Category Archives: General

SSLS planning for the 2021-23

On the 10th of September, 2021, the IFLA Social Sciences Libraries Section held their Business Meeting II of (in ZOOM format).

Donatus Düsterhaus, the Convenor of the Religions: Libraries and Dialogue Special Interest Group, sponsored by the Social Science Libraries Section, presented a brief resume of the session Facing the future: working together to improve the interreligious dialogue at IFLA WLIC 2021.

Gene Hayworth, the outgoing Chair of the Section, presented a draft of the annual review, which was accepted without any comments. The Report is forwarded to the Division Chair for approval and will be published after all the procedures are passed.

Speaking about the Action Plan for the period 2021-2023 SC members agreed to continue working on the webinar session series Research Methods in Librarianship, From A- Z: designing, implementing and disseminating your researchThe series will be organized in cooperation with the LTR section and members of the IFLA Journal Editorial Board. In 2022 we are planning up to 3 events to be organized. The beginning of the series is available on our YouTube channel.

The planning for WLIC-2022 is going to be organised during the upcoming months when all the procedures become clear.

IFLA Social Science Libraries Section will start to introduce members of the Standing Committee on the pages of social media.
Follow our social media accounts on Facebook & Twitter to get to know us better!

“August 23, 2018: Workshop on text mining and the HathiTrust Research Center at the IFLA in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia.

Are you attending the IFLA 2018 World Library and Information Congress?

Join us at Dr. Abdul Latiff Library at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (National University of Malaysia) on August 23, 2018 for a day-long text mining workshop for librarians hosted by the IFLA Social Science Libraries Satellite Meeting.

This workshop will be led by instructors from the IMLS-funded project “Digging Deeper, Reaching Further: Libraries Empowering Users to Mine the HathiTrust Digital Library Resources” (DDRF). DDRF provides a workshop curriculum that teaches library and information professionals to concepts and methods in text mining and related digital scholarship methods, with a focus on the tools and data from the HathiTrust Research Center. The aims of the DDRF workshops are to empower librarians to become more conversant in digital scholarship and engage with digital projects at their institutions.

Here are some of the exciting things you can expect to learn and become familiar with during this session:

Building a corpus of texts in a HTRC Workset, and using it to conduct text analysis on your collection of works;
Gathering data through web scraping;
Cleaning data, dirty OCR, and clean OCR;
Using Python for text mining;
Topic modeling and other approaches for text analysis.
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with a break for lunch. All are encouraged to attend, and no experience is necessary!

Registration here: Seating will be limited, so please register at:

Updates and room directions will be sent to registrants just prior to the event date, and you can visit for information about the workshops.

Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

Understanding Your Library from the Inside Out: A Workshop in Library Ethnography for User Assessment – Social Science Libraries with Africa Section

This off-site workshop will focus on helping librarians to understand and use ethnographic research methods–long used for cultural anthropology research–to better understand their libraries, their users, and how their services and collections are used.
Lynne S. Connaway, Senior Research Scientist and Director of User Research at OCLC
Celia Emmelheinz, Anthropology and Qualitative Research Librarian at UC Berkeley. T

Presentation Format: through interactive/hands-on activities, the workshop participants will explore an “ethnographic toolkit” they can use to better understand the context in which their users engage with their library and its resources. Topics covered include learning how to ask good research questions; honing participation and observation skills; engaging patrons in research through mapping and diaries; coding and interpreting findings, and using results to spark deeper engagement with the user community. 

Workshop Location: Wroclaw University Library. ul. F. Joliot-Curie 12, 50-383 Wrocław, Poland

Registration is limited to 30 participants
***Lunch will be served.

Fostering Global Communication among Religions and Libraries: 12 August 2016, Columbus OH

The IFLA RELINDIAL SIG (Religions: Libraries and Dialogue Special Interest Group) and the American Theological Library Association (ATLA) welcome you to a timely discussion on Fostering Global Communication among Religions and Libraries. A majority of the world’s population professes to a faith tradition of their ancestors, their country or both. More than ever, we live in times calling for knowledge and respect for traditions of other people. Multiple speakers, panelists and paper presenters will discuss how religions and libraries are changing the nature of interfaith dialogue through their services and activities. Come join us on Friday 12 August to learn from all of the participants – presenters and audience – and to share your thoughts. More information about this event is available at here

XIV INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF INFORMATION: International Conference Center of Havana, Cuba, from October 31 to November

The Institute of Scientific and Technological Information, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of the Republic of Cuba, is pleased to invite you to participate in the XIV International Congress of Information, Info’2016, which will be held October 31 – November 4, 2016 at the International Conference Center of Havana, Cuba, under the general slogan “Information, Development and Sustainability”. This event will be held within the framework of the International Convention on Science, Technology
and Innovation. More information is here
Management of Libraries, Archives and Museums

III Forum on Management of Information Organizations

María Luisa Sené, Institute of Scientific and Technological Information,
Cuba [email protected]

Important dates

June 30, 2016: Last day for submission of full papers and curricula (no more
than 200 words). The rules for the presentation of the works are available
on the Congress website:

XIV CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE INFORMACIÓN Palacio de Convenciones de La Habana, Cuba31 de octubre al 4 de noviembre del 2016

El debate de las nuevas herramientas de gestión utilizadas por las
organizaciones de información (centro de información, documentación,
archivos, museos, bibliotecas) para asegurar su desempeño eficaz y
eficiente; así como analizar vías que contribuyan a convertir cada vez
más la información en un recurso indispensable para que estas
organizaciones evolucionen y se integren a las sociedades en la que existen.

* Gestión documental en las organizaciones de información
* Servicios de información, acceso y ciudadanía
* Organización y representación de la información
* Experiencias y avances de los modelos Centros de Recursos para el
Aprendizaje y la Investigación (CRAI)
* Sistemas de gestión bibliotecaria
* Sistemas de gestión de la calidad y de innovación en las
organizaciones de información
* Gestión de los procesos informacionales en las organizaciones de
* Apropiación de las TIC´s en las organizaciones de información
* Herramientas para el procesamiento de la información digital
* Gestión de estadísticas
* Indicadores para la evaluación de la gestión y los servicios en
organizaciones de información
* Legislación de las organizaciones de información

Comité científico
María Luisa Sené, Instituto de Información Científica y Tecnológica, Cuba
María Elena Dorta Duque, Instituto Superior de Relaciones Internacionales,
Guadalupe Venteño, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México
Guillermo González Junco, Instituto de Información Científica y Tecnológica,
Luis Bermello, Ministerio de Educación Superior, Cuba
Ana Margarita Pérez, Ministerio del Interior, Cuba
Saray Córdoba, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica

Fechas importantes
30 de junio de 2016: Último día para el envío de los trabajos completos y de
la hoja curricular (no más de 200 palabras). Las normas para la presentación
de los trabajos están disponibles en el sitio web del Congreso:
Hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2016: Publicación de resultados de la
evaluación académica
14 de octubre: Publicación definitiva del programa académico

Para mayor información sobre la cuota de inscripción, forma de pago y
hospedaje consulte la página oficial del evento:


The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, (OHCHR) has endorsed the University of Namibia’s Human Rights and Documentation Centre, at Main Campus, to serve as a library depository. Although only officially inaugurated late last year, the repository is in full swing with regular legal and academic users.

Ms Aleksandra Pleško, Associate Human Rights Officer, OHCHR Regional Office for Southern Africa, remarked that “The depository library has been set up with an initial donation of over 350 copies of OHCHR publications, covering a wide range of human rights issues – from the right to clean water to protecting human rights defenders, from prevention of torture to the rights of minorities and indigenous people”.

The publications are accessible, free of charge, with the hope that that they will help increase awareness of human rights issues in Namibia, which can in turn empower Namibian men, women and children to claim their rights more successfully.Dr Chiku Mnubi-Mchombu, UNAM Coordinator of the Human Rights and Documentation Centre, was very delighted by the vote of confidence demonstrated by OHCHR – choosing UNAM as the human rights guardian in the country. “The centre is glad to be a custodian of human rights documents, and will thus ensure that public access is excellent”, remarked a joyous Dr Chiku Mnumbi-Mchombu. More information is available here