Meeting – Universal Bibliographic Control at the crossroads: the challenges of unifying IFLA bibliographic standards

The IFLA Satellite Meeting on Universal Bibliographic Control at the crossroads: the challenges of unifying IFLA bibliographic standards took place in Brussels (KBR) on August 18 and 19, 2023.

Universal Bibliographic Control is a fundamental principle for national libraries, formulated over 50 years ago by IFLA and UNESCO. IFLA’s last official document on the subject, the IFLA Professional Statement on Universal Bibliographic Control, dates back to 2012, and the federation had not devoted a general meeting to the subject since the Lyon Congress in 2014. In the meantime, the international normative landscape for the production, sharing and dissemination of metadata has continued to evolve rapidly. The question arose: is the principle of Universal Bibliographic Control still valid? The satellite meeting organized by the Bibliography section with the Cataloguing and Subject Access and Analysis sections at KBR on August 18 and 19 brought together some fifty participants to examine this question. The program, alternating presentations (available here) and workshops, enabled these practitioners and experts from different countries to examine the foundations of UBC, its relationship with IFLA metadata standards (International Cataloguing Principles, IFLA LRM, ISBD, UNIMARC, MulDiCat), and its place in the contemporary context. Artificial intelligence, which was the subject of so many discussions during the congress, also featured prominently.

The conclusion of this day and a half of work is unanimous: yes, the concept of Universal Bibliographic Control is still valid, but the declaration needs to be revised so that it continues to be expressed in a way appropriate to the current context, paying particular attention to its status for IFLA and its place in the universe of IFLA metadata standards. The organizing sections will therefore be working on a framework for the revision in the coming months.

We’d like to thank all the participants, the speakers, KBR, the organizing committee and OCLC for sponsoring this event!

Text written by Mathilde Koskas and edited by Maud Henry

European Retrospective Bibliographies at CERL

European Retrospective Bibliographies at CERL

Early in 2022, the Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL – established a Working Group on Retrospective Bibliographies. The Working Group’s main focus was to identify electronic resources with bibliographical descriptions for national, regional, format-specific (i.e. incunabula, newspapers) or language-specific print cultures (up to 1830). Over the years, CERL has included several of these resources in the Heritage of the Printed Book (HPB) database, has closely aligned itself with the English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC), and more recently started to act as the host for bibliographies such as the Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC) and Short Title Catalogue Netherlands (STCN).

The members of the Working Group (see also dream of a day when these electronic bibliographies together offer a comprehensive overview of European prints before 1830. The Working Group wishes to encourage the inclusion of permanent identifiers from retrospective bibliographies in catalogue records and research projects as a basis for connecting these bibliographies to form a strong and rich data network.

From the start, the Working Group was very much aware of the IFLA Register of national bibliographies, and felt that CERL would be in a position to create a supplement to this valuable list with information about bibliographies that focus on or have a strong component of books printed up to 1830.  A first overview  created by Olga Tkachuk, Ossoliński National Institute, in 2022, primarily gathered information about bibliographies (national, regional, language-specific) in nations in the east of Europe (currently listed are Albania / Belarus / Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bulgaria / Croatia / Cyprus / Czech Republic / Estonia / Greece / Hungary / Latvia / Lithuania / Moldavia / Montenegro / North Macedonia / Poland / Romania / Serbia / Slovakia / Slovenia / Ukraine). The list will gradually be expanded with information from European countries not yet listed.

As a result of the work on this overview, CERL decided to organise a conference on the topic. The title of the conference is Retrospective Bibliographies and European Print Cultures to 1830 – Challenges and perspectives in the digital age, and it will take place on 29 and 30 June 2023 at the Ossolineum Library, in Wrocław, Poland. For the programme and registration details see

The key-note address by Marieke van Delft (now retired, but formerly of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, the National Library of the Netherlands) will reflect on the word ‘national’ for these bibliographies, a term  used in established librarianship tradition in accordance with IFLA and bibliographic control standards, but in today’s world and in the historical context of early printing a term that throws up questions regarding content and scope of retrospective (national) bibliographies.

Looking at our European retrospective bibliographies, which today are no longer printed books, but databases, files with records and identifiers, we see that their scope is usually a mix of geographic/territorial and language aspects, according to the cultural impact and context of a given era.  Today, creating such a bibliography, maintaining and developing it, remains a cooperative challenge – as CERL’s and IFLA’s interest in this topic underlines – and a long-term financial commitment of national impact. Creating and maintaining the kind of retrospective bibliographies that are the focus of the CERL WG is often conceived of as a national duty and a commitment to cultural heritage – a national commitment to a national research infrastructure of transnational importance and impact. CERL as a consortium of European research libraries has a unifying role in this huge cooperative undertaking.

During the conference, we will take a closer look at inclusion and exclusion criteria for the bibliographies, as well as issues related to making data accessible and re-usable, the economics of funding the work and how we organise workflows and collaboration. And we would also like to talk about these bibliographies in the CERL context. Certain retrospective bibliographies, such as the Short Title Catalogue Netherlands and the Incunabula Short Title Catalogue are hosted by CERL, while some, such as the German Verzeichnisse der deutschen Drucke and the Short Title Catalogue Flanders, are included in the Heritage of the Printed Book (HPB) database (and some are both in the HPB and hosted by CERL as stand-alone databases). Should CERL differentiate between records from retrospective bibliographies and records from library catalogues in how this data is made available to the user community? And how can we help to make the data more visible and more accessible?

We hope that our conference will put us on the path of defining what makes retrospective (national) bibliographies valuable today, how we can present them in a way that offers the greatest benefit to end users, and what their long-term perspectives and development could be. For this we would be very happy to collaborate with IFLA’s Bibliography Section to encompass the print output from the earliest printed book to today.

Marian Lefferts, Consortium of European Research Libraries

Claudia Fabian, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München


June 2023


Italian translation of Common Practices published

The Italian translation of the Common Practices for National Bibliographies in the Digital Age was recently completed and has now been published in the IFLA Repository:
Pratiche condivise per le bibliografie nazionali nell’era digitale