Monthly Archives: January 2013

[Asis-l] New Resources Offered to Scholars of Information and Religion (Re-posted from ASIST Listserve Email)

New Resources Offered to Scholars of Information and Religion

The Center for the Study of Information and Religion (CSIR) at Kent State University announces the release of two new resources for researchers in the area of information and religion: the Sermon Texts Posting Sites Index and the Sermon Content Review. Both resources were developed by CSIR primary researcher Dan Roland, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the university’s School of Library and Information Science.

The Sermon Texts Posting Sites Index (STPSI) is a directory of blogs and congregational websites used by religious leaders for posting the text of their weekly sermons. In addition to site links, the directory includes the denominational affiliation and geographical location of each religious leader and the name of the congregation he or she serves.

STPSI currently links to more than 100 blogs and congregational websites, with new links added on a continuing basis. To be included in STPSI, a blog or congregational website must add full-text sermons on a weekly or near-weekly basis, and the sermons must be written by a religious leader serving the community of worship at which the sermon was originally delivered. Blogs and websites that feature only audio and/or video recordings of sermons will be included in the near future. Recommendations for links that meet the criteria can be sent to [email protected].

STPSI enables researchers to quickly and easily subscribe to the blog or link to the congregational websites and thus access a weekly sampling of sermon texts from around the country, by various denominational affiliations, geographic locations or particular dates.

“The goal of the directory is to provide a snapshot of themes, topics, references, illustrations, and interpretations included in a small, convenience sampling of sermon texts for any given week,” Roland said. “This allows researchers from a variety of academic disciplines to discover potential patterns and clues regarding the use of information in the broader social conversation and construction of knowledge that occurs in communities of worship.”

For more information about the STPSI, visit

The second new resource, the Sermon Content Review (SCR), expands on the value of the STPSI by offering a broad overview of sermon message contents. The monthly report will cover frequency distributions of scripture texts; references to current issues, events and phenomena; trending words, phrases and concepts used in the sermon texts; citations of information resources and more. For more information about the SCR, visit

CSIR was created in 2009 in Kent State’s School of Library and Information Science (SLIS) to facilitate research on the various institutions and agents of religion and their effect on social knowledge through the use and dissemination of information. Dr. Don A. Wicks, SLIS interim director and associate professor, serves as director of the center. Dr. Daniel R. Roland, SLIS assistant professor, is the primary researcher. CSIR hosts an annual conference on information and religion, as well an annual symposium. For more information, visit

Kent State offers the only Master of Library and Information Science degree program in Ohio that is accredited by the American Library Association, and one of the nation’s few master’s degrees in Information Architecture and Knowledge Management. The school is recognized by U.S. News and World Report as one of the nation’s top 20 graduate schools and is one of the largest library schools in the country. Visit for more information.
All the best,

Flo Cunningham
Marketing Communications and Public Relations Specialist
School of Library and Information Science
Kent State University
[email protected]
Twitter: @KentStateSLIS


See also the IFLA Social Science Libraries SIG – RELINDIAL

IASSIST (International Association for Social Science Information Services and Technology)

IASSIST Fellows Application Form 2013

          Submitted by StuartM on Tue, 2012-12-04 03:03

The IASSIST Fellows Program is pleased to announce that it is now  accepting applications for financial support to attend the IASSIST 2013  conference in Cologne [],  from data professionals who are developing, supporting and managing data infrastructures at their home institutions.

It should be noted that funding is not intended to cover the entire cost of  attending the conference and that the applicant’s home institution must provide  some level of financial support to supplement an IASSIST Fellow award.  Strong preference will be given to first  time participants and applicants from those countries currently with  insufficient representation at IASSIST. Only fully completed applications  will be considered. Applicants submitting a paper for the conference  will be given priority consideration for funding. You may apply for funding via this form.The deadline for applications is the 31st of January 2013. For more information, to apply for funding or nominate a person for a  Fellowship, please send an email to the Fellows Committee Co-chairs, Luis  Martínez-Uribe ([email protected]) and Stuart Macdonald  ([email protected]). If you need further information please let us know.

Best wishes, Luis Martinez-Uribe and Stuart Macdonald IASSIST Fellows Committee Co-chairs