ARL Standing Committee elections – tenth candidate

Tenth candidate statement: Silvia Stasselová. IFLA Standing Committee elections are currently underway, and the ARL Standing Committee is excited to be welcoming new members. We have invited our candidates to submit short biographies so that those of you who are voting members will have some background in making your selections.

Dear colleagues,

I am interested to become an active member of IFLA Academic and Research Libraries Section, as I became the Director General of the University Library in Bratislava, the oldest research library in Slovak Republic since 1st October 2015.  Short time after my inauguration the United Nations Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon visited the University Library in Bratislava:

Photos from UN Secretary general visit:

I find it very important to become a part of IFLA international academic and libraries network and I would like to support their international cooperation worldwide. I am ready to offer our attractive facilities for organizing IFLA ARLS section standing committee meeting, workshop or other events.

University Library in Bratislava will host will host the Electronic Books On Demand (EOD) Consortium meeting in May 201 and our library will also host the IFLA WIL SIG Satellite conference in August 2017.

Currently I am an active member of IFLA Management of Library Associations since 2007 and I served at the position IFLA MLAS Secretary, elected for this position twice (2009 – 2011, 2011 – 2013). I have translated more than 40 IFLA guidelines and manifestos to Slovak language to help librarians in Slovakia who are not fluent in English.

I am ready to share my knowledge and international experience at Standing Committe of IFLA Academic and Research Libraries Section.

Best wishes from Bratislava and I am looking forward to our cooperation!

Silvia Stasselová
Director General
University Library in Bratislava
Slovak Librarians and Libraries Association