Monthly Archives: December 2014

Innovative Public Libraries Acknowledged


EIFL has announced  the names of four winners of their seventh Public Library Innovation Award – for Public libraries contributing to education. The EIFL Public Library Innovation Awards recognize innovative library services that improve lives in their communities. The awards are open to all public and community libraries in developing and transition countries.

The libraries contribute to education of people of all ages – children, youth and adults. They provide support for children attending school, helping them improve in important school subjects, and they provide exciting opportunities for formal and non-formal education for adults.


  • Kenya – ‘Dr Robert Ouko’ Memorial Community Library, for providing children with desperately needed textbooks, literature and reference books through an e-readers programme.
  • Latvia – Pelči Library, whose ‘Little school of local history’ is educating children about history in an exciting way.
  • Mexico – Public Library ‘Victoria Dorantes’ No. 382, whose online education programme is helping to build a positive learning environment in families.
  • Moldova – ‘B. P. Hasdeu’ Municipal Library, which created a dynamic summer learning centre in a city amusement park.

Each winner receives a prize of US$1,500, a certificate and a trophy.Awards will be presented during international library events. We are currently identifying opportunities for award ceremonies.


Desperately Seeking!


Earlier this year y Bournemouth Libraries in Dorset, UK,  launched a booklet The Library Flame out to the world of public libraries with a request for each library to add its stamp and pass it on. It was conceived as part of the Holocaust Memorial Day 2014 and reflects this year’s theme of ‘Journeys’. Those who received the book were asked to let Bournemouth Library know where it was.

The last known whereabouts of The Library Flame was  in South Eastern Australia.

Bournemouth are anxious to have it back in time for their Holocaust Ceremony at the end of January. If you know of its whereabouts or if it’s passed through your hands can you please let us know? [email protected]

Fingers crossed – please share this message through your networks.

The Sieghart Report on Public Libraries Released


The long awaited Sieghart Report was officially released today. CILIP are calling the work a ‘convincing roadmap’ as the report outlines a detailed strategy for reinvigorating English public libraries. William Sieghart and panel have three ‘major’ recommendations that form the crux of their proposal:

  1. The provision of national digital resources for libraries, to be delivered in partnership with local authorities.
  2. The setting up of a task and finish force, led by local government, in partnership with other bodies involved in the library sector, to provide a strategic framework for England, and to help in implementing the following.
  3. The task force, to work with local authorities, to help them improve, revitalise and if necessary, change their local library service, while encouraging, appropriate to each library, increased community involvement.

Alongside decisive recommendations for the future, the Independent Library Report for England advocates the value of public libraries: ‘The library does more than simply loan books. It underpins every community. It is not just a place for self-improvement, but the supplier of an infrastructure for life and learning’. The Sieghart Report is an exciting development in the current library climate, reminding us all that change can mean positive developments.

For a look at what CILIP have to say on the matter visit their site. You might also be interested in what David Lankes has to say in Coffee, Wifi, and the Loo: Reactions to The Sieghart Report.



Technology facilitating access to information- Call for Papers


IFLA’s Information Technology, Public Libraries and  Asia and Oceania Sections together with the Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section are seeking proposals for papers to be presented at a session during the IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Cape Town, South Africa 15-21, August 2015.

Libraries (and research centres) play a central role in facilitating access to information, particularly in supporting community-based solutions to meet the information needs around development. We are seeking papers that illustrate significant information technology projects that realize the principles of the Lyon Declaration in:
• Helping citizens exercise their civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights
• Ensuring accountability and transparency and good governance and empowerment
• Illustrating practical application of technology supported by libraries in fostering development goals through access to information
• Measuring progress on public and private commitments on sustainable development.
• Information technology enabling citizens to communicate and exchange information with government

The Lyon Declaration was launched at the IFLA congress in Lyon in August 2014.  This session provides an opportunity to share information technology projects that support the goals of this declaration.

Papers presenting innovative projects, experience, initiatives or services with a strong collaborative cross-border or international dimension are preferred.   Papers should reflect the conference theme, “Dynamic Libraries: Access, Development and Transformation”.

The program will feature up to five presentations of 15-20 minutes each with additional time for questions.


So much choice!


The IFLA Professional Committee has just released details of the approved programs for the 81st IFLA General Conference and Assembly in Cape Town next August.

The Public Libraries Section is partnering with:

  • Library Service for People with Special Needs to present Public Library Service to the Socially Isolated:  Homeless, Incarcerated, Mentally Ill 
  • Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning to present Learning across borders – a workshop
  • Information Technology to present Technology facilitating access to information : libraries supporting development

We’ll also be supporting our colleagues in MetLib and their session “No-one left behind”. Reading, information, digital, media literacies and curation for inclusion in large urban areas plus the great programs being developed by Libraries for Children and Young Adults, Literacy, Management and Marketing …

IFLA has reported that there were many submissions this year so it promises to be a full and exciting week.