Tag Archives: wlic2012

Empowering library users to solve problems: our stories

The Social Science Libraries Standing Committee program drew over 300 in attendance in today’s program, “Empowering library users: our stories,” Thursday 16 August 2012 at IFLA 2012, 10.45 – 12.45 hrs. A diversity of speakers from across the globe told their stories to an engaged audience. 

You can access the papers at: http://conference.ifla.org/ifla78/session-203

Watch for projects and other items resulting from today’s presentations and the discussions that followed!



Honesty in Helsinki IFLA 2012

Just as I began my 23rd IFLA Conference I lost my purse on the Tram in the evening. My husband and I checked with our hotel reception to find out what could be done. We filed a report with the city “lost and found” and also filled out an online report. Each new day I checked with hotel reception, they had called my loss into the lost and found, and also checked with the Information Desk in the conference center.

Each day I received the same answer, “nothing had been found.” Yesterday when I arrived at the hotel after a very long conference day, my husband was waiting outside. He took a picture of me returning. My camera was in my lost purse!



My camera, an extra battery, (conference pictures I had already taken), 160euros, and IFLA papers, along with my hotel room #⃣ and key were all returned without any missing pieces. My thanks to whomever found my purse and my thanks to Helsinki…another memorable IFLA Conference.

Social Science Libraries Standing Committee has 14 of 15 committee members at 1st meeting at IFLA Helsinki

The 1st Standing Committee Meeting of the Social Science Libraries was held this morning, Saturday 11 August 2011 at 9.45 – 12.15 hrs. There were 14 of 15 section committee members present along with two observers.

Chair, Liz Cooper opened the meeting with a warm welcome and asked for introductions from each attendee. The agenda was adopted and minutes from the two meetings held in Puerto Rico  in 2011 were accepted without change.

Reports from the Division Leadership, Professional Committee, and Treasurer were followed by discussion of the SSLC program for Helsinki 2012.

The focus then shifted to Odile Dupont, Convenor for the new SSLC sponsored SIG (Special Interest Group) RELINDIAL (Religions in Dialogue) for a report on the newly formed group. Progress continues with more contacts and diversity in the membership as well as new avenues to explore future projects for the SIG.

The Committee is also exploring possibilities for promoting the SIG in future WLIC meetings, including a satellite conference. The report was received with great enthusiasm and discussion.

The second meeting of the Committee will be Tuesday, 14 August, 16.45 – 18.00 hrs. In Room 206. Observers are welcome and are encouraged to participate.