Monthly Archives: March 2022

Art of Bibliography: Brazil

2021 edition of the International Seminar The Art of Bibliography was held online in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Seminar was promoted by the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar / Brazil), with the participation of Dr. Luciana de Souza Gracioso and Dr. Zaira Regina Zafalon, in partnership with the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ / Brazil), with Dr. André Vieira de Freitas Araújo, the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Unirio / Brazil) and the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT / Brazil), with Dr. Gustavo Saldanha, and Università di Bologna (Unibo / Italy), in the person of Dr. Giulia Crippa. The previous editions took place in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Vitória, Recife, and Florianópolis, in person, in Brazilian universities, and the last one, remotely, was based in Ravenna (Italy).

The live stream sessions are available on YouTube so the event can be followed by a wider audience. With more than 250 participants, mainly from Brazil, it had participants from Argentina, the United States, Peru, Portugal, and Uruguay.

Keeping in mind historical and contemporary issues of Bibliography approached as art, science, technique, technology, and method. The problematizations proposed a conceptual and technical rethinking of Bibliography as a discipline that supports the process of knowledge construction, mainly in the academic and scientific, focusing on social justice issues, both in terms of bibliographic praxis and its exercise of social transformation.

The Seminar began on December 9th with the Opening Conference entitled “The education of ethnic-racial relations in Science teaching: construction of a field?”, given by Dr. Douglas Verrangia (UFSCar), which was followed by the Thematic Session Transgressions and Insurgencies in the Bibliography, with the participation of Dr. Antón Castro Míguez (UFSCar), who presented “A transgressive look at (making p)art of the bibliography: initial provocations)” and Dr. Fabrício José Nascimento da Silveira (UFMG), with “Representational insurgencies: when subordinate individuals and groups claim the word”. In the afternoon of this day, there were simultaneous sessions for the presentation of papers and discussion of proposals and the Thematic Session The Discourse and Bibliographic Practice and its Relationship with Social Justice, with the presentations: “Bibliography and documentary democracy: horizons of metalinguistic social justice” by Dr. Gustavo Silva Saldanha (IBICT/UNIRIO), “Discourse and bibliographic work in the Annals of the National Library: between documents and institutional commitment” by Dr. Carlos Henrique Juvêncio da Silva (UFF) and “Critical cataloging: a reflection on the potential of cataloging for social justice” by Dr. Lucia Sardo (UNIBO, Italy).

On December 10th, Dr. Giulia Crippa (UNIBO, Italy) delivered the Conference “Telling history and cultural memory: Public History and Bibliography” followed by the Thematic Session Human Migrations and Epistemicides, in which Dr. Bruno Nathansohn (UFRJ) presented “Between the fluidity of human migrations and documental fixity: refugee narratives as bio-bibliographic sources” Johnny Passos (UFSCar), from the Xakriabá ethnic group, commented on the research “Mapping the Brazilian scientific production of theses and dissertations on indigenous issues” and Mrs. Franciéle Carneiro Garcês da Silva, Master on Information Science (UFMG) discussed “(Re)knowing Black Bibliography: from epistemicide to informational justice” . During the afternoon, 8 papers were presented in simultaneous sessions and the Closing Conference Patrimonial and contextual texture of the document, in which Dr. José Augusto Chaves Guimarães (UNESP) presented “The document as context: rethinking the materiality of a content” and Dr. André de Freitas Araujo (UFRJ), “Critical dimensions of bibliographic heritage: meanings, value systems, and cultural rights”.
The Proceedings can be checked here.

— Zaira Regina Zafalon and Andre Vieira de Freitas Araujo