Category Archives: IFLA

Understanding Your Library from the Inside Out: A Workshop in Library Ethnography for User Assessment – Social Science Libraries with Africa Section

This off-site workshop will focus on helping librarians to understand and use ethnographic research methods–long used for cultural anthropology research–to better understand their libraries, their users, and how their services and collections are used.
Lynne S. Connaway, Senior Research Scientist and Director of User Research at OCLC
Celia Emmelheinz, Anthropology and Qualitative Research Librarian at UC Berkeley. T

Presentation Format: through interactive/hands-on activities, the workshop participants will explore an “ethnographic toolkit” they can use to better understand the context in which their users engage with their library and its resources. Topics covered include learning how to ask good research questions; honing participation and observation skills; engaging patrons in research through mapping and diaries; coding and interpreting findings, and using results to spark deeper engagement with the user community. 

Workshop Location: Wroclaw University Library. ul. F. Joliot-Curie 12, 50-383 Wrocław, Poland

Registration is limited to 30 participants
***Lunch will be served.

Social Science Libraries Section Program WLIC 2013 Singapore


IFLA World Library and Information Congress
79th IFLA General Conference and Assembly

17-23 August 2013, Singapore

Congress theme: Future Libraries: Infinite Possibilities


Social Science Libraries Section

Conference Session 84

18 August 2013 13:45 – 15:45 | Room: Summit 2


Libraries and social movements: a force for change

[IFLA-L] Introducing the IFLA Library – the new repository for managing IFLA’s World Library and Information Congress content

Dear colleagues,

IFLA President Ingrid Parent today launched the IFLA Library (, a repository for IFLA World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) papers and, in future, other IFLA publications:

“This improved accessibility to IFLA’s publishing, through the IFLA Library, will bring real benefits to participants at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress, to IFLA members, and to library and information professionals worldwide. I congratulate all those who worked hard to implement this project and I look forward to the further enhancements to come over the next year.”

Genevieve Clavel-Merrin, Chair of the Governing Board’s Repository Working Group welcomed the launch:

“The project Working Group members are all delighted to see this become a reality. The IFLA Library allows IFLA to share, manage, and archive its documents, and I look forward to seeing it grow and develop.”

The IFLA Library is part of IFLA’s Digital Content Programme Key Initiative, and is designed to provide a repository to collect together IFLA’s own publications for ease of location, search, display and preservation. IFLA selected EPrints Services to build and host the repository.

Over 160 papers are already available, and more will be added before the IFLA WLIC 2013 in Singapore, which takes place from 18 – 22 August 2013.

In line with IFLA’s Open Access and Copyright Policy, authors of papers accepted for the Congress have assigned a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported licence (CC BY 3.0) to their work. This licence enables IFLA to make copies of the papers available in its repository and permits the widest possible dissemination and use of the papers.

Following the 2013 Congress, presentation slides will also be made available where permission is granted by the speaker.

All content will be discoverable via Google and Google Scholar and development of the IFLA Library platform will continue to enhance the search, browse and help facilities for users.

The IFLA Library is available from the IFLA home page and is also linked from the WLIC programme from where Congress participants can search, read, browse, and download papers.

For further information please contact Joanne Yeomans.

 Joanne Yeomans

Professional Support Officer

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions

IFLA Headquarters – PO Box 95312 – 2509 CH The Hague – The Netherlands

Tel. +31 70 314 0884 Email. [email protected]

Skype: joanne.yeomans

Website for IFLA Officers: