Category Archives: knowledge management

IFLA WLIC 2023 Grant Winners Congress Experience

This post features  Ezequiel Vallejo Ríos who is one of the 2023 IFLA ARL Grant winners. from México.

Attending the IFLA WLIC 2023 Congress certainly opened an opportunity for those of us who are not in mainstream librarianship to see the various aspects of the profession. I experienced this through my interactions with colleagues who are involved in the day to day activities of the profession, their challenges and successes and other experiences from their various perspectives.

The various presentations at the congress were another source of great experience for me as they provided me with the latest trends in the profession, as well as new ideas which I can implement in my own environment. Some general topics which were discussed included  open access, inclusive publication, copyright, adaptation of copyrighted materials to formats accessible with the Marrakesh Treaty, access to culture and the future roles of the librarian in the environment of access to information. Again, there were discussions that addressed how the role of the librarian changes as society demands it, the implementation of technologies such as AI (Artificial Intelligence) or Chat GPT and with this the development of new digital skills to respond to the constant change in the knowledge society, and innovations in libraries.

Again, attending this congress has helped expand my panorama about the profession also to network with librarians from other institutions, as well as exchange ideas, knowledge, and success stories from their libraries which will help guide me in my work going forward.

Without a doubt, it is gratifying to have experienced professionals sharing their lives, and interests with the new generation of librarians who are barely getting involved in the relevant issues of the profession in order to be able to contribute to the discipline. In turn, it is gratifying that young professionals who came with fresh ideas were given the space to contribute to the profesión and also enrich themselves intellectually. Being in these congresses of global trajectory offers us an excellent environment to get involved with the dynamics of the profesión and thus contributing to the profession.

Inclusion, the theme and topics of the congress are a determining factor for more people to be involved in the development and participation of these congresses. As such, the congress organisers could be more open in their ideas, regardless of gender, religion, social status, political ideology or some kind of motor weakness. This would allow for a more inclusive congress.


Singapore papers are available from IFLA’s Library

The papers from the joint session of the Knowledge Management SC  and Academic & Research Libraries SC held at Singapore are now available from IFLA’s library.

Relevant papers are:

  1. CALTER, Mariellen (2013) MOOCs and the library: engaging with evolving pedagogy. Paper presented at: IFLA World Library and Information Congress, 17 – 23 August 2013, Singapore.
  2. CHEN, Joyce Chao-chen (2013) Opportunities and challenges of MOOCs: perspectives from Asia. Paper presented at: IFLA World Library and Information Congress, 17 – 23 August 2013, Singapore
  3. SADEH, Tamar (2013) From search to discovery. Paper presented at: IFLA World Library and Information Congress, 17 – 23 August 2013, Singapore.
  4. BURNHILL, Peter and PELLE, Françoise (2013) Who is looking after your e-journals? Telling tales about the keepers registry & your digital shelves. Paper presented at: IFLA World Library and Information Congress, 17 – 23 August 2013, Singapore.
  5. TAN, Margaret (2013) Implementing agile management through collaborative social computing. Paper presented at: IFLA World Library and Information Congress, 17 – 23 August 2013, Singapore.



Academic and Research Libraries – An invitation to join us at IFLA WLIC, Singapore!

The Academic and Research Libraries Section would like to invite you to attend their meetings, sessions and workshop at IFLA World Library and Information Congress – Singapore.


Session 7 – Saturday 17 August, 09:00-12:30.  Nanyang Technological University

 Social media strategy in academic libraries – Implementation experience at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Libraries with the Academic and Research Libraries Section.  Further details at:


Standing Committee meetings

Session 41 – 17 August 2013, 15:15-17:45.  Room 304

Session 183 – 21 August 2013, 13:15-14:45.  Room 310


Joint Session : Knowledge Management and Academic & Research Libraries 

Session 98 – Monday 19 August, 9:30-12:45

Theme:  Agile management: strategies for achieving success in rapidly changing times.

Who is looking after your e-journals?: Telling tales about the keepers registry & your digital shelves.  Peter Burnhill, EDINA, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland UK

Implementing agile management through collaborative social computing.  Margaret Tan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

From search to discovery.  Tamar Sadeh, Ex Libris, Jerusalem, Israel.

Agile management: strategies for success in rapidly changing times.   Andrew Wells, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

MOOCs  in the library: addressing the changing needs of students and faculty in the age of online learning.  Mariellen F. Calter, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA.

The opportunities and challenges of MOOCs : viewpoints of Asia countries.  Joyce Chen, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan.


