Category Archives: open access

Library Publishing Through the IFLA Global Lens

This posting is sponsored by the Library Publishing SIG and published in cooperation with the ARL Section.

This post features Talea Anderson, a Scholarly Communication Librarian at the Washington State University, USA.

I manage our university’s institutional repository, where we publish unique materials including theses, dissertations, student culminating projects, and datasets. In addition, I have taken a leading role in open education initiatives on campus and have, therefore, assisted in preparing open access textbooks. In general, we have opted to publish these texts in Pressbooks. My role in these projects has been largely advisory given staff constraints. Along with Pressbooks, we use Ex Libris products for most of our publishing work—most notably, Esploro, which we are using as our institutional repository.

I am particularly proud of the impact that we have had in open education at WSU. We received support from our President’s and Provost’s Office to provide Affordable Learning grants to faculty in 2016-2020. These grants were used to create OER in 56 courses, impacting 144,000 students during the initial year of implementation for each class. The Libraries did this work in partnership with our Academic Outreach and Innovation unit, ultimately securing millions of dollars in savings for our students.

I have found many resources helpful while learning about OER publishing in particular. Open Education Network provides workshops and community gatherings to discuss workflows, accessibility, fundraising, and many other connected issues. The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) provided an Open Education Leadership program that proved especially helpful in allowing me to connect with peers and mentors at other institutions. The Library Publishing Coalition also supported my work and training via their fellowship program, which helped me connect with peers who are focused on accessibility work in publishing. Thanks to those connections, I was able to write my own open access textbook: Accessibility Case Studies for Scholarly Communication Librarians and Practitioners. While compiling this text, I pulled together many of the resources that I found useful while learning about web accessibility in open access publishing.

As for books that changed my life—there are so many but I will call out Frank Arthur’s The Wounded Storyteller, which helped me more clearly understand the differences between medical and social models of disability. I read this book while beginning to think about what I could do as a library professional to widen access to academic resources.


Library Publishing Through the IFLA Global Lens

This posting is sponsored by the Library Publishing SIG and published in cooperation with the ARL Section. Members of the Library Publishing SIG reach out to library publishers and invite them to respond to a series of questions.

This post features Jesper Boserup Thestrup, who is an Information Specialist at the Royal Danish Library ( (RDL) in Aarhus ( He works with the publishing platforms ( and ( More information about his professional work could be found on his LinkedIn profile (

1: Describe your work in library publishing and which infrastructure are you working with?

JBT: I am part of our team working with two Library Publishing servers operated by RDL. operates on an Open Journal Systems platform (OJS) and is a national open access platform for Danish Scientific Journals. operates on an Open Monograph Press (OMP) platform. publish literature for Aarhus University.

The team operates the servers, test, and update the software. We introduce the editorial boards to the software, help the editors to set up the journals, and gives the editors courses about the software. We help to index the journals. We answer question about copyright, CC Licenses, different file formats, data management, and much more. The service is more complex than we expected when the servers started.

Both the RDL and the State and University Library started an OJS-server in 2007. In 2017, the two libraries merged into the RDL and the two servers merged. Today we present 193 journals and yearbooks online via Most of them are active, some are digitized versions of old journals and some are older versions of active journals. All journals are Open Access but some have embargoes. Today new journals must be Danish Scientific Journals. We make 100.000 articles available.

The OMP server,, only publish books from Aarhus University. Par example technical reports and accepted Ph.D-theses. The service started in 2015 and today we make 329 e-books available.

In relation to the two servers, the RDL functions as a platform provider. We are not a publisher. If the RDL became a publisher, the library would have to offer more service.

2: What values and principles inform your work?

JBT: In order to manage and develop the servers and help the editors my work has to be based on openness. The servers are intended to give access to information and scientific knowledge and help Danish scientific journals to survive online. That can only be done if we share information about our work and are willing to lean from other similar service providers.

3: What partners do you collaborate with?
JBT: We need to cooperate with many different partners in order to maintain and develop our service.

We are a part of the community, which Public Knowledge Project (PKP) has created. Actually, we were in June the local organizers of the latest PKP development Sprint in Copenhagen. A PKP Sprint is a great way to meet the community and I suggest that You participate in one of the Sprints. The next sprint in Europe is in Hannover

We cooperate closely with other Danish OJS-servers and are in contact with the Swedish OJS-network and servers in Finland, Norway, France, The Czech Republic, The Netherlands, and hopefully soon in Poland. We always learn new things about Scholarly Publications when we meet with the other servers.

We try to ensure dialogue between us and our editors in order develop our service. This is often difficult. Very often editors see that something needs to be changed, or improved, when a problem is discovered.

We need to cooperate with other institutions in order to ensure a positive development in this sector. We are involved in different projects with LIBER and Knowledge Exchange. Last year we were part of a national a project involving DOAJ, where we got more Danish OA journals index in DOAJ (

4: What training resources have you found helpful in your work?
JBT: I, and some of my colleagues, have followed different courses about copyright in order to give advice to the editors. It is sometimes problematic to publish texts and follow Danish copyright regulation. I took a course about the Creative Common ( The course had a focus on librarians and it has been quite helpful.

5: What do you think is the impact of library publishing in the broader scholarly communications landscape?

JBT: Funding is becoming a challenge because many journals do not charge APC’s and subscription is not used due to Open Access Policies. At the same time, universities are cutting funding. The library sector can provide infrastructures, which the individual editors cannot fund and thereby partly ensure that journals can give access to scientific knowledge. I see our servers as an example on how university and national libraries can ensure that Scientific Journals can publish in minor languages like Danish, and help new journals to start.

6: What are your hopes and aspirations for the global library publishing community?

JBT: I hope that library publishing infrastructures can help Scholar Publications to become more available globally, help publications in minor languages to survive and overcome the north-south divide. I think that the necessary software and knowhow is available today.

Funding is an issue. It is not free to operate a journal. Somebody need to pay for the infrastructures and pay for typesetters, graphic designers, and proofreaders. It does not appear to be necessary for editors to take care for all the topics related to Scholarly Publication. The editors must focus on the scientific content of their journals.

Library Publishing Through the IFLA Global Lens

This posting is sponsored by the Library Publishing SIG and published in cooperation with the ARL Section. Members of the Library Publishing SIG reach out to library publishers and invite them to respond to a series of questions.

This post features Markus Putnings, a Senior Librarian at the University Library of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Bavaria, Germany, in charge of FAU University Press and the Open Access Department, see full bio on LinkedIn and activities & works in ORCiD.


What attracted you to work in library publishing?

I have worked in several areas of the book industry. Originally, I trained as a bookseller. Then e-books came along, Amazon became big, everything was particularly painful for the small, owner-operated bookshops. Adapt or perish was the motto, so I studied business informatics with a focus on information systems and e-business and started working in the new media editorial department at a medium-sized German publishing house. This publishing house was one of the first to publish in a media-neutral way; it brought out eBooks on USB sticks and CD-ROMs to accompany books, created small databases and knowledge clusters. However, the commercial environment was still tough and there were always extreme trade-offs between economic viability, saleability, media appeal, etc. Finally, I found my ideal through the library internship at the KIT library, which also housed the university press KIT Scientific Publishing: non-commercial library publishing, where science, quality, transparency and reusability (via Open Access and Open Data for research data) are the focus of all activities.

What partners do you collaborate with?

Like many small library publishers or university presses, we are a bit behind the curve in terms of media-neutral XML publishing. So far, we have only produced PDF eBooks. In order to keep up with commercial publishers and their professional content offerings, a greater degree of automation and streamlining of processes is required. The Open Source Academic Publishing Suite (OS-APS) project in collaboration with our partner SciFlow and Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg aims to achieve this:

Small and medium-sized publishers typically receive Word manuscripts. OS-APS automatically extracts the underlying XML from these manuscripts, offers an optimisation option and, most importantly, export options in various formats (XML, HTML, PDF). The professional corporate design, e.g. of the PDFs, is managed automatically by using templates or by creating your own with the OS-APS Template Development Kit. In addition, OS-APS connects to scholarly and collaborative publishing platforms such as Open Journal Systems (OJS), Open Monograph Press (OMP) and Dspace.

To our other partners: All books published by our library are Open Access. However, when authors require printed versions for the book trade, we work with a number of different printers, depending on the author’s requirements. For example, print-on-demand titles are often printed by Docupoint.

What values and principles inform your work?

Due to our university ties, we are of course primarily bound by the values and principles of the university, e.g. good scientific practice. In addition, there are influences from relevant research funders in the German academic landscape (e.g. Research Integrity from the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG), from the working groups in which we are represented (e.g. the quality standards of the AG Universitätsverlage) and from relevant publishing coalitions such as COPE, C4DISC, OASPA, EASE. We try to aggregate these influences in our policies and present them in a transparent, comprehensible and practice-oriented way for our authors, book series editors and, of course, ourselves in our daily work.

An example of this is our recently published Diversity and Inclusion Policy, which, in addition to our Editorial Policy and Publication Ethics Guidelines, incorporates aspects of the DFG’s „Equal opportunities and diversity“, „Relevance of Sex, Gender and Diversity in Research“, the „Joint Statement of Principles“ of the Coalition for Diversity and Inclusion in Scholarly Communications (C4DISC), and the Library Publishing Coalition’s „Ethical Framework for Library Publishing – Topic: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion“.

What is the impact of your library publishing programme at institutional level?

The FAU University Press publishing house, its publishing programme and functions (e.g. to strengthen Open Access among disciplines with a strong affinity for books and among young scholars) were and are very well integrated institutionally. For example, it is endorsed in the university’s former Open Access Policy and new Open Science Policy, there are book series for almost all disciplines at FAU, and it is part of the General Doctoral Regulations. Within the doctoral regulations, it is recommended to doctoral candidates as an equal publication channel to commercial publishers.

Tell us about a book that changed your life.

A book that impressed me in my youth was the Hagakure. In very general terms, it is about being a good servant to your employer, who in turn has a duty of care. Why was this so important to me? In Germany there are a lot of prejudices against civil servants, e.g. that they only like to do their work “go-slow”, just according to the rules, etc. For me, I took away from the book that the opposite should actually be the case and that as a civil servant librarian I can, should and must do more than a comparable person in the commercial sector. Because it’s not just about the salary, it’s about the greater good of society, such as Open Access or Open Science and the resulting benefits of knowledge transfer and research progress.

Library Publishing Through the IFLA Global Lens

This posting is sponsored by the Library Publishing SIG and published in cooperation with the ARL Section. Members of the Library Publishing SIG reach out to library publishers and invite them to respond to a series of questions.

This post features Paul Royster, Linnea Fredrickson, and Sue Ann Gardner, who are responsible for the library publishing program at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Libraries, which was established in 2005. Their institutional repository is available at

Affiliation: University of Nebraska–Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, Nebraska, United States

Describe your work in library publishing.

PR: We always considered the institutional repository as a publishing project. So it was a concise step to developing and finding original materials to publish. Our monograph imprint, Zea Books, has published more than 150 titles. We produce, publish, host, or mirror about 20 journals of various sizes and frequencies. We recruit, edit, design, and typeset as required in each case.

SG: The way we approach our work, all that we do involves library publishing in one form or another, whether it’s publishing books and journals, or populating the institutional repository.

LF: I do a number of things as a staff member in our scholarly communications unit that bit by bit helps to change scholarly communications—for the better is our goal. I help find, prepare, and upload materials—mostly professors’ academic papers—to our institutional repository (though we host all kinds of reports, curricula, proceedings, posters, videos, etc.). We also host entire journals, so I help post those that arrive in final form, and I copyedit and prepare for design and typesetting the articles of those that use our editorial service. We are also book publishers, and I use skills and processes from being an academic press project editor and copy editor to work with authors or editors and ready book manuscripts for design and typesetting. I also do proofreading on all sorts of projects, and I help with supervising some student workers who do scanning and IR uploading.

What attracted you to work in library publishing?

LF: Colleagues found me, thank goodness, while I was in library school mid-career, but with my experience in publishing (most recently in academic and educational publishing), it was a very nice fit to continue that kind of work in a library setting and be involved in changing scholarly communications in the twenty-first century—and for the “twenty-first-century academic library.”

SG: One thing that attracts me to work in library publishing is the collaborative nature of it. Researchers need to communicate with one another, their students, and the public at large, and we help them do that. Roger Chartier has said that authors don’t write books—they write manuscripts. From these, editors and publishers craft books, and that is what we do in our work.

What training resources have you found helpful in your work?

LF: Copy editors train every day with their style manuals—The Chicago Manual of Style, Scientific Style and Format, The Associated Press Stylebook, MLA Style Manual, Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, and more. I am also a member of ACES: The Society for Editing ( I attend virtually the Library Publishing Forums, Southern Miss Institutional Repository Conferences (SMIRC), and the Digital Commons North American Conferences. I write workflow documentation or tips for myself and others, and then after I haven’t done a certain thing for half a year (busy with something else), I use my documentation to retrain myself!

