The IFLA Metadata Newsletter is an important source to learn more about metadata and to keep in touch with others. We have become used to digital conferences, workshops and meetings during the past year and I hope you will take time to write about this or share what is happening in your library.
Please contribute to the June 2021 issue of the IFLA Metadata Newsletter, jointly published by the IFLA Bibliography Section, Cataloguing Section, and Subject Analysis and Access Section.
Do you have news from your region or institution? Have you attended an online event or are you planning to present? Have you or your colleagues been able to complete a special project under our current extraordinary circumstances? Have you discovered an unexpected method to accomplish your work remotely or under lockdown? Please share your news, reports, stories, ideas, and advice with us by making a contribution to the IFLA Metadata Newsletter, including but not limited to:
• National and regional news
• Meeting reports
• Standards news
• New member introductions
• Upcoming events
Past issues of the IFLA Metadata Newsletter, co-published by the Bibliography Section, the Cataloguing Section, and the Subject Analysis and Access Section, can be found at
IFLA Metadata Newsletter
The deadline for submissions is Thursday, May 27, 20201
I am looking forward to receiving your contributions at harriet.aagaard @