Monthly Archives: June 2014

Public Library of the Year Award


A new award with the name ‘schmidt hammer lassen architects – Public Library of the Year Award’ is awarded by the Model Programme for Public Libraries with the architectural firm schmidt hammer lassen architects as sponsors. This Award is open to public libraries worldwide.

The award is DKK 25,000, which will be given to the winning municipality and presented for the first time in August 2014 in connection with the annual conference of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) in Lyon, France.

The library must have been completed during the period  during the period 1 January 2012 through 15 June 2014. The definition of a new library in this connection is a library that has been newly built from scratch, or a library that has been set up in premises that have not previously existed as a library.

Nominations must be submitted before 12.00 pm CEST (midnight) on 3rd of august 2014.

Any questions may be directed at Danish Agency for Culture: Chief Adviser Jonna Holmgaard Larsen [email protected]


Public Libraries in France

Paris 7


With only six weeks to go before we meet in Lyon for the IFLA World Library and Information Congress  it’s a good time to read the article ‘An overview of libraries in France’ in the latest IFLA Journal (Volume 40, No 2, June 2014). of particular interest to readers of this blog will be the section on Public Libraries which covers such topics as communal and intercommunal libraries, the Public Information Library (BPI), current developments and libraries as a third place.

Innovation should look like Silicon Valley…if you serve Silicon Valley. Otherwise, it should look like your community.

David Lankes


The quote Innovation should look like Silicon Valley…if you serve Silicon Valley. Otherwise, it should look like your community is from R David Lankes a professor and Dean’s Scholar for the New Librarianship at Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies and director of the Information Institute of Syracuse. If you don’t already subscribe his blog, Virtual Dave, covers many thought-provoking  topics. His latest post and clip Innovation in the Country  is a timely reminder to consider the needs and aspirations of your community as we grapple with what constitutes ‘maker spaces’.

Value of Library Visits


The Archives, Library and Museum Alliance UK (ALMAUK) has put a value on public library visits following reseach on how users feel about them reports CILIP in the latest UPDATE magazine.

The report is based on results from just over 4,000 surveys of public library users and puts a theoretical value of between 24-27 pounds for each visit – this works out between 5.5 and 7.5 times greater than the actual cost of provision.

The study measured economic value by considering the cost to individuals of using the service, their spending with local service providers and the money saved by using the library as well as employment and supply chain effects.

The report is complemented by a toolkit designed to allow libraries to asses their own value to users.


Midlothian Libraries announced at Bookseller’s Library of the Year



Congratualtions to the Scottish public library service, Midlothian Libraries who have been awarded the 2014  Bookseller’s Library of the Year 2014. Midlothian Libraries scooped this prestigious title on the merits of its strong children’s service and “hugely impressive” programme of events. Midlothian’s victory proves once again that the people make the library: innovative staff and an engaged community won the day.

Well done.

A Mobile with Pizazz, En bokbil med attityd, Ein Mobil mit Schwung



From CILIP’s Public Libraries and Mobile Group’s June Newsletter comes this wonderful photograph and story:

Retired teacher Antonio La Cava promotes reading in the rural Basilicata region of Italy by driving his bookmobile around the local villages. La Cava announces his arrival with the sound of an organ and is often greeted by crowds of eager children.

For more read here


En bokbil med attityd

Från CILIP’S Public Libraries and Mobile Group’s nyhetsbrev i juni kommer denna härliga historia:
Antonio La Cava, en pensionerad lärare och läsfrämjare,  åker runt med sin bokbil i byarna på landsbygden i Basilicataregionen i Italien. La Cava annonserar sin ankomst med ljudet av orgelmusik och välkomnas av mängder med ivriga barn.
Läs mer här:


Ein Mobil mit Schwung

Aus dem Juni-Newsletter der CILIP-Gruppe “Public Libraries and Mobile” stammen dieses wunderbare Bild mit der folgenden Geschichte: Der pensionierte Lehrer Antonio La Cava engagiert sich für die Leseförderung in der Basilicata-Region Italiens, indem er mit seinem Buchmobil durch die Dörfer der Region fährt. La Cava tut seine Ankunft mit dem Ton einer Orgel kund und wird häufig von einer Traube aufgeregter Kinder begrüßt.

ebooks and elending – the myths and misconceptions?


The Australian Library and Information Association has just released the Comparison of ebooks and elending in Australian Public Libraries 2013 v 2014  report. This report provides a snapshot of the situation in Australian public libraries in January 2013 and May 2014 and is essential reading for all public library colleagues. Here you will find some great factual responses to the common misconceptions about the new library age.