Empowering library users to solve problems: our stories

The Social Science Libraries Standing Committee program drew over 300 in attendance in today’s program, “Empowering library users: our stories,” Thursday 16 August 2012 at IFLA 2012, 10.45 – 12.45 hrs. A diversity of speakers from across the globe told their stories to an engaged audience. 

You can access the papers at: http://conference.ifla.org/ifla78/session-203

Watch for projects and other items resulting from today’s presentations and the discussions that followed!



One thought on “Empowering library users to solve problems: our stories

  1. Manoj Kulkarni

    The papers give overall view of the user interactions and librarian’s response to it. These stories are really success of the users who made librarians to act according thier expectations.

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