Tag Archives: David Lankes

The Sieghart Report on Public Libraries Released


The long awaited Sieghart Report was officially released today. CILIP are calling the work a ‘convincing roadmap’ as the report outlines a detailed strategy for reinvigorating English public libraries. William Sieghart and panel have three ‘major’ recommendations that form the crux of their proposal:

  1. The provision of national digital resources for libraries, to be delivered in partnership with local authorities.
  2. The setting up of a task and finish force, led by local government, in partnership with other bodies involved in the library sector, to provide a strategic framework for England, and to help in implementing the following.
  3. The task force, to work with local authorities, to help them improve, revitalise and if necessary, change their local library service, while encouraging, appropriate to each library, increased community involvement.

Alongside decisive recommendations for the future, the Independent Library Report for England advocates the value of public libraries: ‘The library does more than simply loan books. It underpins every community. It is not just a place for self-improvement, but the supplier of an infrastructure for life and learning’. The Sieghart Report is an exciting development in the current library climate, reminding us all that change can mean positive developments.

For a look at what CILIP have to say on the matter visit their site. You might also be interested in what David Lankes has to say in Coffee, Wifi, and the Loo: Reactions to The Sieghart Report.



Innovation should look like Silicon Valley…if you serve Silicon Valley. Otherwise, it should look like your community.

David Lankes


The quote Innovation should look like Silicon Valley…if you serve Silicon Valley. Otherwise, it should look like your community is from R David Lankes a professor and Dean’s Scholar for the New Librarianship at Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies and director of the Information Institute of Syracuse. If you don’t already subscribe his blog, Virtual Dave, covers many thought-provoking  topics. His latest post and clip Innovation in the Country  is a timely reminder to consider the needs and aspirations of your community as we grapple with what constitutes ‘maker spaces’.