What values and principles inform your work?

SG: One principle that informs our work is that the repository belongs to the faculty. We don’t own it and it’s not our place to saddle it with a bunch of extraneous policy and gatekeeping. We are allied with the faculty and aim above all to support and amplify their work.


  • The content belongs to the author.
  • It should be easy to be published if you are serious.
  • Someone somewhere is looking for this information.

What is the impact of your library publishing programme at institutional level?

PR: Our original publishing has a limited impact, perhaps around 20 faculty who have authored or edited works that we publish, and perhaps another 10 or 12 from outside the institution. But if we count all the contributors to the volumes and journals, it would number well into the thousands. So we have extended our institutional brand on a global scale, probably farther than any other media.

SG: We queried a subset of our participants recently to ask them to describe their experience with the UNL Digital Commons. The answers we received showed us that our services have emerged as essential in many of our colleagues’ scholarly communication workflows. An example quote: “[The UNL institutional repository] is indeed a remarkable resource, especially at the global level. My own papers, for which I am one of the authors, get picked up and later cited by people that would never have ready access to them otherwise. For that reason, I consider it a major means of promoting the scholarly strength of the university.”

What do you think is the impact of library publishing in the broader scholarly communications landscape?

PR: Right now, we are in a proof-of-concept stage—showing that professional-level publication is feasible for libraries at a modest scale. I believe we are also proving that online digital and on-demand publication do not require the full apparatus inherited from traditional paper publishing. We seek to change not simply the final form in which the product is delivered, but the entire system of scholarly publishing, including and especially the ownership and access to the means of production.

What are your hopes and aspirations for the global library publishing community?

SG: My hope for the global library publishing community is that we will converge on sustainable funding models. Partnering with for-profit companies and relying on philanthropic organizations each require us to establish intentional fiscal approaches that keep those other domains’ attendant value systems at arm’s length while still partnering with them. Some people think we can and should divest from for-profit businesses and in some cases also not-for-profit philanthropic entities, but I think that this kind of fiscal protectionism is short-sighted. In my estimation, the aggregator BioOne’s funding model as it was around 2010 (and perhaps still is) is an example of a viable funding schema. The details of the flow of funds are available in a conference paper I wrote several years ago called Hot Potato: Who Will End Up Paying for Open Access? Interested readers can find it available in UNL’s institutional repository (

Paul Royster: Coordinator for Scholarly Communications

Linnea Fredrickson: Scholarly Communications Production Specialist

Sue Ann Gardner: Scholarly Communications Libraries

A Symposium on “Open Science beyond Open Access: Accessible, Global and Democratic Knowledge” in São Paulo, Brazil

This write-up is by Adriana Cybele Ferrari, Brazil

Always present in the perspective of librarians, teachers and researchers, Open Access to knowledge has been and continues to be a working premise. In recent decades, this view has gathered more and more defenders, including scientists. Science itself has increasingly been considered a public good, which must be within the reach of society and count on its participation. At this moment full of innovations, changes, questions and initiatives that lead to the opening of Science beyond Open Access, the Symposium “Open Science beyond Open Access: accessible, global and democratic knowledge” was held on October 24th and 25th, 2023 at the USP Faculty of Medicine. The event was part of the celebrations of the XXVI Book and Library Week at the University of São Paulo (USP) and International Open Access Week 2023 Organized and promoted by the Postgraduate Program in Public Health of the Faculty of Medicine (FMUSP), Library of the Faculty of Medicine (FMUSP) and  the Libraries and Digital Collections Agency (ABCD-USP) and with the support of the Dean of Research and Innovation at USP (PRPIUSP), the event was attended by experts, teachers, librarians, researchers and students. The Symposium was a very relevant initiative in providing the exchange of knowledge and real experiences, strengthening the importance of academic and library partnerships in guiding and promoting good practices related to Open Science and Open Access in universities. It was attended by librarians, library teams, professors and postgraduate students from USP. The recordings and materials presented are available at  (in Portuguese).

Photo: Guest speakers and team from the Organizing Committee, including the Executive Coordinator of ABCD/USP and Adriana Cybele Ferrari, member of the IFLA Academic and Research Libraries Committee.


IFLA WLIC 2023 Grant Winners Congress Experience

My Experience as a Grant Winner at the World Library and Information Congress 88th IFLA General Conference and Assembly

My name is Anabelly Tinoco Altamirano, I live and work in Costa Rica. In this document I write some of my experiences at the World Library and Information Congress 88th IFLA General Conference and Assembly and in the Dutch country, which gave me the opportunity to appreciate and better understand areas of library science worldwide.

