IFLA Social Sciences Libraries Section – Business Meeting I – 2021

On the August 13th, 2021, the first Business Meeting of the IFLA Social Sciences Libraries Section was held in virtual form (Zoom meeting).


Congratulations to our incoming officers:

Lindsay Ozburn, Incoming Chair
Jennifer Voutssás, Incoming Secretary
Ekaterina Shibaeva, Incoming Information Coordinator

Many, many thanks to our outgoing chair Gene Hayworth for his leadership!!!

A big thank  to our outgoing secretary Robin Kear and information coordinator Celia Emmelhainz,  both are staying as a committee members.

A big welcome to our other new and continuing members, elected for the period 2021-2025:
○ Debal Kar,
○ Chiku Mchombu,
○ Abby Moore,
○ Ekaterina Shibaeva,
○ Fabien Vandermarcq (2nd term)
○ Robin Kear (2nd term).


Please enjoy our social media: TwitterFacebook, YouTube.



2 thoughts on “IFLA Social Sciences Libraries Section – Business Meeting I – 2021

  1. Chiku

    Thabk you very much Ekaterina,
    Looking forward to work with you all!
    Best Regards,

    1. Ekaterina Shibaeva Post author

      Thank you, Chiku! It is a big pleasure to have you as a member of the Standing Committee

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