Hot Topics in Academic and Research Libraries Session

Session 151 – Tuesday 20 August, 16:00-18:00, Session Room 3

Convergence of open access, open knowledge, and open innovation: towards libraries as an open knowledge service platform – Xialon Zhang (National Science Library, Beijing, China)

That was then, this is now.  A new era of research support.  Jenny Ellis (University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia)

Using social media to build an engaged community.  Gulcin Cribb and Yuyun Wirawati Ishak (Singapore Management University, Singapore)

An age of un-discovery?: copyright, curiosity and scholarly access to information in a digital world.  Ellen Broad (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, The Hague, Netherlands)


The recipients of the 2013 Attendance Grant will receive their award at the Hot Topics session.  The Award, with generous sponsorship by ExLibris and Sage, is awarded to three information professionals from each of these regions: Africa, Latin America / Caribbean and Asia/Pacific Region. 


Agile management: strategies for achieving success in rapidly changing times — Knowledge Management with Academic and Research Libraries

You are invited to attend the joint session of Knowledge Management and Academic & Research Libraries at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress – Singapore.  The session is scheduled 9:30-12:45 on Monday 19 August.

Five papers will be presented – full details are below.

Paper 1 – Who is looking are your e-journals?  Telling tales about the Keepers Registry and your digital shelves

Peter Burnhill – EDINA, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

Françoise Pelle – ISSN International Centre / Centre International de l’ISSN, Paris, France

Abstract: The key task for research libraries is to ensure access to the scholarly and cultural record. A significant and growing proportion of that is in digital format and much is found on the Web – and not on the shelves of libraries. This raises important questions about the archival responsibility of libraries and publishers. Our purpose is to report on the current situation of e-journal preservation, on what is being archived and what is at risk of loss. We also indicate strategies that can be considered to meet an international challenge that requires recognition of mutual inter-dependence across the globe. The literature that is consulted and required by researchers in one country will often have been published by researchers in another country.

 The first (and easiest) priority for research libraries is to focus on e-journals and take prompt and strategic action, both to avoid loss in the short term and to establish means to assess progress towards the (achievable) goal of ensuring that there is complete and effective e-preservation plans for all of our e-journal content. This is assisted by The Keepers Registry,, which provides a lens onto the extent of e-journal archiving as the leading archiving agencies report what they have ingested. The sustainability of archiving activity, and the means to monitor that activity, is of major strategic importance.

A related priority is to tackle the variety of ‘serial issues’ that can improve the effectiveness of archiving and monitoring. These include identification (e.g. ISSN and ISSN-L) of all types of continuing resources, particularly journals but also ongoing ‘integrating resources’ such as databases and Web sites; the consistent naming and identification of publishers (e.g. ISNI); and the continuing need for a universal holdings statement for assurance that each and every volume and issue has been successfully archived. 

Paper 2 – Opportunities and Challenges of MOOCS: Perspectives From Asia

Joyce Chao-chen Chen – Professor and University Librarian, National Taiwan Normal University

Abstract:  The recent growth of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) has led to discussions of technology-based instruction revolutionizing traditional higher-education teaching.  Here we analyze the origin of MOOCs, as well as trends in education initiated by these courses, and compare them with OpenCourseWare (OCW), YouTube EDU, iTunes U. Specifically, this paper will discuss the opportunities and challenges presented by MOOCs, from the perspective of Asian countries, with reference to economics, culture, language, and instruction. 

Bio: Joyce Chao-chen Chen is a professor of the Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies, and also as the University Librarian of National Taiwan Normal University. She received Ph.D. degree in Department of Library and Information Science from National Taiwan University in 1994. Prof. Chen was the organizer of IASL 2007 Annual Conference in Taipei and the member of the Research Team, IASL Research SIG. She is the former president of Library Association of Taiwan and now is the President of Interlibrary Cooperation Association. She is also as the standing committee of Academic and Research Libraries Section of IFLA, 2011-2015. Prof. Chen’s research area includes digital libraries, information organization, e-publishing, reading studies.

Paper 3 – MOOCs and the Library: Engaging with Evolving Pedagogy

Mariellen Calter – Assistant University Librarian & Chief of Staff, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA.

Abstract:  The emergence of the Massively Open Online Course, or MOOC, has been a topic of considerable analysis and discussion in academic circles in recent years, and is not infrequently mentioned as a disruptive technology in higher education.  As Stanford University has been prominent in the development of MOOC platforms, both the university as a whole and the Stanford University Libraries have a particular interest in understanding the potential for and impacts of this platform.  This paper briefly outlines the emergence of MOOCs within the context of online learning tools and distance learning, looks at how Stanford University as a whole, and the Stanford Libraries in particular, are integrating these technologies in their pedagogy. 

