Tag Archives: IFLA Management and Marketing Section

So much choice!


The IFLA Professional Committee has just released details of the approved programs for the 81st IFLA General Conference and Assembly in Cape Town next August.

The Public Libraries Section is partnering with:

  • Library Service for People with Special Needs to present Public Library Service to the Socially Isolated:  Homeless, Incarcerated, Mentally Ill 
  • Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning to present Learning across borders – a workshop
  • Information Technology to present Technology facilitating access to information : libraries supporting development

We’ll also be supporting our colleagues in MetLib and their session “No-one left behind”. Reading, information, digital, media literacies and curation for inclusion in large urban areas plus the great programs being developed by Libraries for Children and Young Adults, Literacy, Management and Marketing …

IFLA has reported that there were many submissions this year so it promises to be a full and exciting week.