Large Language Models for Writing Scientific Reviews

We are continuing to introduce you our speakers for the IFLA Social Sciences Libraries’ webinar Systematic Review Success: An Introductory Workshop for Librarians & Information Professionals 

Fourth presenter is Andrey E. Guskov (Novosibirsk & Moscow, Russia).

Guskov Andrey Evgenievich, Ph. D., Head of the Laboratory of Scientometrics and Science Communication of the Russian Research Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in Science and Technology (Moscow). Director of State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2016-2021. Deputy Director for Research at the Institute of Computing Technologies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2011-2014.
Area of interests: scientometrics, information systems for research, large language models.

The theme of the presentation:
Large Language Models for Writing Scientific Reviews

Abstract: The presentation discusses the use of large language models (LLMs) in the preparation of systematic reviews, highlighting their potential to significantly improve both efficiency and quality. It shows the capabilities of LLMs to perform key roles in the preparation of reviews, including the selection of relevant literature, the classification of articles into thematic topics relevant to the review, the extraction of key findings and other relevant data from full texts, and the drafting of the review manuscript. By integrating LLMs into the systematic review process, researchers can significantly reduce the time required to prepare reviews, while improving the overall quality of the reviews. These advance promises to revolutionize the field of scientific research and information science by making the laborious task of literature reviewing more manageable and accurate.

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We invite you to attend our webinar on June 5, Wednesday, 10 am-11:30 am ESTPlease check your time zone.
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