The IFLA Public Libraries Section is excited to announce a Satellite Meeting to be hosted by the City of Cape Town Library Service and the Western Cape Provincial Library Services on Thursday 13 and Friday 14 August 2015 in conjunction with the 81st IFLA General Conference and Assembly.
Public library services around the world have reached the cross-roads. Collection formats and community needs continue to evolve at a rapid pace. Technology plays a major role providing people with access to information; bringing library staff out from behind the desk to engage with users and delivering programs and activities, to suit the local community.
- How do Public Libraries cope with these changes?
- How do we plan and adapt our spaces to incorporate these changes?
- How do we reorganise our service models?
These are the questions we need? to answer through our exciting and very practical program. It’s a multi-pronged approach with a combination of keynote speakers, targeted papers and workshop sessions.
How can you be involved? Why not propose a panel, a workshop or a debate Session theme and focus. The Call for Papers is now open but be quick, the closing date for applications is 22 February.