About CPDWL (Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning)

The CPDWL Section embraces all aspects of professional development and learning in the workplace in the period post-qualification to the end of a career.

New developments and trends in information and communication technology, higher expectations of users, requirements of employers and managers of libraries and information service organisations and competition from information professionals in the broader information industry emphasize the imperative for associations and institutions to be ‘learning organisations’ and develop their staff by providing opportunities for continuing professional development and training in the workplace; and for individuals to be responsible for their own career planning and development.

Our membership engages institutions, organisations and individuals in a community of practice which supports practical and research-related activities within our area of subject expertise. The Section also brings together those who are interested in and responsible for the quality improvement of systems for delivering continuing professional development and workplace learning programs.

Have a look at http://www.ifla.org/en/cpdwl to find out more about our section work!