Introducing Hitomi Takeuchi

Voting for members of the IFLA Public Library Standing Committee is now open. If you’re an IFLA member and registered for the Public Libraries Sectionyou should have received your ballot paper.

We invited those who have nominated to share some information about themselves and we’ll be posting it on the Blog over the next week. This post we introduce Hitomi Takeuchi.


Name: Hitomi Takeuchi
Institution: formerly National Diet Library,
presently Jissen Women’s University



What experience will you bring to the role of Standing Committee Member?
Two years ago I presented Hukushima tragedy in Japan 2011 at the Satellite Meeting in Cape Town IFLA Conference. It could remind many world librarians to think and prepare disasters of the library. We Japanese public librarians had very sad experiences in that time, however we could contribute the world public libraries through talking and writing our important experiences to the other countries librarians.
The last year I translated into Japanese and published the book titled “IFLA Public Library Service Guidelines, 2nd ed.” The book has great power to improve Japanese Public Library services through knowing the world best practices in it.
I tried to discuss to make the Japanese young Public librarians open mind and join the various meeting including the PLS’s mid-term meeting and the Conference. Through these meetings I could introduce the new trends and high quality and unique services in Japanese Public Libraries to the world librarians.