Tag Archives: IFLA

Subject Analysis and Access Section – new and outgoing members

2019 was an election year, and for the first time – at least to our knowledge – we had too many people wanting to join us and IFLA institutional members had to vote for two candidates.

Photo of IFLA Subject Analysis and Access Section

From left: Jane Makke, Sally McCallum, Caroline Saccucci, Athena Salaba, Rehab Ouf, Harriet Aagaard, Drahomira Cupar (in front), Andreas Kempf, Elise Conradi, Aida Slavic, Ana Stevanovic, Chris Oliver, George Prager, Ulrike Junger.
Missing: Rosali Fenandez de Souza, Stanoslav Golubtsov, Jinxia Huang, Seung Jeong Kim,  Jean Maury, Maria Stegaeva

Outgoing members 2019: John DeSantis, Mauro Guerrini and Elena Zagorskaya

On the photo below  you also find our outgoing chair John DeSantis. From 2019 he is a new member of the Bibliography Section. The new chair of our section is Athena Salaba.

Photo of IFLA Subject Analysis and Access Section with otgoing chair John DeSantis

WLIC 2019 satellite: Metadata specialists in the machine age 22 August

WLIC 2019 is starting next week with several satellite conferences. The IFLA Subject Analysis and Access section will together with the Bibliography Section, the Cataloguing Section and the Information Technology Section arrange the satellite Metadata specialists in the machine age on August 22 in Thessaloniki. There will be two satellites at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Library & Information Centre – on August 21 there will be an RDA conference. You find more information about Thessaloniki at the joint conference page

The satellite was originally planned for WLIC 2018, but we held a program at WLIC 2018 instead, to talk about the need for discussing what happens to cataloguing today and how it affects catalogers. Many catalogers are now metadata specialist – the work of a cataloger is changing! The session was well attended and the audience thought that a satellite to discuss cataloguing and metadata today was a good idea.

I am looking forward to the satellite and hope we will achieve our goal: to write a white book about the situation today.


I do not expect to be able to visist the famous cathedral Hagios Demetrios or other sights in Thessaloniki!


Subject Analysis and Access Section – new and outgoing members

Section members and outgoing members present at WLIC 2017

At WLIC 2017 in Wrocław, Poland, we had both the sad task of saying good bye to outgoing members and the happy task of welcoming new members.

Outgoing members:
Maja Žumer, Sandy Roe, Lynn Howarth, Tiiu Tarkpea, Min Young Hwang, Ekaterina Zaytseva

We have a new chair: John DeSantis and a new secretary: Elise Conradi

New members:
Athena Salaba, Caroline Saccucci, Andreas Kempf, Junxia Huang, Jane Makke, Rosali Fernadez de Souza, Seung Jeong Kim, Jean Maury, Maira Stegaeva

Continuing members:
Harriet Aagaard, Mauro Guerrini, Sally McCallum, Christine Oliver, Rehab Ouf, George Prager, Aida Slavic, Ana Stevanovic, Elena Zagorskaya

IFLA Section Subject Analysis and Access (former name: Classification & Indexing)

SAAC 2016_L


Photo from our meeting in Columbus, Ohio at WLIC 2016. (From the left: Lynn Howarth, George Prager, Chris Oliver, Sally McCallum, John DeSantis, Rehab Ouf, Tiiu Tarkpea, Sandy Roe, Elise Conradi, Maja Žumer, Ulrike Junger and Harriet Aagaard. Not present: Mauro Guerrini, Aida Slavic, Ana Stevanovic, Min Young Hwang,  Elena Zagorskaya and Ekaterina Zaytseva.)


The Classification & Indexing Section has changed its name to the Subject Analysis and Access Section. We wanted to have a name that more focused on the use of subject metadata. ” …In addition to the end-user focus (“Access”) we also include the role of the professional. “Analysis” refers to the work and thought that goes into determining “aboutness” (or “determining what a document is about”) and then creating subject access – be it assigning classification or headings, developing thesauri, or devising tools and other automatic ways to achieve subject access…” Read the full article about the name change in the June 2016 Metadata Newsletter, pp 21-23.

The name change is still not visible at our Section’s web, but will be corrected by IFLA .


WLIC 2016 C&I Open Session August 16

The Classification & Indexing Section will host the Open Session “Reclaiming subject access to indigenous knowledge”  on  Tuesday August 16. The Open Session will be chaired by John DeSantis and Maja Žumer.

  1. Classifying and Indexing Philippine Indigenous Materials with Emphasis on the Codillera
    Cristina B. Villanueva, University of the Philippines Baguio, Philippines
    Paper in English
  2. Of Places and Names:Working with Northern Canadian Communities to Enhance Subject Access to Digital Cultural Resources
    Sharon Farnel, University of Alberta Libraries, Canada
    Ali Shiri, School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alberta, Canada
    Dinesh Rathi, School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alberta, Canada
    Cathy Cockney, Inuvialuit Cultural Resource Centre, Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, Canada
    Sandy Campbell, University of Alberta Libraries, University of Alberta, Canada
    Robyn Stobbs, School of Library and Information Studies, University of Alberta, Canada
    Paper in English
  3. Modifications to the Library of Congress Subject Headings for use by Manitoba archives
    Christine Bone, University of Manitoba Libraries, Canada
    Paper in English
  4. The Moral Imperative of Subject Access to Indigenous Knowledge: Considerations and Alternative Paths
    Heather Moulaison Sandy, iSchool at the University of Missouri, United States
    Jenny Bossaller, iSchool at the University of Missouri, United States
    Paper in English

We hope to translate the papers to other major languages and will publish them as soon as possible at the WLIC 2016 web.  To come to our Open Session , just search for “Session 151”.