The World Library and Information Congress 88th IFLA General Conference and Assembly gave me the opportunity to meet, interact and learn with librarians from other countries. Such as dynamics of work, cooperation, collaboration, strategic alliances, access to information, open access, artificial intelligence, accessible documentary materials, accessibility in the library from the physical and technological infrastructure. In addition, I learnt about the impact that a library can generate when it integrates and executes any of the Sustainable Development Goals in their strategic plan.

On the other hand, the experiences shared and acquired in the host country of the World Library and Information Congress 88th IFLA General Conference and Assembly have allowed me to have a broader vision of the organization, administration and improvement in libraries, organizations that contribute to the access and generation of knowledge through books, information resources in digital format through technologies and applications.

By participating in several sessions, I was able to reflect and analyze that with effort, collaborative work, strategic alliances and library cooperation, the improvement of a library can be achieved and they could contribute towards the development of their community, users, regions, and countries.

Therefore, many thanks to all the people, organizations and sponsors who contributed to making it a reality for me to attend and participate in the World Library and Information Congress 88th IFLA General Conference and Assembly.

The experience of the World Library and Information Congress 88th IFLA General Conference and Assembly has been enriching, the vision of a congress of international magnitude to share knowledge reaffirms the potential of librarians, the value of knowledge and libraries.

Expanding my knowledge in spaces of personal interaction like this is very valuable, as I realized the value of knowledge, information, culture, language, reading, sources of information, media or mechanisms used to offer users access to information as the fundamental work of the librarian.

Finally, the Congress was a space for analysis and retrospective in library work.

Thank you to the IFLA staff, everyone who collaborated at the Congress, the participating librarians, attendees, the sponsors, Sage and Ex Libris and the host country. Thank you so much.

Anabelly Tinoco Altamirano

Institutional email: [email protected]

Personal mail: [email protected]


IFLA WLIC 2023 Grant Winners Congress Experience

This post features Snehal Dilip Bhalerao, one of the 2023 IFLA ARL Grant winners from India.

I am Snehal Dilip Bhalerao and I studied at the Savitribai Phule Pune University. I currently work as a research fellow at the Centre of Publication Ethics at the Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India. I feel very lucky to have won this grant which gave me the opportunity to attend the IFLA Conference, which was held from 21st -25th August, 2023. IFLA gave me the opportunity to visit Rotterdam and experience another world of libraries.

After visiting IFLA Rotterdam venue, I realized I could gain some valuable knowledge about Libraries which are different from the Indian setting. I had the opportunity to meet, interact and network with many librarians from across the world at the Conference.

The conference was organized in sessions which represented the different interest in IFLA. I therefore attended sessions that were of interest to me. All the conference sessions were very useful to the development of libraries and provided a great source of knowledge to the participants. The various presentations included the sustainable development goal activities in the various countries of the presenters. Topics included the Green Libraries. Some other presentations also showcased the impact of artificial intelligence on libraries and how for instance ChatGPT is helping in all aspects of our lives, both personal and professional, and how to apply it appropriately and effectively.

Again, the conference educated me on the role of IFLA in the development of the LIS profession.

Then there was the Cultural Evening which was organised by IFLA for participants. This event was very exciting and was another avenue for me to meet many colleagues on an informal level. This event comprised partying, eating and dancing. There was also a photo session and I had the opportunity to meet and take photos with the IFLA President. The evening helped me get off my hectic personal life to have some fun and enjoy myself. Thank you IFLA for the cultural evening. It was a very memorable day.

On the last day, there was a Library visit to Belgium by bus. I joined other librarians on this trip. We visited two libraries in Belgium to see how they operate and manage them. These libraries were very beautiful and are currently using AI to enhance their library operations. I initially did not support the use of AI in libraries but after the tour, I got a first hand experience of AI at work and it changed my mind. I have therefore resolved to advocate for its use in Indian libraries. I hope to be able to share my experiences and knowledge with my colleagues in India.

A great thank you to IFLA, I am really grateful for this opportunity. I appreciate IFLA for giving me the learning experience which will help progress my career in the future. I also want to thank the IFLA President and all IFLA Members and Volunteers who guided us during the IFLA Congress -2023 in Rotterdam.

Snehal Dilip Bhalerao

Savitribai Phule Pune University, India