 Bio:  Mimi Calter is Assistant University Librarian and Chief of Staff for the Stanford University Libraries.  In that role, she serves as a policy coordinator for the organization, with a particular emphasis on copyright policy and copyright education.  She managed the development of the Stanford Copyright Renewal Database, and is responsible for the intellectual property rights for the works of William Saroyan, which are owned by the library.  She also manages the  Libraries’ facilities department, where she is responsible for several construction projects in the library system.

Paper 4 – Agile Management: Strategies for Success in Rapidly Changing Times – an Australian University Library Perspective

Andrew Wells – UNSW Library, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

AbstractThis paper explores the concept of agile management, revealing multiple meanings for the term.  Notable innovations and developments in Australian university libraries reflect conscious (or possibly not) applications of agile management techniques.  As a case study, changes at The University of New South Wales Library are examined in the light of agile management concepts.

Bio: Andrew Wells is the University Librarian at The University of New South Wales.  Over the years Andrew has overseen major changes to the University Library’s services, organisation and buildings.  He has taken a strong interest in improving facilities and steering the Library through a period of rapid changes in scholarly information.

 Andrew has held senior positions in several major Australian libraries.  Prior to joining UNSW, Andrew was the Assistant Director General, Resource Sharing Division at the National Library of Australia (1996-2001).  At the State Library of New South Wales, he occupied senior positions in a variety of roles, building on major periods of service at the University of Queensland Library, Macquarie University Library and a previous stint at UNSW Library from 1982 to 1986.

Andrew has been active in the library profession through his involvement in a wide range of committees, professional bodies and activities. He was the President of the Council of Australian University Librarians from 2007 to 2009 and is Chairperson of CEIRC (CAUL Electronic Information Resources Committee) for 2006 and 2007. He resumed this position again in 2010.
He was a mentor for the Aurora Leadership Institute for four consecutive years from 2003 to 2006.  Andrew has been a member of the Board of Intersect, NSW’s e-research organisation.  He is currently the Chair of the Board of CAVAL, a library services company based in Victoria. Other memberships include the JSTOR Library Advisory Board, OCLC Asia Pacific Regional Council and OCLC Global Council.
In 2011, Andrew was awarded the Fellowship of the Australian Library and Information Association.

Paper 5 – From Search to Discovery

Tamar Sadeh, PhD – Ex Libris

Abstract: The transition from library catalogs and scholarly databases to discovery systems introduces a fundamental shift in the information-seeking process. Coupled with an engaging and friendly user interface, the expansion of the search scope to the vast universe of scholarly materials—regardless of where they are, what format they are in, and whether the library owns them or subscribes to them—has been embraced by users, as search statistics have shown.

Although discovery systems provide access to an information landscape that is large and diverse, they typically offer, as the default option, simple, Google-like searching, accommodating the expectations of today’s users. With this type of searching, many queries yield large result sets; therefore, discovery systems focus on relevance ranking and on providing tools that help users easily navigate and refine the result sets. Librarians have welcomed the advances in discovery services for their users. However, this new reality poses challenges to the practices that librarians have developed over the years and, in some cases, is at odds with librarians’ systematic, controlled approach to searching.

In this session, we will look at the changes in information-seeking practices and discuss ways in which librarians can leverage their expertise and well-established tools to adapt to the new reality and contribute to improving the new tools that are available to their users.

Announcement: joint session program for Academic and Research Libraries with Knowledge Management in Singapore, 17-23 August 2013.

Joint session:  Knowledge Management  and Academic and Research Libraries at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress

Monday 19 August, 2013.  09.30-12.45

Session theme:  Agile management: strategies for achieving success in rapidly changing times

We will explore the ways that libraries around the globe have displayed ‘agile’ approaches to respond to a range of challenges. The current challenges we intend to examine include the restructuring of education, alternative models of scholarly communication, the growth of private/for-profit institutions, the onset of new modes of delivery, knowledge management and content management, the expansion of online learning and the rise of MOOCs (massive open online courses), new spaces and new roles. We will give special focus to best practice in the Asia Pacific region.

Program details:

 Who is looking after your e-journals?: Telling tales about the keepers registry & your digital shelves.  Peter Burnhill, EDINA, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland UK

 Implementing agile management through collaborative social computing. Margaret Tan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

 From search to discovery. Tamar Sadeh, Ex Libris, Jerusalem, Israel.

 Agile management: strategies for success in rapidly changing times.  Andrew Wells, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.  

MOOCs  in the library: addressing the changing needs of students and faculty in the age of online learningMariellen F. Calter, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA.

 The opportunities and challenges of MOOCs : viewpoints of Asia countries. Joyce Chen, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan.